Use "world power" in a sentence

1. The Anglo-American World Power will be the dominant world power when false religion is eradicated.


3. The nation declined as a world power.

4. It was the rising world power of Assyria.

5. Describe the greatness of the Babylonian World Power.

6. The A Empire declined as a world power.

7. Soon, though, Greece was supplanted as the world power.

8. China is definately establishing itself as a world power!

9. At that time Britain was a major world power.

10. A proxy vote; proxy troops for a world power.

11. China has once again emerged as a world power.

12. The beast that Daniel saw represented the Roman World Power.

13. Britain wants to maintain its position as a world power.

14. It also underlines China's status as a major world power.

15. What kind of world power would it wish to be?

16. The first stemmed from Britain's own decline as a world power.

17. An international consensus is emerging that China is a world power.

18. The tree initially represented Nebuchadnezzar as the ruler of a world power.


20. The United States had replaced Great Britain as the dominant world power.

21. During this time, Japan started its modernization and rose to world power status.

22. Certain facts concerning the Anglo-American world power shed light on the matter.

23. Who occupy a “holy place” that the seventh world power attempts to desolate?

24. 3:26-29) The Anglo-American World Power waged war with those holy ones.

25. 1914-1918 C.E. During World War I, Anglo-American World Power comes into being

26. During World War II, how did the seventh world power commit a notable “transgression”?

27. Predicting the nation which would be the ruling world power 100 years from now.

28. Nor was the United States the dominant world power it had been in 19

29. For a thousand years, China's position as the preeminent world power was beyond doubt.

30. Germany's strong industrial base has helped maintain its status as a major world power.

31. Let us see how the Anglo-American World Power tries to threaten the holy ones.

32. A TINY, defenseless group of people come under vicious attack by a mighty world power.

33. 13 For a thousand years, China's position as the preeminent world power was beyond doubt.

34. How were anointed Christians harassed by the Anglo-American World Power during World War I?

35. The Anglo-American combine, nevertheless, continues in its powerful dominating position as the Seventh World Power.

36. Please give a few words to describe your perception of China as a world power.

37. This cruel, ruthless world power would come upon Israel like a thunderous storm of powerful, flooding waters.

38. Gradually forming close ties, Britain and the United States of America became the Anglo-American World Power.

39. The king of the south became the Anglo-American World Power, the most powerful empire in history.

40. Why should it not be shocking that the Anglo-American dual world power is likened to a beast?

41. Greece now became the world power, and Alexander ‘ruled with extensive dominion and did according to his will.’

42. The fifth world power, Greece, had provided a common language, a universal means of communication among the nations.

43. History reveals this to be a dual world power composed of Britain and the United States of America.

44. A new mighty world power (Babylon) had lately taken the dominant position in the realm of world politics.

45. The fact is that even before chapter 40 of Isaiah, Babylon is sometimes described as the prevailing world power.

46. An interstellar energy bream projector would require vast amounts of energy -- far more than our current world power utilization.

47. When the Christian apostle Paul penned his second letter to his fellow elder Timothy, Rome was the dominant world power.

48. This defeat ended the Medo-Persian World Power as symbolized by the silver part of the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.

49. Answer: Assyria was an ancient nation that was a major world power for about a thousand years (1700—727 BC)

50. They heralded the dethroning of two kings, the death of one of them, and the end of a mighty world power.

51. Finally, the British Empire defeated the three rival empires of Spain, France, and the Netherlands to become the major world power.

52. 18 The Roman World Power, however, did not end with the removal of its last emperor in Rome in 476 C.E.

53. For most of the time the United States played little part in the organization of world power except in the Far East.

54. The small horn that became a fierce political power in the “time of the end,” then, is the Anglo-American World Power.

55. That the feet and toes are made up of iron and clay pictures the weakened state of the Anglo-American World Power.

56. 20 Though the exiled Israelites reside in the capital city of a wealthy world power, it is to them like a waterless desert.

57. Centuries after John’s death, the Roman empire passed from the scene as the dominant world power and was eventually replaced by the British empire.

58. 24 No one can stand up against the Prince of princes—not even a king as “fierce in countenance” as the Anglo-American World Power!

59. It was probably the whole series of rebellions from the 1820s to the end of the Taiping that broke the Qing as a world power.

60. The feet, an amalgam of iron and clay, symbolize the politically and socially incohesive state of affairs during the time of the Anglo-American world power.

61. 5 In Isaiah’s day Babylon is not yet the dominant world power, but Jehovah already foresees that when her time comes, she will abuse her power.

62. (Jeremiah 18:7-10; 2 Peter 3:9) Consider the case of the Babylonians, who, as the dominant world power, desolate Jerusalem in the year 607 B.C.E.

63. 12 The problem is that to vaunt modernisation, which implies that technological successes will make Russia a great world power again, is to set the wrong priority.

64. Those plagues were expressions of Jehovah’s judgment on that first world power and its false religion, but they also opened the way of escape for God’s people.

65. 19 hours ago · World Power Bickering: Eurasia Hoping To Steer Clear Of U.S.-China Rivalry March 23, 2021 07:48 GMT By Reid Standish;

66. Although the components of the dual world power have existed since the 18th century, John describes it as it would appear at the start of the Lord’s day.

67. For almost 50 years thereafter, “no wild beasts,” or political governments, were able to stand up against the Medo-Persian Empire—the fourth world power of Bible prophecy.

68. In 1914, she was the first woman elected to full membership in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and represented the society at the World Power Conference in Germany.

69. The Babylonian world power was pictured by a lion, the Persian by a bear, and the Greek by a leopard with four wings on its back and four heads.

70. That, in turn, raises the possibility of blunders and unnecessary show downs, and in general the predicament of a new world power stomping around, Gargantua-like, making onlookers tremble.

71. He took the opportunity to describe China's efforts to combat the financial crisis, to emphasise that China had no lust for world power, and to excoriate the "immorality" of unfettered market greed.

72. The Ottoman Turkish dynasty, founded by Osman I (c. 1300), became a major world power in the 15th century, and continued to play a very significant role throughout the 16th and 17th centuries.

73. It was Cyrus and Darius who, by sound and farsighted administrative planning, brilliant military maneuvering, and a humanistic worldview, established the greatness of the Achaemenids and in less than thirty years raised them from an obscure tribe to a world power.

74. Although that nation, the third world power of Bible record, will conquer God’s people and seek to ‘hem them in,’ or block their way of escape, faithful Jews know that Jehovah has foretold the fall of Babylon at the hand of Cyrus.

75. (Daniel 5:10-12) We can feel the hush that permeated the banqueting room as Daniel, in compliance with the request of King Belshazzar, proceeded to interpret those mystifying words to the emperor of the third world power of Bible history and his grandees.

76. 38 The “transgression causing desolation,” particularly the steps that the Anglo-American Dual World Power took even during World War II to lift the “abomination of desolation” out of the “abyss,” did not deceive the remnant of “holy ones” or turn them aside from their theocratic worship of Jehovah at his sanctuary.