Use "witnessing" in a sentence

1. Marketplace Witnessing

2. Witnessing During the Blitz

3. Why is street witnessing a beneficial and enjoyable form of witnessing?

4. 15. (a) Why is “informal witnessing” a better term than “incidental witnessing”?

5. when witnessing informally

6. Witnessing by Good Conduct

7. Prayer and Our Witnessing

8. Witnessing by Writing Letters

9. Witnessing with the Bible

10. (Acts 20:20) So “public” witnessing would be a more appropriate term than “alternative” witnessing.

11. Telephone Witnessing Can Be Effective

12. Worldwide Benefits of Cart Witnessing

13. Have You Tried Evening Witnessing?

14. 20 min: Witnessing by Good Conduct.

15. Street witnessing in Belgium in 1948

16. Has your congregation organized public witnessing?

17. Witnessing by intercom in Vienna, Austria

18. 15 min: “Witnessing by Good Conduct.”

19. Have you tried telephone witnessing?

20. (c) In group evening witnessing?

21. 3 Incidental or Informal Witnessing?

22. Living and Witnessing Through the Troubles

23. If buildings are being made inaccessible to uninvited visitors, are you doing telephone witnessing or witnessing by mail?

24. 20 min: “Witnessing Effectively in Public Places.”

25. They Have Not Held Back From Witnessing

26. (3) Try evening witnessing with magazines.

27. 20 min: Doing More Informal Witnessing.

28. How about witnessing informally at school?

29. 3 Successful informal witnessing requires advance preparation.

30. Witnessing to People of All Languages and Religions

31. Witnessing on the “floating” islands of Lake Titicaca

32. Dad was fearless in witnessing to others.

33. True, such witnessing is not always easy.

34. From my days of travel with Nathan until today, I enjoy informal witnessing —on airplanes, in restaurants— and street witnessing.

35. 15 min: “Telephone Witnessing Can Be Effective.”

36. 20 min: “New Initiatives for Public Witnessing.”

37. Sydnee treats her classmates as her personal witnessing territory.

38. How should the group be organized for apartment witnessing?

39. Am I witnessing mere incompetence or too much toot?

40. So the congregation has arranged regular market witnessing.

41. You are witnessing fulfillment of Bible prophecies today.

42. We also had many opportunities for informal witnessing.

43. Outline additional group-witnessing arrangements made for this week.

44. • Why are opposers unable to stop our witnessing activity?

45. Handbills continue to be an effective witnessing tool today.

46. (Invite some to relate experiences of witnessing informally.)

47. 25 min: “‘Bear Thorough Witness’ —By Apartment Witnessing.”

48. 9 Informal Witnessing Is Fruitful: During the two years that Paul was under house arrest in Rome, he saw good results from his witnessing efforts.

49. 4 When Telephone Witnessing: Consideration for others will move us to do telephone witnessing in a place where background noise can be controlled.

50. Publishers witnessing from store to store often enjoy good results.

51. Additional requests have been generated by new public witnessing initiatives.

52. She adjusted her activities by sharing in telephone witnessing.

53. These may be for midweek, weekend, or evening witnessing.

54. □ What is the key to witnessing without tiring out?

55. 4 During a month of special activity, one congregation instituted late-afternoon witnessing on Saturdays and Sundays and evening witnessing on Wednesdays and Fridays.

56. Jehovah’s Witnesses have literally covered the earth with their witnessing.”

57. Show an elder and an infirm publisher doing telephone witnessing.

58. (3) Discuss where and how to do informal witnessing.

59. Why should informal witnessing not be left to chance?

60. (Acts 17:17) This proved to be a productive form of witnessing then, and it is a productive form of witnessing in our day.

61. Every Monday, though, a cart for public witnessing is set up.

62. Special emphasis was given to telephone witnessing, especially for the infirm.

63. About the time I was baptized, street-corner witnessing was introduced.

64. (Acts 8:1) Did persecution put a stop to Christian witnessing?

65. Witnessing in Bogotá, Colombia’s capital, and in subtropical Cali, left

66. Do you engage in street witnessing from time to time?

67. Improving Our Skills in the Ministry —Witnessing Through an Intercom

68. (6) What good experiences have you had witnessing at work?

69. Relate experiences illustrating the benefits of witnessing in nursing homes.

70. Improving Our Skills in the Ministry —Witnessing in Business Territory

71. Why should we become adept at using our witnessing tools?

72. How has witnessing in various settings proved to be effective?

73. Arrange in advance local experiences of new ones witnessing to others.

74. Her formal field service is an extension of her informal witnessing.

75. ▪ What cautions should we heed when witnessing to prison inmates?

76. As a result of their witnessing, another schoolmate accepted the truth.

77. What can we say when witnessing to a storekeeper or manager?

78. It affords a measure of protection when witnessing in dangerous areas.

79. Where appropriate, evening witnessing may be organized for that week.

80. Frequently, we did street witnessing in Stenen and neighboring communities.