Use "without further ado" in a sentence

1. So... without further ado...

2. He entered her without further ado.

3. Now, without further ado, your suitor...

4. So without further ado, we present:

5. Without further ado we'll play " Navarra ".

6. We set to work without further ado.

7. Without further ado, I set to work.

8. Dorothy sends him away without further ado.

9. He would bar them without further ado.

10. Without further ado I handover to you Ma’am.

11. Villiers Betroths himself to her without further ado

12. He would bar them without further ado.

13. Without further ado, i present the honeymoon sweet.

14. So without further ado, here's a farewell extravaganza.

15. Without further ado, I present the story of us.

16. So without further ado, I would like to introduce

17. So without further ado, let's get on with tonight's show.

18. Without further ado, I now present the Cleveland symphony Orchestra.

19. Without further ado, I hand the mic to Secretary (West).

20. The chief of police released the brothers without further ado.

21. And now, without further ado, let me introduce our benefactor.

22. So without further ado, would you like to hear it?

23. And so, without further ado, let me introduce tonight's speaker.

24. Without further ado, I present to you "Papillon", first single from.

25. That is why MONUC needs to be deployed without further ado.

26. Without further ado, I hand over the mike to Secretary (East).

27. So without further ado let me turn over to Ian Eagle , Ian.

28. Without further ado, let me hand over the mic to Secretary (East).

29. Without further ado, I will hand over the mic to Secretary (East).

30. Anyway, without further ado, let us turn to the matter in hand.

31. The selection board interviewed him and rejected his application without further ado.

32. So, without further ado, let's jump right into the Damsel In Distress.

33. So without further ado,I will give the floor to guy Mackendrick

34. So, without further ado, I give you Harry Kim and the Kimtones.

35. Now, without further ado, we're going to let you try this cream.

36. Without further ado I would request Shri Panda to make his statement.

37. Without further ado I will request the Minister to kindly address the press.

38. So without further ado I would hand over the floor to JS (North).

39. So without further ado, I'll now ask Mr Davis to open the debate.

40. The policemen finally accepted the explanation and let him go without further ado.

41. Now, without further ado, allow me to introduce to you the Game On squad.

42. Without further ado Corbett, Selkirk and their small party returned to their own vessel.

43. And so, without further ado, we bring you HOW TO DANCE KPOP STYLE 2011!!!!

44. Stan then moved closer to Melanie, and a major fight erupted without further ado.

45. Friends, without further ado, I will now invite you to proceed to see the exhibition.

46. In time, they merely left the platform and disappeared into the crowd without further ado.

47. Having served over five months of his sentence, the president should release him without further ado.

48. Without further ado I will give the floor to the President of the Commission, Mr Prodi.

49. Without further ado and in no order, we present the Fortune 100 Great Things About America.

50. Ado is mostly used in set phrases, such as without further Ado or much Ado about nothing

51. Without further ado, I was given some booklets and told: “You work down that side of the street.”

52. Now without further ado, it's my very great pleasure to introduce to you this year's guest of honor.

53. If I do not mention it, is there the chance that it will dissipate itself without further ado?

54. Now without further ado, I'd like to turn it over to the man who has 500 career saves.

55. [ man ] So without further ado, it is our great pleasure to introduce to you author Noah Solloway. [ applause ]

56. If the risk from that hazard provides for risk management action, that action can be taken without further ado.

57. Without further ado, check out the healthy Breakfasts our motley team of athletes loves to eat! Oatmeals {{caption}} Zane Hadzick, Cold Oatmeal

58. So without further ado, he ordered that Paul ‘be examined under scourging, that he might know why they were shouting against Paul.’

59. The emptying of the house could therefore no longer be postponed and Charlotte had decided to put matters in hand without further ado.

60. After all, insurers may cancel a policy every twelve months without further ado, provided that it gives due notice to the policy-holder

61. So without further ado, Michael Linville, the [Dean] of Chamber Music at the New World Symphony, will perform the world premiere of the perfect ping.

62. So without further ado, Michael Linville, the director of chamber music at the New World Symphony, will perform the world premiere of the perfect ping.

63. So without further ado, here’s how to travel to the Breakaway Republic of Abkhazia! Where Even Is This Breakaway Republic Of Abkhazia??! Abkhazia is on the Black Sea

64. Without further ado, I will ask Secretary (East) to make his brief opening remarks, and then we will follow up with responses to any questions that you may have.

65. I know you're eager to get started so without further's our quick start guide that'll show you the quickest and most efficient way to receiving profits right away!

66. So without further ado, I give you one more song from the new disc, which has made the joy of my day ends up the Monumental Axis, the track "Temptation Dice.

67. Ladies and gentlemen, in asking three respected and experienced individuals to comment freely and express their ideas, the Commission wished, without further ado, to initiate and shed light on the debate.

68. Without further ado, we can pass from estrangement to embrace, as in the parable of the prodigal son, and see how God uses our own sinfulness as the vessel of his mercy.

69. Without further ado I would request the Foreign Secretary to brief you. We are running short of time because our scheduled departure is in a few minutes so after the Foreign Secretary’s remarks we will be open for a few questions.

70. That provision of the Statute, a provision enshrined in primary law and therefore ranking above the Rules of Procedure, would be rendered meaningless if, without further ado, it were to be ascribed the same content as the requirement of an ‘interest in the appeal being allowed or dismissed’, which — in accordance with Article 172 of the Rules of Procedure — already applies in any case.