Use "without delay" in a sentence

1. It will arrive without delay.

2. Help Them Return Without Delay!

3. Absolutely essential recruit agents without delay

4. Absolutely essential recruit agents without delay.

5. Without a time delay, this equation is exact.

6. Right to access to a court without delay

7. advance notification, where practicable, or without undue delay

8. (a) acknowledge receipt of the request without delay;

9. Why was it urgent to flee without delay?

10. We absolutely have to see this without delay.

11. The kick should be taken without undue delay .

12. To survive, Jesus’ followers had to flee without delay

13. 6 If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.

14. Kingdom Halls and other buildings are needed without delay.

15. The work should be carried out without undue delay.

16. Such access shall be provided without undue constraint or delay.

17. Without delay, they left their flocks and headed for Bethlehem.

18. Look sharp and take care of the chores without delay!

19. Jo wrathfully proposed that Mr. Davis be arrested without delay.

20. Without delay, he got into his chariot and sped toward Jezreel.

21. Take your men and proceed without delay to Aft Damage Control

22. Then, if it is arthritis, make arrangements to start treatment without delay.

23. Without delay, Puss - in - Boots pounced on the mouse and ate it.

24. Modern actuators include integral controls which process signals locally without any delay.

25. You and I must understand one another, and that too without delay.

26. He began its inspection without delay, scouring it from cellar to garret.

27. These failures are considered critical and Corrective actions are needed without delay

28. If adjustments are needed, by all means make them without delay. —Heb.

29. After the addition of the ammonia, carry out the determination without delay.

30. During acceleration, the centrifugal supercharger (15) can be switched on without delay.

31. Anyhow, we may now proceed without further delay and in absolute safety.

32. Action should be taken without delay because a new budget cycle was beginning.

33. Candidates are asked to report any change of address in writing without delay.

34. Donor assistance was absolutely critical and should be made available without further delay.

35. Suspects or accused persons shall have access to a lawyer without undue delay.

36. Donor assistance was absolutely critical and should be made available without further delay

37. Christian elders need to act without delay when problems arise in the congregation.

38. (a) the Commission shall register the modification in the Central Register without delay;

39. The EHX Analogizer thaws out digitally processed guitar, and gives you the sound and feel of an analog delay without the long delay times

40. If you have Creditable coverage, you can delay signing up for Medicare without penalty.

41. On the public accessible part of their website Member States shall publish without delay

42. The Commission shall without delay circulate any comments or objections to all competent authorities.

43. The reception of the COF shall be indicated to the accepting controller without delay

44. We must deny access to funds used by terrorists and their supporters without delay

45. If the alarm threshold is exceeded, personal protection measures shall be taken without delay.

46. The reception of the ROF shall be indicated to the transferring controller without delay

47. 21 synonyms for Apace: quickly, rapidly, swiftly, speedily, without delay, at full speed, expeditiously

48. Furthermore, allergological diagnostics are necessary without delay to identify what has elicited the reaction.

49. Where a natural gas undertaking has refused access, the application shall be presented without delay.

50. One must seek Blepharospasm cure without delay as carelessness may land you in bigger trouble.

51. These two figures perfectly illustrate the absolute need to implement these financial perspectives without delay.

52. send the transit advice note without delay to the office of transit originally designated, or

53. Where a natural gas undertaking has refused access, the application shall be presented without delay

54. It is essential to ensure that commitments to provide additional resources are implemented without delay.

55. Denial of access to a legal adviser shall be subject to independent review without delay.

56. It is He who invites us to come unto Him and serve Him, without delay.

57. Jesus had specifically instructed them to leave their material possessions behind and depart without delay.

58. ·without delay, of any modification of the names and addresses or withdrawal of any authorised producers.

59. shall send the transit advice note without delay to the office of transit originally designated, or

60. It is vital to allow unimpeded access for humanitarian assistance and aid to Gaza without delay.

61. Promptness: All staff members to understand and follow empathy in discharging their duties without undue delay.

62. without delay, of any modification of the names and addresses or withdrawal of any authorised producers.

63. inform the Commission without delay of any modification of the names and addresses of authorized producers

64. Having accomplished the purpose of his journey, Eliezer desired to return to his master without delay.

65. That is why we need without delay to address the challenge of their control and regulation

66. Transparent and efficient procedures should be established to guarantee access to the antigen without undue delay.

67. These adjusted amounts shall be communicated to the Standing Committee of the EFTA States without delay.

68. keep records that enable the IORP to identify all assets at all times and without delay;

69. — shall send the transit advice note without delay to the office of transit originally designated, or

70. The hotel must notify the customer without delay that it is exercising is right of rescission.

71. Atrioventricular delay ( AV delay ) Atrioventricular interval (def

72. Let's find out the prerequisites to install Affluences on Windows PC or MAC computer without much delay.

73. inform the Commission without delay of any modification of the names and addresses of authorised producers; and

74. We therefore appeal to the international community to contribute additional funds to the Special Court without delay.

75. A patient displaying visual disorders during treatment with nitisinone should without delay be examined by an ophthalmologist

76. So I think it is absolutely essential that the Commission bring forward a proposal here without delay.

77. Applicants are asked to report any change of address in writing without delay to the address above

78. At Cureus, we emphasize publishing quality content and enable authors to publish quickly without hassle or delay.

79. We therefore appeal to the international community to contribute additional funds to the Special Court without delay

80. e) To send acknowledgement letters to the authors of correspondence asserting claims against States parties without delay