Use "wither" in a sentence

1. Baʹshan and Carʹmel wither,+

2. That your arm will wither?

3. His arm will wither completely,

4. And the blossoms of Lebʹa·non wither.

5. He is just letting it wither there.

6. Vegetation would wither; crops would fail.

7. All their army will wither away,

8. We will all wither like a leaf,

9. The prominent people of the land wither.

10. Remember; flowers wither, let The Basketry deliver! …

11. And his branches will wither above him.

12. But why did Jesus cause the tree to wither?

13. I saw my father wither away and die.

14. Without regular divisions, Astilbe may wither from overcrowding.

15. Failing some rain soon,the crops will wither.

16. The department itself would wither on the vine.

17. Age does not wither us: it accentuates our main characteristics.

18. Fruitless, materialistic pursuits can cause a person to “wither.”

19. A Tree “the Foliage of Which Does Not Wither

20. Even Marx intended that the state should wither away.

21. Industries unable to modernise have been left to wither.

22. If you don't get more soon, you shall wither and die.

23. 16 A Tree “the Foliage of Which Does Not Wither

24. And of a son of man who will wither like green grass?

25. Programmes would wither away if they did not command sufficient local support.

26. Caliginous by When Hearts Wither, released 12 September 2019 1

27. * Slowly but surely, the Earth * * began to wither and die. *

28. A Corruptible crown - A garland of leaves, which must soon wither

29. Listen to Browbeats: Wither Wing by Various Artists on Apple Music

30. The flowers will wither if you don't put them in water.

31. It is unforgivable to leave it to wither on the vine.

32. For like grass they soon wither, and fade like the green of spring.

33. Like flowers cut from a plant, they slowly began to wither and die.

34. Nice way of saying that everything he touches seems to wither and die.

35. By the beginning of autumn, most Asphodels produce seeds and wither away

36. It can begin in flight, pull up roots, and wither and die.

37. " May his right arm wither and his right eye lose its sight. "

38. Words to express her feelings seemed to wither and die inside her.

39. To see my body literally wither away before my eyes was exasperating.

40. 13 It is unforgivable to leave it to wither on the vine.

41. If the rest of the sustaining biosphere were absent, gardens would wither.

42. As flowers bloom and wither, so goes the cycle of reincarnation.

43. But if mistreated or oppressed, the child will wither inside and possibly die spiritually.

44. A Blight is a disease that hurts plants and makes their leaves wither

45. They uprooted them, as Marshall had uprooted the cannabis, and watched them wither.

46. (b) In what ways are “the high ones” the first to ‘wither’?

47. When the wither tree kills a creature, it withers and releases Blightful spores

48. This country is in danger of allowing its industrial base to wither away.

49. 17 Gaza will writhe in agony and Ekron too , for her hope will wither.

50. Jesus teaches what lessons with the fig tree that he caused to wither?

51. 28 To see my body literally wither away before my eyes was exasperating.

52. At Green Animals, severe cold has been known to make a privet nose wither.

53. Even with the rise of the Internet, few expert observers expect newspapers to wither away.

54. And if his schemes at home come to naught, then his credibility abroad will wither.

55. Since insincere honor does not grow out of genuine respect, it will wither sooner or later.

56. As a stake in society comes in at a higher cost, the old certainties begin to wither.

57. And if that man is married and a Catholic, his political career will wither and die.

58. In gaming, design and creativity often wither on the vine because of the industry's technology fetishism.

59. It would never survive, of course; the slightest hint of a late frost and it would wither and drop.

60. This was his St Martin's summer, an autumnal madness, nothing that the first cold of winter couldn't wither.

61. For modern Realists the state was not about to wither away and deprive their theory of its foundations.

62. I will darken Lebʹa·non because of it, and the trees of the field will all wither away.

63. Constructive conflict energizes relationships; they might wither and die if we were ever able to eliminate conflict.

64. The fine talk in the sessions about love and understanding, give and take, began to wither on the vine.

65. Rather, they are like living things that grow slowly with constant feeding but that wither and die if starved.

66. Allowing home and social lives to wither means that there are no other sources of support when work fails.

67. Will someone not tear out its roots+ and make its fruit rot and cause its sprouts to wither?

68. After about a month the female flowers develop into the hop “cones”, while the male flowers simply wither away.

69. If I don't return regularly to my planet... and the light within it... this form will wither and perish.

70. ‘There will be no grapes left on the vine, no figs on the fig tree, and the leaves will wither.

71. The Formidi-Bomb destroys the Wither Storm, freeing the citizens it ate, including a now amnesiac Gabriel or Petra.

72. The roots that develop cannot reach down far, and the new plants are scorched by the sun and wither.

73. 5 The psalmist answers: “For like grass they will speedily wither, and like green new grass they will fade away.”

74. The umbilical stump is then simply allowed to wither and drop off , which usually happens in about 10 days to 3 weeks .

75. Listen to Ode on the Witches and Fairies of Shakespeare - Ed: Pilkington: No.18 "Wither Ye Beldames" on Spotify

76. Any of numerous plant diseases that cause leaves, stems, fruits, and tissues to wither and die. Rust, mildew, and smut are Blights

77. Wither convinced Animus to join the group, Animus then learning that she couldn't accomplish her goal without escaping the seemingly infinite meadow.

78. There was some debate as to whether the benefit scheme should be withdrawn or simply allowed to wither on the vine.

79. Prior to reaching the end, blowing heartily, even the blowing of the spring flower, wither hurt Bishu, overblow the autumn leaf!

80. Any of numerous plant diseases that cause leaves, stems, fruits, and tissues to wither and die. Rust, mildew, and smut are Blights