Use "with the grain" in a sentence

1. First he takes the chicken across, leaving the fox with the grain

2. Each layer is placed with the grain running at right angles to the adjacent veneer.

3. Peel the ginger, slice thinly with the grain, and cut the slices lengthwise into thin shreds.

4. The effects of spikelet and grain positions on the weight, protein content and protein weight of individual grain varied with the grain number of spikelets .

5. With the grain stores once again shipped to Rome, Aurelian's soldiers handed out free bread to the citizens of the city, and the Emperor was hailed a hero by his subjects.

6. Austrian cereal production down 11% in 2009 She gave other going-with-the-grain tips, which include swapping whole wheat Breadstuffs for white rolls and breads, using whole wheat bread crumbs for stuffing.

7. 30 “He will offer up one of the turtledoves or one of the young pigeons, according to his means,+ 31 the one he can afford, as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering+ along with the grain offering; and the priest will make atonement for the one cleansing himself before Jehovah.