Use "with one voice" in a sentence

1. They exclaimed with one voice.

2. They consented with one voice.

3. He was chosen with one voice.

4. The resolution was acclaimed with one voice.

5. With one voice , the workers voted to strike.

6. Our group rejected this proposal with one voice.

7. They asked for his resignation with one voice.

8. Let us be united and speak with one voice.

9. The voice of one man is the voice of no one. 

10. Ground of all with one voice says students: " The president. "

11. Ground of full - court guest all with one voice says.

12. The committee decided with one voice to accept the proposal.

13. No one had a problem with intonation or voice quality.

14. Ground of all with one voice answers children: The buttock!

15. Salomon Brothers was speaking with one voice, and it was loud.

16. The various opposition parties speak with one voice on this issue.

17. Where Clinton speaks with one voice, they speak with several, weakening their philosophical case.

18. With one voice they cried out, " Away with this man ! Release Barabbas to us! "

19. Choir, body of singers with more than one voice to a part

20. After his attack on Harpers Ferry, the south spoke with one voice.

21. The news came out, people from the mainland attacked with one voice.

22. One of'em's old Muff Potter's voice. "

23. Being very angry, the companions hooted him off the stage with one voice.

24. The teachers speak with one voice when they demand an end to the cuts.

25. For example, in one movie a woman sings with a very high falsetto voice.

26. In part this is because traditional media has primarily been speaking with one voice.

27. They put it about with one voice that they would do no such thing.

28. It became extraordinarily difficult for them to speak with one voice on critical issues.

29. THE European Union will be heeded by Russia only when It'speaks with one voice.

30. Data voice panels, interfaces for use with voices, voice apparatus for analogue and digital network apparatus, voice operated coders, voice processing apparatus, voice processing instruments, voice processing systems, voice recognisers

31. One concerns the tonality of the human voice.

32. 14 A medicated cough drop (especially one with menthol) will be good for your voice.

33. Her voice was quite unlike her usual one.

34. 29 Her voice was quite unlike her usual one.

35. There was only one dissenting voice during the discussion.

36. This particular person had a very Breathy voice and one of the problems with a Breathy voice is you don’t get very much volume when you’re speaking

37. His voice trembled with rage.

38. Bertha's voice quivered with indignation.

39. Her voice squeaking with embarrassment.

40. It is one of the leading signaling protocol s for Voice over IP , along with H.323 .

41. Impact, Farm Bureau members’ Advocacy efforts ensure all of agriculture speaks with one voice through FB Advocacy

42. Countertenors sing with a modal voice, a modal and falsetto voice or

43. Her voice thrilled with horror.

44. Lou's voice quivered with indignation.

45. This shadow was propelled by the voice of one man...

46. The one thing you can't quibble about is the voice.

47. With a booming voice and imposing physical presence, he is one of the best-known Chicago blues artists.

48. His voice was hoarse with anxiety.

49. His voice was husky with longing .

50. His voice was husky with grief.

51. He speaks with a falsetto voice.

52. His voice was quivering with rage.

53. With that annoying voice of yours.

54. His voice was choking with rage.

55. Her voice was husky with anger.

56. His voice filled with fatherly concern.

57. Sylvie's voice was warm with complicity.

58. His voice was hoarse with exhaustion.

59. It is also called the head or throat voice, in contradistinction to the chest voice, which is the natural one

60. In his clear, dreamy voice, words and melodies flow as one.

61. • If one wishes to bypass it to speak with an agent, give the voice command "agent" after the greeting.

62. His voice is shaken by the tumult of his feelings ... Outside some one touches you ... with a light greeting.

63. Anyone is built for meaningful one-on-one conversations, reconnecting people through the power of voice

64. 14 His voice was hoarse with exhaustion.

65. Iris's voice was heavily laced with irony.

66. He spoke with a reedy, quavering voice.

67. 20 Her voice was choked with rage.

68. Her voice was sharp with urban assertiveness.

69. Voice over IP adaptors that include one or more Ethernet ports and one or more telephone ports

70. Gloom intermingled with light; and his voice subdued with emotion.

71. With Ensemble SuperMusique : Jean Derome , flute, saxophone, objects, voice; Joane Hétu , saxophone, voice; Diane Labrosse , sampler, accordion, voice; Pierre-Yves Martel , viola da gamba, electric bass; Danielle Palardy Roger , percussion, voice; Pierre Tanguay , percussion, voice; Martin Tétreault , turntables.

72. Method: Testing F O of lowest true voice, comfortable voice, highest true voice and falsetto voice.

73. 12 He spoke with a reedy, quavering voice.

74. She charmed her listeners with her sweet voice.

75. Her voice was raspy with nicotine and whiskey.

76. Clownfish voice changer is just like one of the voice changer applications but this is free to use and with windows operating system and great customer service which you see in their reviews

77. By inflecting the voice more one can hold the attention of an audience.

78. To have one lone voice attacking royalty in Jubilee week seemed perfectly fair.

79. This has already raised fears among foreign governments that the administration is not speaking with one voice on vital international issues.

80. Caroled: to produce musical sounds with the voice.