Use "wavered" in a sentence

1. Her voice wavered uncertainly.

2. Her veneration for traditional learning never wavered.

3. The drunkard wavered out of the wineshop.

4. But your support and friendship never wavered .

5. 17 The shadows of the dancers wavered continually.

6. Popular support wavered, morale ebbed away, and Congress abandoned Philadelphia.

7. Some military commanders wavered over whether to support the coup.

8. After a few days, their certitude of his return had wavered.

9. The light was too dim, the newsprint wavered, the words blurred together.

10. Some members of the Church with testimonies have wavered and fallen away.

11. Silhouette tunnels of darkness arrowed out and wavered in front of them.

12. What would happen, they wondered, if a Witness wavered and accepted a blood transfusion?

13. The boy opened his mouth, wavered, then looked at a spot on the linoleum and put his breakfast there.

14. Centricity has proven to be very reliable and they have not wavered in any way with their products

15. That something was dreadfully wrong was an idea which urgently called his attention, but it wavered beyond his grasp.

16. At the first onset of this new band of warriors the Trojans wavered; they thought Achilles led them on.

17. Through all of this, Paul never wavered in his determination to be a zealous preacher of the good news.

18. Despite their hardships and their heartaches, their faith never wavered, and neither has the faith of many of their descendants.

19. The tight ranks wavered and melted before the driving spearhead, even though it was now sadly deformed and its speed slackened.

20. (Exodus 12:1-28) However, the faith of many wavered when they saw Pharaoh’s army close behind them at the Red Sea.

21. Chancellorship of Angela Merkel First two terms and the euro-zone debt crisis As support for the SPD wavered, Schröder called for an early general election to be held in September 2005, and the result was a virtual stalemate

22. It was only when his faith wavered and fear took control, only when he removed his glance from the Master to look at the furious waves and the ominous black gulf beneath, only then did he begin to sink into the sea.