Use "water surface profile" in a sentence

1. Pollutants can acidify surface water.

2. Real-time pavement profile sensing system using air-coupled surface wave

3. Surface water made driving conditions hazardous.

4. Water resistant decorative surface coatings [paints]

5. Backwater is measured above the normal water surface elevation, and is the maximum difference between the normal water surface elevation and the water surface elevation resulting from the obstruction to flow

6. Analysis and assessment of surface water resources

7. Adsorbed water molecules interact with the surface.

8. (i) surface water and associated terrestrial ecosystems

9. Water resources management, surface and groundwater hydrology.

10. 1 Surface water made driving conditions hazardous.

11. An angle between the profile and the 3D non-planar surface is calculated.

12. the effect of water treatment processes on the nature of residues present in surface and groundwater, when surface water or groundwater are abstracted for drinking water;

13. When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface.

14. Below the surface there is hard saline water.

15. Alluvial soils are soils deposited by surface water

16. The breeze fretted the surface of the water.

17. Clean surface water is, of course, very important.

18. Water resistant protective surface coatings being chemical, paints

19. He dived below the surface of the water.

20. Compared to the standard triangle profile, the helical screw thread profile has a smaller cross-sectional surface area and, consequently, removes less bone.

21. Billow: a moving ridge on the surface of water.

22. Standing water geometry may be a surface or point

23. This could cause water to rise to the surface.

24. 15 When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface.

25. Water molecules produce surface tension, creating an elastic “skin.”

26. Water covers a large proportion of the earth's surface.

27. She stared at the tranquil surface of the water.

28. A gentle wind disturbed the surface of the water.

29. Spray rose up from the surface of the water.

30. The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers.

31. Aquaplaning is a surface water sport which involves riding a board (Aquaplane) over the surface of a body of water towed behind a motorboat

32. The nanoscale coating creates a hydrophilic (water-attracting) surface to attract water and allow it to easily wick across the surface of the Borosilicate glass.

33. Even deep wells can be polluted by surface water runoff.

34. So, there is a lot of water below the surface.

35. It ranks 24th in lake water surface area in Japan.

36. 4 The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers.

37. 1 A gentle wind disturbed the surface of the water.

38. 18 The light reflected off the surface of the water.

39. Broached: to penetrate the surface (as of water) from below.

40. The surface water quality is linked to ground water and adjacent land uses outside of RMNPC.

41. Advisories Real-time alerts to public health concerns in the air, drinking water and surface water

42. Aldicarb, Aldicarb sulfone, and Aldicarb sulfoxide in three water types: surface water, ground water, and drinking water using LC-MS/MS (see Table 1)

43. The water seat also includes a guiding portion adjacent the sealing surface and opposite the polygonal guiding surface.

44. The Atmospheric surface ECVs are: Air temperature, Wind speed and direction, Water vapor, Pressure, Precipitation, Surface radiation budget

45. Thus, the leaf surface exposed to the air is morphologically the abaxial surface and that in contact with the water is the adaxial surface.

46. As water flows through the pipe, it disperses water across the surface of your aquarium, Agitating it

47. They walk and run with great speed on the water surface .

48. Minimum water surface area for each additional animal in group holding

49. The surface mineral water here is hot enough to boil eggs.

50. Wherever there is surface water, there is the risk of Aquaplaning.

51. He came to the surface of the water gasping for air.

52. 18 Ahead,( the whale breached the surface of the water.

53. The air jet removes standing water from the road surface and the dryer evaporates any residual moisture on the surface.

54. the height of the antenna above the water surface at current draught,

55. the analytical methods in soil and surface water for the metabolite NOA457654;

56. -the height of the antenna above the water surface at current draught,

57. We present surface pressure measurements on polyvinylacetate at the air/water interface.

58. The divers have begun to ascend to the surface of the water.

59. Every day, water rises from the surface of the leaves as vapour.

60. Creeks? They are all names for water flowing on the Earth's surface

61. If there’s any standing water left on the Concrete’s surface, push it …

62. Barium from the water is adsorbed onto the negatively charged HMO surface.

63. Density, water absorption, thickness swelling, flexural strength and surface hardness were evaluated.

64. The water brings those oils to the surface , making it sneaky-slick .

65. Ninety percent of the floating ice, however, is below the water surface.

66. As water begins to boil, bubbles rise ever faster to the surface.

67. They were capped by flat discs and had a smooth surface without any semblance of an aero dynamic profile.

68. Height scanning interferometer for determining the absolute position and surface profile of an object with respect to a datum

69. Oil has a tendency to spread over the surface of water , thus inhibiting the diffusion of oxygen into water .

70. Disposal wells are used to prevent surface contamination of soil and water by injecting the produced water deep underground.

71. Crusts create a surface roughness that slows the surface runoff of water and may trap soil particles arriving via wind deposition

72. Similarly an insect walking on the surface of a pond would have gravity counteracted by the surface tension of the water.

73. Abstract class representing a WFD body of surface water or body of groundwater.

74. Excess water lowers the surface tension and makes the clay soft and weak.

75. The net is weighted to keep it below the surface of the water.

76. Melting Arctic ice adds to the fresh water accumulating in near-surface layers.

77. The natural process is just like the freeze blow over the water surface.

78. (2) the analytical methods in soil and surface water for the metabolite NOA457654;

79. Consumptive Use of Surface and Ground Water Consumptive water use causes diminishment of the source at the point of appropriation

80. The rotating gate for shallow water drainage and damming timely adjusts the water level of farmland surface water and underground water better according to the growth needs of crops.