Use "water down" in a sentence

1. The clouds poured down water.

2. The water roared down the chute.

3. The water swirled down the drain.

4. We' ve closed down the water pumps

5. My men closed down the water pumps.

6. Some pesticides break down safely in water.

7. Sea water percolates down through the rocks.

8. -, “Bottled Water: Pouring Resources Down the …

9. Water poured down the wall from the roof.

10. (Water splashes) And pitched it down another octave.

11. The water gradually percolated down through the sands.

12. We left our horses down by the water.

13. She dragged the canoe down to the water.

14. They slid the canoe down to the water.

15. Down: The soft plumage of water fowl, minimum weight ratio 85% down, 15% feathers.

16. 13 The fever was put down to bad water.

17. You ever accidentally drink water down your air pipe?

18. The nearest water is right down in that village.

19. From there on we've already brought the water down.

20. I'll get some clean water and wash him down.

21. Urea naturally breaks down into ammonia in the water.

22. Water companies have got to cut down on wastage.

23. He slipped down the riverbank and into the water.

24. She felt the cold water trickle down her throat.

25. The whirlpool sucked down everything floating on the water.

26. Drink plenty of cold water to cool yourself down.

27. The attendant scrubs you down with soap and water.

28. Cruise down to the water with the Beachgoer with scooter

29. 3 She felt the cold water trickle down her throat.

30. The boat bobbed gently up and down on the water.

31. The drains flooded and water overflowed down the main street.

32. Dive down through the pellucid water and turn a boulder.

33. 28 Water companies have got to cut down on wastage.

34. Atrazine is broken down slowly by water, sunlight, and microorganisms

35. 1 The disease was put down to bad drinking water.

36. 16 We stripped off and ran down to the water.

37. Wind and water slowly wore down the mountain's jagged edges.

38. Your canoe will be right down there by the water.

39. 3 We stripped off and ran down to the water.

40. The blade then sinks straight down, pulling the paddle under water.

41. If we release the water will it slow down the collapse?

42. To move up and down: a cork Bobbing on the water

43. She brought her hand down on the water with a smack.

44. If the water table goes down, you will find new stairs.

45. Gideon is told to have them go down to the water.

46. 8 The boat bobbed gently up and down on the water.

47. Water was soon cascading down the stairs from the top storey.

48. This will protect your water supply from a potential contaminant entering your water supply down the abandoned well.

49. It went round and round, down under the white water, and up again ... under the water, and up.

50. To tone down (color) Añade agua para Atenuar el color.Add water to tone down the color

51. Take it off the flame and pour water on it, or let it cool down, the piston moves down.

52. 15 The outbreak of cholera was put down to bad drinking water.

53. 28 He pulled the chain that hung down from the water tank.

54. Then the bottles were buried, their necks pointing down to exclude water.

55. Put your foot into cold water to help the swelling go down.

56. 29 She brought her hand down on the water with a smack.

57. The carpenter made the roof aslant to allow water to run down.

58. As Joʹnah sinks down into the water, the big fish swallows him.

59. Silently, he went down into the water and swam across the moat.

60. 3 He let down a bucket into the well to draw water.

61. The water made a gurgling noise as it ran down the drain.

62. Kusum slowly came down the steps and stood looking at the water .

63. Water usage is down 75 percent in our worldwide carpet tile business.

64. * Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, Acts 8:38.

65. A boy herded half a dozen camels down towards the water trough.

66. It went down well, with dry bread to mop up the water.

67. The enzyme Catalase quickly breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen

68. Water Boatmen swim head down along the bottom in search of food

69. You go down to the shore, you fill a cup of water.

70. If your child's temperature rises, sponge her down gently with tepid water.

71. The carpenters made the roof aslant to allow water to run down.

72. Running water had carved a groove down the face of the wall.

73. And I'll never forget the comforting sound of water trickling down a stream.

74. A pipe burst in one of the apartments above, and water gushed down.

75. He filled a cup with water and drank it down in one gulp.

76. A herd of water buffalo charges down a dirt road in rural Laos.

77. The present paper studies the water/ammonia film falling down along evaporation tubes.

78. He sends down a basket with food, water, and a two-way radio.

79. The Buddha went down into the water and came up with Jennifer Lopez .

80. In the harbour, the boats bobbed gently up and down on the water.