Use "warheads" in a sentence

1. America will send nuclear warheads.

2. Each missile packs several warheads.

3. This wasn't caused by nuclear warheads.

4. Yes, warheads are on the move.

5. October 23-Aleksandrovsk arrived in La Isabella with 24 warheads for R-14 and 44 warheads for FKRs

6. Ballistic missiles can carry either nuclear or conventional warheads

7. This former Soviet republic officially lists the warheads as “missing.”

8. Initial fears that the Scuds were carrying chemical warheads proved groundless.

9. Allistic and cruise missiles can be armed with conventional or nonconventional warheads

10. One country is said to have bought at least two nuclear warheads from Kazakhstan.

11. 14 He asked for immediate help from the United States to dismantle the warheads.

12. The torpedoes are equipped with acoustic tracking and measuring equipment in place of warheads.

13. Today, however, there are systems equipped to deliver atomic warheads whose accuracy defies imagination.

14. Why don't we just send up 150 nuclear warheads and blast that rock apart?

15. October 30-Aleksandrovsk ordered back to Severomorsk still carrying the 24 warheads for R-14s,

16. Micarta 259-2 was used as the ablation heat shield material in early ICBM warheads.

17. If the reactor's breached, the warheads have released any radioactive debris, we'll just back off.

18. 6 Indeed, fusion bombs and warheads must be periodically disassembled and recharged with fresh tritium.

19. The tiny HORNET warheads had been transferred aboard from the Brasidas, a destroyer with extensive damage.

20. If he believes in friendship and partnership, at whom will we be pointing the Trident warheads?

21. Iran has 12 X-55 long range cruise missiles purchased without nuclear warheads from Ukraine in 2001.

22. No city lies beyond their reach, and the warheads usually land within a mile of the target.

23. A Ballistic missile follows a Ballistic trajectory to deliver one or more warheads on a predetermined target

24. October 26-28-Aleksandrovsk "partially" unloaded-warheads for FKRs were unloaded and sent to units

25. First, the breakup of the Soviet Union has created a situation without accountability for warheads, missiles and uranium.

26. The present invention relates to an apparatus for collecting warheads, which facilitates the collection of warheads having different diameters and various types of bullets used in a shooting range and which is capable of controlling shock absorption according to the type of warhead.

27. Impact Confections, based in Janesville, Wisconsin, is the parent company of WARHEADS Sour Candies, Melster Candies, and more.

28. An Albm could be used to attack an aircraft carrier or even deliver nuclear warheads, foreign media claim

29. We know that a week ago four MIRV warheads were smuggled... out of the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan.

30. Now Mr Major is expected to announce that the Trident submarines will carry far fewer than the expected 512 warheads.

31. Countermeasures were introduced in the game Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance as a means of protecting one's ship from enemy warheads

32. It revealed 000 chemical bombs, as well as 50 Scud missiles, including at least 30 with chemical warheads for long-range missiles.

33. They have acquired a nuclear base at Artem, that houses 25 hardened silos for Russian ICBMs, armed with up to ten warheads apiece.

34. Each of the 14 Ohio -class SSBNs originally carried up to 24 submarine-launched Ballistic missiles (SLBMs) with multiple, independently-targeted warheads

35. God willing, in less than 48 hours... you will evacuate this island in gunships under cover of hostages and V.X. gas warheads.

36. Warhead Countermeasures were self-defense mechanisms employed on various small spacecraft such as starfighters and light freighters, designed to protect the ship against incoming warheads

37. G-Man is seen operating a very wide range of machinery and technology, ranging from cellular phones and sealed steel doors to nuclear warheads and teleporters.

38. Khrushchev was concerned about the heavy-lift ship Aleksandrovsk, which had been sent to Cuba with a cargo of nuclear warheads, and suggested that caution be exercised

39. The Hatf-II Abdali missile was " indigenously developed" and can carry "all types of warheads, " according to the army, which did not disclose the test's location in Pakistan.

40. But by the '60s the ICBM had become routinized as the delivery vehicle for nuclear warheads and everyone realized that super-fast interceptors (and supersonic bombers) were kind of pointless.

41. When I refer to the social responsibility of the writer, I do not mean to suggest that he must be preoccupied with urban decay, teenage Acidheads, thermonuclear warheads, and population bomb

42. To try to counter this threat, the United States, while not adding to the total number of its missiles, has begun placing multiple warheads on their land and submarine-launched missiles.

43. Remarkable advances have also been made in radar and satellites, with the development of new generations that make possible the signal acquisition essential to the detection and tracking of missiles and warheads.

44. Today, HM Naval Base Clyde, 25 miles (40 km) west of Glasgow, is the base for the four Trident-armed Vanguard class ballistic missile submarines which are armed with approximately 200 Trident nuclear warheads.

45. After the end of the Cold War and anti-proliferation treaties restricting the deployment of long-range nuclear missiles, the Russians made efforts to develop tactical versions of the Kh-55 with conventional warheads.

46. The missiles had ranges from 300 km to up to 2,000 km...Iranian experts have made some changes to Shahab-3 missiles installing cluster warheads in them with the capacity to carry 1,400 bombs."

47. Pre-war, Abile was known as Abilene, and even though the oil dried up sometime in the middle of the Resource Wars period, the town was still prosperous enough to be destined for at least three nuclear warheads

48. As you can see, many of them are young women, and they're doing fiercely interesting stuff, like Mareena Robinson Snowden here, who is developing new ways, better ways, to detect nuclear warheads, which will help us overcome a critical hurdle to international disarmament.

49. Some # nuclear warheads still existed; the planned national missile defence and theatre missile defence systems in the United States threatened to undermine the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (ABM Treaty); and nuclear weapons were becoming increasingly important in certain military doctrines

50. Despite a welter of statements, exhortations and resolutions on numerous occasions and in a variety of forums, we are now, in terms of global outlay and expenditures, some # nuclear warheads, a massive accumulation of conventional armaments and $ # billion further away from the goal of disarmament

51. Despite a welter of statements, exhortations and resolutions on numerous occasions and in a variety of forums, we are now, in terms of global outlay and expenditures, some 35,000 nuclear warheads, a massive accumulation of conventional armaments and $800 billion further away from the goal of disarmament.

52. Beginning in 1942, to compensate for its lack of heavy bombers, the Luftwaffe started to experiment with packing some of its war-weary Junkers Ju 88 bombers with enormous shaped-charge warheads and guiding them to their targets with a fighter airplane mounted on the back of the unmanned bomber.

53. Ablative armor is armor which prevents damage through the process of ablation, the removal of material from the surface of an object by vaporization, chipping, or other erosive processes.In contemporary spacecraft, Ablative plating is most frequently seen as an Ablative heat shield for a vehicle that must enter atmosphere from orbit, such as on nuclear warheads, or space vehicles like the Mars