Use "wander off" in a sentence

1. ... can just wander off the street.

2. 11 Don't wander off the point again!

3. Don't leave the group, don't wander off alone

4. The Auctioning off of poor people, letting them wander …

5. 12 Don't let any of the kids wander off.

6. 24 Don't wander off the subject-keep to the point.

7. 7 How could you let him wander off like that?

8. Don't worry if you lose hold of the reins - the horse won't wander off.

9. We need not wander.

10. Often, in order to preserve peace, she would wander off in the opposite direction, to keep out of trouble.

11. My mind continued to wander.

12. Nomadic tribes wander these deserts.

13. 27 Don't let your mind wander!

14. 19 She let her gaze wander.

15. You wander in here and say...

16. 13 Her mind began to wander.

17. And don't wander during the night.

18. He doesn't let me wander around.

19. Do not wander into her roadways.

20. 16 Don't wander from the subject.

21. Turns out, they wander a lot.

22. 8 Nomadic tribes wander these deserts.

23. You, you wander around, you're playing detective.

24. 25 His attention was beginning to wander.

25. 17 She allowed her mind to wander.

26. 2 He allowed his mind to wander.

27. Visitors are allowed to wander without hindrance.

28. Wander Through an Online Art Fair

29. 22 Her mind was beginning to wander.

30. Do they wander for ever in limbo?

31. Hardy antelope wander in from the desert.

32. Like berisgray, I sometimes wander off the original stitch line when Backstitching and adding additional lines of stitching will make the seam thicker

33. 23 Visitors are allowed to wander without hindrance.

34. 15 Pauline started to wander from the point.

35. Leave him to wander about in this desert!

36. And makes them wander in trackless wastelands.

37. The cattle are allowed to wander freely.

38. Braving Wander is a concept of FREEDOM

39. Well, how often do people's minds wander?

40. He makes them wander about like drunken men.

41. Well, how about you wander back out again?

42. 20 He likes to wander over the countryside.

43. Wander though the 11acre estate, ablaze with fall colours.

44. 10 Try not to let your mind wander.

45. 6 Lissa let her mind wander a little.

46. 3 The cattle are allowed to wander freely.

47. Others are left to wander or sleep rough.

48. Wander through awned streets . Turbaned faces going by.

49. 14 We can't wander from the paths of truth.

50. 5 Do you wander back to his room number?

51. He was determined not to wander from God’s orders.

52. 26 Halfway through the meeting my mind started to wander.

53. 1 I'll wander around the mall for half an hour.

54. You wander about the house like a soul in torment.

55. I'll wander around the mall for half an hour.

56. 9 During the lecture Sarah's attention began to wander .

57. Bobbles The Bobbles are recurring characters in Wander Over Yonder

58. 21 He realized his audience's attention was beginning to wander.

59. Those who neglect mathematics wander endlessly in a dark labyrinth.

60. Her unconscious looks wander to her husband with infantile dependency.

61. I wander backstage after the set and bump into Clint.

62. Then all of a sudden, his hands started to wander.

63. 18 She went for a little wander round the park.

64. Handfuls of sleet were beginning to wander through the air.

65. 16 Those leading this people are causing them to wander,

66. You can't simply wander around squatting on other people's property.

67. 29 You can't simply wander around squatting on other people's property.

68. NIV They wander about for food and howl if not satisfied.

69. Blustern, blistern, flutter in alarm.] To wander or run about aimlessly

70. As I pounded the pavement, my mind started to wander, too.

71. He threw all those parties hoping she'd wander in one night.

72. He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task.

73. 4 WANDER The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land.

74. 6 WANDER The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land.

75. 28 I went to the park and had a wander around.

76. Such a cute marmot , no wander I like It'so much, hehe!

77. Don't wander about the room like that. Get something to do.

78. Armadillos wander into your yard in search of food and shelter

79. And a lady does not wander through the theater alone, either.

80. WANDER The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land.