Use "waiving" in a sentence

1. Beatitudes Campus is waiving the delivery fee

2. But fee waiving is standard practice among money funds.

3. Backfill is being placed properly and approves waiving the testing requirements

4. The Agreement of # July # on the waiving of reimbursement of unemployment benefits

5. So you're waiving your right to keep the video from public view?

6. no across-the-board reduction of benchmarks; waiving of the correction factor,

7. Kiah Preminger framers soredium liquidity silver-grained Beferned antebrachial cofather nonascendance waiving

8. This morning, he notified judges that he was waiving his right to be present.

9. Waiving of testing will be acceptable on due justification according to Action 3A.

10. Synonyms for Abdicating include renouncing, relinquishing, surrendering, abnegating, abjuring, waiving, yielding, forgoing, ceding and foregoing

11. "(f) The Agreement of 22 July 1976 on the waiving of reimbursement of unemployment benefits."

12. contact the Rapporteur Member State for advice as to the acceptability of justifications for waiving certain studies

13. (e) The Agreement of 22 July 1976 on the waiving of reimbursement of unemployment benefits.

14. contact the Rapporteur Member State for advice as to the acceptability of justifications for waiving certain studies;

15. (b) contact the Rapporteur Member State for advice as to the acceptability of justifications for waiving certain studies;

16. Essentially, a majority of the judges explained that there was no presumption against waiving the consultation.

17. In addition, waiving of certain data requirements will be considered when accompanied by a sound scientific rationale.

18. Hicks obtained a court order waiving the juvenile confidentiality of his case, enabling officials to discuss his arrest and trial.

19. Now is the time to transform rhetoric into action by waiving tariffs on exports from the poorest countries.

20. Waiving a breach of contract or consenting to a minor change can occur during a contract without requiring an Addendum

21. We are waiving delivery fees for Catering orders of $100 or more as well as offering contactless delivery options.

22. Of course, if delivery is late the buyer may accept late delivery thereby waiving his right to treat the contract as repudiated.

23. It does not therefore involve a temporary waiving of resources by the public authorities nor a specific ad hoc measure.

24. Mullins said labeling police waiving traffic tickets as corrupt is "ludicrous" because they don't do it in exchange for favors.

25. Giving up, yielding, surrender, waiving, renunciation, cession, relinquishment, abjuration Edward was titled Duke of Windsor after his Abdication of the throne.

26. Accepting people does not itself mean agreeing with them, approving of them, waiving your own rights, or downplaying their impact upon you

27. In layman terms, the Hyde Act allows the U.S. Administration to engage in civil nuclear cooperation with India, waiving the following requirements:

28. Shipping journal Lloyd's List said brokers in Singapore are now waiving fees for containers travelling from South China, charging only for the minimal "bunker" costs.

29. SPECIAL NOTE: Ascus is waiving the annual membership fee for 2020-2021 or the time period from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021

30. That waiving Corkage works can be seen by observing the crowds waiting for tables at Rutherford Grill, which doesn't even need to take reservations to be …

31. (hereinafter American Airlines) had departed from filed tariffs by waiving the advance purchase requirement applicable to advance purchase excursion (APEX) fares for transportation between Barbados and Canada.

32. 13 By letters of 25 and 28 November 2011 respectively, the Commission and the applicant informed the Court that they were waiving their right to be heard afresh.

33. Condescension the act of descending to a lower and less dignified state; of waiving the privileges of one's rank and status; of bestowing honors and favors upon one of lesser stature or status

34. In this case the higher measured arithmetic average wind speed determines the type of anemometry to be used and the lower arithmetic average wind speed the criterion for the allowance of waiving of a wind correction.

35. Registered Dental Hygienists Dental Hygiene Board of California DCA Order Waiving Restrictions on Registered Dental Hygienists Relating to Administering COVID-19 Vaccines May Administer to persons ages 16 and older under direct supervision of a dentist, or on-site supervision of a physician and surgeon, who is authorized to independently initiate and Administer the subject vaccine.

36. Fourth, it was stated in paragraph 104 above that, with regard to the delay caused by the initiation of discussions on the VPP programme, then the abandonment of that possibility, the Commission considered that it was required to take this into account itself by waiving recovery of the relevant amount of aid, which can certainly not constitute maladministration.

37. (69) With regard to the first Government intervention in favour of AGAMA, an external consultant carried out a viability study which set out the measures that needed to be implemented: a substantial reduction in staff numbers, renegotiation of the company's debt with its creditors, which resulted in the waiving of a substantial proportion of its debt, and injection of capital by the Government.