Use "vulnerable" in a sentence

1. I'm very vulnerable.

2. They made him vulnerable.

3. Tourism is particularly vulnerable .

4. I feel a bit vulnerable.

5. The black rhino is particularly vulnerable.

6. Migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation.

7. Hippos are uniquely vulnerable to drought.

8. Arty is somewhat vulnerable to Flash

9. This is the only vulnerable entrance.

10. Be vulnerable to 易受…,易于…

11. Vulnerable to the attack,who are incurable.

12. Some birds are especially vulnerable to crashes.

13. Are you brave enough to be vulnerable?

14. I felt vulnerable and very much alone.

15. You must try not to appear vulnerable.

16. She was left feeling exposed and vulnerable.

17. The city is vulnerable to German artillery.

18. The potato is vulnerable to several pests.

19. A vulnerable part of the human anatomy.

20. Being blind left me physically and emotionally vulnerable.

21. Old people are particularly vulnerable to the flu.

22. The country's central region is its most vulnerable.

23. Prince Vlad, the vampire is vulnerable to daylight

24. Water pollution causes the residents vulnerable to decease.

25. Children are the most vulnerable members of society .

26. Absolution removes your sins, leaving you less vulnerable

27. The company is in an economically vulnerable position.

28. Brainpan is a vulnerable virtual machine created by superkojiman

29. Disabled girls and women are particularly vulnerable to abuse.

30. In June, when the hatchlings emerge, they are vulnerable.

31. She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own.

32. Dried up, such vegetation is especially vulnerable to fire.

33. Today, managerial and professional workers have become increasingly vulnerable.

34. The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north.

35. The facility provides preventive health services for vulnerable people.

36. He is at a very vulnerable and impressionable age.

37. A soldier is vulnerable to an attack when his guard is down —and you are vulnerable to an attack on your morals when you’re relaxing

38. The local press is particularly vulnerable to predigested news.

39. Bethany supports vulnerable kids and families in the U.S

40. Bunchy is the most vulnerable of the Donovan brothers

41. Bunchy is the most vulnerable of the Donovan brothers

42. It has allowed scammers to rip off vulnerable investors.

43. His wife's death left him feeling vulnerable and depressed.

44. Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society.

45. The intended victims were selected because they seemed vulnerable.

46. Trust always can not stand test, appear so vulnerable.

47. Yet he failed to subvert even his vulnerable neighbour.

48. Democracies are especially vulnerable to the factor of time.

49. Dolphins are vulnerable to drift nets and towed pelagic gears.

50. We should protect the most vulnerable members of our society.

51. In his hour of achievement Richard Nixon was oddly vulnerable.

52. Calving season is an especially vulnerable period for these whales

53. Adult Protective Services (Aps) is dedicated to serving vulnerable adults

54. There is fear that nuclear reactors are vulnerable to bombs.

55. It's an open heart that's vulnerable to the deepest wound.

56. Children and adolescents remain a vulnerable group in most societies.

57. All too often they victimize the vulnerable and the disadvantaged.

58. The harbour porpoise is vulnerable to drowning in fishing nets.

59. The Bontebok is classified as vulnerable by the IUCN (1996)

60. Your proximity to a Borg conduit makes you extremely vulnerable.

61. When people are vulnerable, they'll believe a lot of things.

62. The belly is the most vulnerable part of every animal.

63. They're not planning on defending themselves, so they'll be vulnerable.

64. The modern nuclear family is a vulnerable and fragile institution.

65. Adult Protective Services (Aps) is dedicated to serving vulnerable adults

66. Least Auklets are vulnerable to oil spills and introduced species

67. Very often, they cater to vulnerable and socially disadvantaged groups.

68. The denial or obstruction of access to vulnerable populations continues.

69. In cases of food poisoning, young children are especially vulnerable.

70. Concessional financing is offered to the IDB’s most vulnerable member countries

71. 13 Trust always can not stand test,[] appear so vulnerable.

72. It is vulnerable to hard winters, which may kill many birds.

73. All season these Bruins have been intensely competitive and highly vulnerable.

74. Giant Anteaters are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List

75. It could be Drugs, sex, Something that makes him Feel vulnerable.

76. Women who use a diaphragm for birth control are especially vulnerable .

77. When we do not feel safe physically, we feel personally vulnerable.

78. This is also to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

79. Vulnerable to mention that I do not what kind of love.

80. 21 We should protect the most vulnerable members of our society.