Use "vote with ones feet" in a sentence

1. As users watch the sheep morph on their computer screen they can vote for the ones they like and vote down the ones they don't.

2. An elector in Britain has more opportunity to vote in local elections than in national ones.

3. Flat shoes, preferably ones with laces, are more likely to stay on your feet and protect you from cuts and burns, and wool socks are better than synthetic ones.

4. When he swims, a beaver holds his unwebbed front feet up close to his body, and pushes out with his webbed rear ones.

5. White ones and grey ones, With long beaks, they fly.

6. Crustiness Large build ups of ones dead skin skills on ones elbows, knees and feet (back foot bunions) That bitch takes Crustiness to a whole new level

7. Older ones looked down on me, and children yelled that I was lame and had broken feet.

8. The unofficial vote has Bucka with 59 percent of the vote to Carney’s 41 percent

9. The bill passed with one dissentient vote.

10. Voto Afirmativo vote in favour, vote for

11. Why be a voter? Register to Vote; Update Your Voter Record; Vote from Home with a Mail Ballot

12. Dark stripes alternate with pale ones.

13. Balance spicy dishes with mild ones.

14. “Wisdom Is With the Modest Ones”

15. Rainy days alternated with dry ones.

16. An animal with webbed feet.

17. Specifically ones with a surgeon's precision.

18. He won the race with 63% of the vote.

19. A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire and my little wife massaging my feet while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs.

20. There're ones with dogs and eels, too.

21. Use method: Sargent jump with two feet or one feet with the help of a run - up .

22. God’s “intimacy is with the upright ones.”

23. Curled toe exercises (like the ones we list below) help retrain the brain to properly send signals to the feet and toes.

24. 3 A straw vote, literally a straw vote, at general cinema theaters across the country shows Gore with the advantage.

25. Affirmative Vote—CGSB shall record as an affirmative vote:

26. The young bulls with the powerful ones.

27. Don't confound public affairs with private ones.

28. Theoretical results are accordant with experimental ones.

29. Start with the feet this time.

30. Stand with your feet wide apart.

31. You can't rhyme "sleep"with "feet".

32. My feet were benumbed with cold.

33. Biped - an animal with two feet

34. My feet were numb with cold.

35. Her feet were deaden with cold.

36. Better is it to be lowly in spirit with the meek ones than to divide spoil with the self-exalted ones.”

37. Picture 1: I vote to reduce the volume of religious Cerements Picture 2: I vote for secular State with Picture 3: I vote for taxes for churches and mosques no religious fanatics

38. • an affirmative vote with editorial and, or minor technical changes.

39. The vote succeeded with 44 votes for and 3 against.

40. - A vote to end filibuster debate is called a Cloture vote

41. We are the ones tarred with that brush.

42. Newer colporteurs paired up with more experienced ones.

43. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Ailurophobia with 2 audio pronunciations.

44. The top vote-getter will walk away with all the delegates.

45. “The tongue of wise ones does good with knowledge,” says Solomon, “but the mouth of the stupid ones bubbles forth with foolishness.”

46. Not them sissy ones with all the colors.

47. Senate Confirms Becerra in tight vote with just one GOP defection

48. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Aviatrices with 1 audio pronunciations

49. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Alkylating with 1 audio pronunciations

50. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Almire with 1 audio pronunciations.

51. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Archai with 2 audio pronunciations.

52. National secured an absolute majority with only 1 % of the vote.

53. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Britte with 2 audio pronunciations.

54. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Berlon with 1 audio pronunciations.

55. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Bleared with 1 audio pronunciations.

56. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Arsle with 1 audio pronunciations.

57. Old people vote.

58. We tied his feet together with rope.

59. We should vote.

60. Don't drum the floor with your feet.

61. Adverb If you vote Aye, you vote in favour of something.

62. I tickled his feet with a feather.

63. He tickled my feet with a feather.

64. Six yards is commensurate with eighteen feet.

65. She stood squarely, with her feet apart.

66. A vote for my plan is a vote for a live beautiful.

67. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Buoyed with 1 audio pronunciations.

68. The president looked unAssailable with over 60 percent of the vote.

69. 17 He is willing to part with his right to vote.

70. Which ones moo, and which ones bark?

71. Now, look here, either your people vote for this bill, or you vote with the segregationists and the country goes up in flames.

72. ALDE: final vote

73. Jayson wisely cut off his association with such ones.

74. Five of these are Ambulacra, with openings for tube feet; these alternate with wider sections, called interAmbulacra, that lack tube feet

75. The vote to kill the bills was 47 to with one abstention.

76. And the stumbling blocks*+ along with the wicked ones;

77. Vote in a new mayor; voted out their representative; vote down the amendment.

78. He will share these spoils with “the mighty ones.”

79. The new firm linked up with several big ones.

80. The Senate's vote followed a comparably strong vote in the House of Representatives.