Use "volcanic action" in a sentence

1. Constant volcanic and earthquake action occurs here , sometimes with cataclysmic results.

2. The roots of these volcanic mountains and the action of Precambrian seas formed the Iron Range of northern Minnesota.


4. A tremendous earthquake, apparently coupled with volcanic action, provided an awe-inspiring setting for the inauguration of the Law covenant at Sinai.

5. Ancient volcanic valleys form two harbors, where islands are the remnants of volcanic activity.

6. The islands are volcanic.

7. They can “create” volcanic eruptions and examine the effects of volcanic dust on weather.

8. After the volcanic eruption stopped.

9. Many oceanic islands are volcanic.

10. In this paper, advances in volcanology are reviewed from the following aspects: volcanic geology and dynamics, statistical study, volcanic hazard and volcanic impact on global climate.

11. It's alluvial, sedimentary, volcanic soil.

12. After the first volcanic eruption.

13. This information is passed between meteorological agencies, volcanic observatories and airline companies through Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAAC).

14. The term may also be applied to angular volcanic rocks from a volcanic vent (vent Breccia).

15. Major biotic crises- - volcanic, glacial, oceanic.

16. The Aeolian Islands provide an outstanding record of volcanic island-building and destruction, and ongoing volcanic phenomena.

17. It's neither magmatic or volcanic in origin, and again, over 700 kilometers away from the nearest volcanic center.

18. A piece of black, volcanic glass.

19. The rock is volcanic in origin.

20. Template for advisory message for volcanic ash

21. Volcanic activity is highly episodic in nature.

22. Pumice is produced in volcanic eruptions.

23. These chemicals have leached down from volcanic catchment areas or have entered the lakes through subterranean volcanic activity.

24. Volcanic activity formed seamount and sea bill.

25. Andesite is the volcanic equivalent of diorite.

26. The central area is volcanic in origin.

27. 10 Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.

28. Based on volcanic rocks and relaxing oils.

29. The ridge consists entirely of volcanic rock.

30. 16 The rifting magmatic action is mostly bimodal volcanicity in volcanic grabens located at both sides of the CSTZ formed and the synchronous magmatic irruption is also bimodal posture .

31. Coronation is level Extra-1 of Volcanic Cavern

32. The finest fragments make volcanic ash and dust.

33. There have been several volcanic eruptions this year.

34. The trees were blasted by the volcanic eruption.

35. Cainozoic Volcanic Rocks in Hobart Author Sutherland F.L

36. Filter material based on rock, including volcanic rock

37. The city was entombed in volcanic lava.

38. Andesite is volcanic rock named after the Andes Mountains

39. How can such a tiny moon be so volcanic?

40. Volcanic ash fall is physically, socially, and economically disruptive.

41. Extensive metamorphic-metasomatic alteration suggests that Commerce Mountain was a volcanic center, possibly associated with the eruption of the Crowsnest Formation volcanic rocks.

42. There are five major types of volcanic activity.

43. Fresh volcanic rocks are poor conductors of electricity.

44. Stratospheric Aerosols, mainly sulphate particles resulting from volcanic eruptions,

45. Marine transport can also be impacted by volcanic ash.

46. While forests were being buried there was volcanic activity.

47. The French Revolution was a volcanic upheavalin European history.

48. The Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex of the Central Andes

49. Volcano Discovery provides the latest volcanic activity of Sinabung:

50. Over 200 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions.

51. A Caldera is a volcanic feature formed by the collapse of a volcano into itself, making it a large, special form of volcanic crater

52. Andesite is the most common volcanic rock after basalt

53. Chapter 3 Volcanic eruptions are difficult things to classify.

54. With the recent volcanic activity starting in 2004, the glacier lobes were pushed aside and upward by the growth of new volcanic domes.

55. The idea is to mimic the natural cooling action of a volcanic eruption, by using techniques like the deployment of hoses to pump sulfates 30 kilometers into the stratosphere to block sunlight.

56. Ignimbrite is a volcanic rock typically of rhyolitic composition.

57. A Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) is a group of experts responsible for coordinating and disseminating information on atmospheric volcanic ash clouds that may endanger aviation.

58. Petrologically the volcanic Kaiserstuhl is an alkali-carbonate rock formation.

59. It is also found around some types of volcanic vents.

60. What does Amygdaloid mean? A volcanic rock containing many amygdules

61. Agates are formed in voids, most often in volcanic rocks

62. Computer, access volcanic and tectonic-plate activity in Drema IV.

63. Volcanic sedimentation is a frontier realm between volcanology and sedimentology.

64. 18 It is where yugoloths cavort on endless volcanic slopes .

65. The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption.

66. Surrounded by stunning beaches with either white or volcanic sands, Bioko boasts rainforests, savannah, woodland, and a volcanic peak Pico Basile, often covered in cloud.

67. Volcanic ashfall is likely to have major effects on these systems.

68. Action synonyms, Action pronunciation, Action translation, English dictionary definition of Action

69. action synonyms, action pronunciAtion, action translAtion, English dictionary definition of action

70. Normally, the gas which ares of volcanic rocks (for already).

71. The nature of the soil is mostly volcanic and alluvial.

72. Survival depends on seizing every opportunity in this volcanic wasteland

73. The feldspars in volcanic lava flows can also be problematic.

74. Archaea can thrive in extreme conditions, such as inside volcanic lakes

75. These volcanic rock pools form small sea inlets beneath a cliff.

76. In these areas, lava flows and volcanic cones are also found.

77. Atolls begin as fringing reefs surrounding a volcanic island (Darwin 1842)

78. Gacun argentiferous polymetallic ore deposit is a volcanic exhalation - sedimentary deposit.

79. Covered in volcanic ash, the slopes of Imbabura are especially fertile.

80. Perlite is a light - weight odorless, sterilized, heat expanded volcanic mineral.