Use "virgins" in a sentence

1. We're virgins, too.

2. We've got virgins!

3. More than just Virgins.

4. Discreet and Foolish Virgins

5. The wise virgins were ready when the bridegroom arrived

6. Illustrations: ten virgins, talents, sheep and goats

7. What is the gist of the parable of the virgins?

8. There are no 72 virgins in the Koran.

9. What better place to preserve her virginity than amongst other virgins?

10. Testimony, Conversion, and the Parable of the Ten Virgins

11. Ten virgins went forth to meet the Bridegroom, Matt

12. Is there a good mix of Virgins and Lions?

13. " You'll get the virgins when we find your penis. "

14. “Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

15. Her virgins are grief-stricken, and she herself has bitterness.

16. 11 Recall Jesus’ parables of the virgins and the talents.

17. You're not really going to get 72 virgins in heaven.

18. And if you'd rather lie with noble virgins, so be it.

19. Afterwards the rest of the virgins also came, saying, ‘Sir, sir, open to us!’

20. Only virgins can outsmart the killer in the big chase scene at the end.

21. The Inca Atahualpa, as we have seen, kept virgins on tap throughout the kingdom.

22. Siltbreeze 2011 reissue can be found here: Axemen - Three Virgins, Three Versions, Three Visions

23. Please think of the lamps used by the virgins as the lamps of testimony.

24. Jesus gave what exhortation when concluding the parable of the virgins?

25. Sharon Holland, Consecrated Virgins for Today's Church, 1998, as printed in Consecrated …

26. Reason : under Guam law, it is expressly forbidden for virgins to marry.

27. Mt 25:7-10 —The foolish virgins were absent when the bridegroom arrived

28. 7 Then all those virgins got up and put their lamps in order.

29. In the parable, ten virgins waited into the night for the groom’s arrival.

30. Agnes' Eve, / Young virgins might have visions of delight, / And soft Adorings from their loves receive.

31. Consecrated virgins can form themselves into associations to observe their commitment more faithfully

32. “Afterward came also the [five foolish] virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

33. You young men and also you virgins, you old men together with boys.

34. The order of virgins is also to be added to these forms of Consecrated life

35. We will now observe these two virgins do a dance that emanates tremendous erotic energy.

36. The suicide bombers believe that a place in paradise Awaitedhim, 70 virgins waiting to tend their every need

37. After telling of the wise and the foolish virgins, he related the illustration of the talents.

38. “Praise Jehovah from the earth, . . . you young men and also you virgins.” —PSALM 148:7, 12.

39. Her main hypothesis is the iconographical and cultic continuity between pagan goddesses and the Black Virgins.

40. “Praise Jehovah from the earth, . . . you young men and also you virgins.” —PSALM 148:7, 12

41. 15 And I said unto him: A virgin, most beautiful and fair above all other virgins.

42. These are the ones that did not defile themselves with women; in fact, they are virgins.

43. In what ways can those of the “other sheep” benefit from the parable of the ten virgins?

44. They say virgins are becoming extinct in reality, there are a tons of women over thirty who've never had sex.

45. (b) What did the discreet virgins mean when they directed the foolish ones to the sellers of oil?

46. Like the indiscreet virgins, they had not strengthened themselves spiritually in advance, so they were unprepared to continue as light bearers.

47. Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lampsand went to meet the Bridegroom

48. The Archivolts include a multitude of saints (angels, patriarchs, prophets, doctors of the church, martyrs and virgins) that represent the Heavenly Court

49. I never seem to tire of the beautiful parable the Savior told of the five wise and five foolish virgins.

50. The role and clothing of the Vestal Virgins, the Augurs and Auguries, Aruspices, Pontifices, Priests and Religious ceremonies and festivals

51. In the parable of the virgins, Jesus states: “While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived [“came,” Kingdom Interlinear].”

52. The discreet virgins refused to give up their oil for the sake of the foolish, telling them to go instead to the sellers of oil.

53. This Massiliot sphere of influence happens to correspond to those areas where the greatest concentration of Black Virgins is to be found.

54. As Keats writes: ‘[U]pon St Agnes’ Eve, / Young virgins might have visions of delight, / And soft Adorings from their loves receive’

55. As with all the wise virgins, her individual preparation came as she added oil to her lamp, one drop at a time, by consistent righteous living.

56. 18 And she had a garment of divers colours upon her: for with such robes were the king's daughters that were virgins Apparelled

57. And she had a garment of {h} divers colours upon her: for with such robes were the king's daughters that were virgins Apparelled

58. When back in Rome, Caesar deposited a new will with the Vestal Virgins in which he secretly named Octavius as the prime beneficiary.

59. 600 Bce The choros , originally danced in a circle by temple virgins, is the centrepiece of the developing Greek theatre Go to chōrus (‘dance’) …

60. Studies of abortion should have included in their control groups chaste young Christians who remain virgins out of respect for life and God’s laws.

61. A 17th century Hungarian Countess embarks on a murderous undertaking, with the belief that bathing in the blood of virgins will preserve her beauty.

62. 19 “You young men and also you virgins,” entreats the Bible, “let them praise the name of Jehovah, for his name alone is unreachably high.

63. These Ascetics and virgins, who, till now, have mingled with the common body of the faithful, abandon the world and go forth into the wilderness

64. A twitter user revealed that 95% of men married to virgins enjoy their marriages because there's no baggage such as jumping from one man to another …

65. * To illustrate discretion, he said: “The kingdom of the heavens will become like ten virgins that took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.

66. Matthew 25:1-12 “Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the Bridegroom.

67. 6 “And at midnighta cry was heard: ‘Behold, the Bridegroomis coming; go out to meet him!’ 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps

68. ESD: Now that we know a bit more about the hymen's anatomy, it's time to get back to our two myths: virgins bleed, hymens are lost forever.

69. He introduces the illustration, saying: “The Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.

70. There are certain holy ones, sisters born -- three virgins (23) gifted with wings: their heads are Besprinkled with white meal, and they dwell under a ridge of Parnassus.

71. (WBS RSV) 2 Samuel 13:18 And she had a garment of divers colors upon her: for with such robes were the king's daughters that were virgins Appareled

72. whatever happens after death. Even if the suicide bomber does get 72 virgins in the afterlife, in this life, his personality -- his rather unfortunate personality -- is the product of his brain.

73. There are certain holy ones, sisters born — three virgins 208 gifted with wings: their heads are Besprinkled with white meal, and they dwell under a ridge of Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica

74. Through their pledge to follow Christ more closely, virgins are Consecrated to God, mystically espoused to Christ and dedicated to the service of the Church, when the diocesan Bishop consecrates them according to …

75. Through their pledge to follow Christ more closely, virgins are consecrated to God, mystically espoused to Christ and dedicated to the service of the Church, when the diocesan Bishop Consecrates them according to …

76. The first is a generic reference to anyone who has received consecration into any of the four forms of Consecrated life that is mediated by the Church: religious, hermits, sacred virgins, or members of secular institutes

77. Winder, former Relief Society general president:“In applying the parable of the ten virgins to our lives, our modern prophets have explained that the oil of preparation is accumulated drop by drop through daily righteous living.

78. Agnes there were certain solemn ceremonies which all virgins must perform to have "visions of delight and soft Adorings from their loves." Porphyro took ad­vantage of this custom to win his bride

79. Christian soul! thou who Aspirest to the nuptial banquet! imitate then the prudent virgins: take oil and light your lamp, in order to go meet the bridegroom; for those whose lamps are extinguished, shall hear those terrible words: verily 1 know you not

80. 20 We can imagine what difficulty that would entail upon those foolish virgins, to go at that hour of the night and try to locate an open oil shop or oil dealers who would accommodate them with the needed oil.