Use "very slowly" in a sentence

1. Very slowly.

2. I'm moving very slowly.

3. Very slowly, move this way.

4. The swimming pool drains very slowly.

5. Cresols sink in water and dissolve very slowly

6. You're going to walk towards me very slowly.

7. She pronounced the word very slowly and precisely.

8. The twisted, gray tree trunks grow very slowly.

9. The hands of a clock turn very slowly.

10. 24 The days seemed to go by very slowly.

11. He moved very slowly because he suffered from rheumatism.

12. 18 The hands of a clock turn very slowly.

13. She spoke very slowly, weighing what she would say.

14. Coralline algae often grows very slowly in a new reef

15. Viscosity increase due to cooling occurs very slowly at first.

16. The cold allows animals to grow very slowly and become giants.

17. And when they did, they moved very slowly, like a periscope.

18. Sitting beside her on the couth, I began very slowly to understand.

19. Natural replenishment of this vast supply of underground water occurs very slowly.

20. Now, draw your finger very slowly across the pad to drive the car

21. The dust storm, which may have begun very abruptly, fades very slowly away.

22. Now we're starting to, very slowly, starting to get into the abstraction of algebra.

23. Moreover, its long half-life means that this emission decreases very slowly with time.

24. Betelgeuse is huge, so unsurprisingly it spins very slowly, only once every 8.4 years

25. Insoluble in water; freely (though very slowly) soluble in alcohol; slightly soluble in acetone

26. He was riding very slowly, and both he and his horse were Bespattered with mud

27. If the coffee is pure, the grounds will float, since they absorb water very slowly.

28. The boat can be sailed just fine with the jib Backwinded very slowly in control

29. He untied the silk blouse very slowly, to let her know what he was doing.

30. Global production of HFC-containing aerosols is likely to be growing very slowly, if at all.

31. At the same time, a car very slowly made a left turn and rolled over Cooper.

32. The drops fell very slowly, as they fall from an icicle after the sun has gone.

33. The large plates move very slowly, owing to convection currents within the mantle below the crust.

34. Very slowly, Dagen closed the texts, placing his trembling hands upon the intricately worked leather cover.

35. It is metabolized very slowly and accumulates in tissues during aging and in certain lipid storage diseases.

36. 18 A hormone, progestogen, is injected into a muscle, and is released very slowly into the body.

37. For large values of ρ and values of γ near 1 the series converges only very slowly.

38. The mirrors are cast and they're cooled very slowly, and then they're polished to an exquisite precision.

39. Europe is, very slowly, beginning to adjust to the new technologies and the use of information networks.

40. With a little old lady as the sleuth, and no car chases unless they're done very slowly.

41. If a precipitate forms, dissolve by adding a few drops of hydrochloric acid (4.1). Neutralize very slowly with

42. During the secondary fermentation and aging process, which takes three to six months, the fermentation continues very slowly.

43. It began to dawn on people only slowly, very slowly, that they were never coming back to work.

44. It starts very slowly, it accelerates all the time, and by the end, you can’t follow the pace.”

45. ∎ (of a thing) move very slowly at an inexorably steady pace: the fog was Creeping up from the marsh

46. The visual impairment tends to be stable, although it may worsen very slowly over time.Leber congenital Amaurosis is also associated

47. She drove very slowly as if shock and anxiety made it almost impossible for her to let the car go forward.

48. An introductory note says that she used to read prayers very slowly with frequent pauses, which led almost instantaneously to prayer.

49. Arguments that some of the skills practised by pupils are obsolete fall on deaf ears, or are heeded only very slowly.

50. Amoebas use pseudopodia, which are finger-like formations, to move very slowly from one place to another and capture food for consumption

51. Another popular festival meal, shuwa, consists of meat cooked very slowly (sometimes for up to 2 days) in an underground clay oven.

52. There was one device of oath-taking, half pagan and half Barbaric, which but very slowly relaxed its hold on Christian Europe

53. The simultaneous process of relaxing autarchy and rapprochement with the western democracies moved very slowly in the first half of the 1950s.

54. The changes of the impedance slopes very slowly when the acoustic reflex is elicited with tone-bursts and not with continuous sinusoidal stimulation.

55. "Acrimony" is a study in frustrating episodic storytelling and the revolving stages of one's reaction to where it very slowly goes

56. And speed of activity, which is something that we face in our work with sub-surface organisms, because they grow very, very slowly.

57. Once again the control cleavage pattern reappears very slowly so that at several sites the reaction is not complete even after 30 minutes.

58. So, if I happen to say that Branks monkey sagas have spilled onto the pavement alligators aware, just, you know, back away very slowly.

59. The pastor said that even though he had employed some bricklayers who were members of his own church, the work was proceeding very slowly.

60. Biocenosis baskets need very little maintenance because the life of the cat litter is indefinite and the Laterite is only very slowly depleted by plants

61. Aureole is a ring around an igneous intrusion. Deep magma bodies cool very slowly and turn into coarse-grained, plutonic rocks like granite and gabbro

62. For instance, damage to muscles heals very slowly but further study into mechanisms of MSC action may provide avenues for increasing their capacity for tissue repair.

63. Rivastigmine carbamylates Torpedo californica Acetylcholinesterase very slowly (k(i) = 2.0 M(-1) min(-1)), whereas the bimolecular rate constant for inhibition of human Acetylcholinesterase is >1600

64. Underground water contamination due to leaching of urea also gets reduced with neem coating since nitrogen in the neem coated urea gets released to plants very slowly.

65. The word itself it believed to be taken from a Taino Indian name meaning “Babracot”, which is best described by cooking meat very slowly over a wooden structure

66. On the trail of Western honey Because PET Crystallizes very slowly, producing parts with a semi-crystalline structure requires the help of chemicals known as nucleating agents, as

67. In the novel, the people who live at Shangri-La are almost immortal, living hundreds of years beyond the normal lifespan and only very slowly aging in appearance.

68. Annealing consists of heating the material and then cooling it very slowly and uniformly; the time and temperatures required in the process are set according to the properties desired

69. Verification of Axenicity of algal cultures It has been reported that some marine bacteria grow very slowly on agar, something like 50 days, and some of them are unculturable39,40

70. A low INR result says blood Coagulates too easily or is ‘not thin enough’ and a high INR result says blood Coagulates very slowly and there are chances of bleeding

71. In particular the OPW method is found to converge very slowly for the absolute value of PFd, although it predicts relative changes in PFd due to changes in atomic volume reasonably well.

72. The drug is Cumulative, being very slowly excreted, and that after it has been taken for some time the pulse may become irregular, the blood pressure low, and the cardiac pulsations rapid and feeble

73. 1 Description 2 Enemy Data 3 Trivia Clinking Men are zombies that shamble very slowly toward their victims, and once near enough, they lunge forward and fall flat on their face while attempting to inflict contact damage

74. On assignment for several years, Cooper had very slowly become desensitized to the violence he was witnessing around him; the horrors of the Rwandan genocide became trivial: "I would see a dozen bodies and think, you know, it's a dozen, it's not so bad."

75. The 200-500 is very sharp and the absolutely best bang for the buck from any Nikon lens, but it Autofocuses VERY slowly, and the stupid zoom ring requires such a very large amount of rotation that you have to twist and regrasp and twist and maybe regrasp to go from 200 to 500 mm