Use "vertebrae" in a sentence

1. Their vertebral columns consisted of ten neck vertebrae, thirteen back vertebrae, six hip vertebrae, and about thirty-five tail vertebrae.

2. 10 Supports lumbar vertebrae and decreases flexion of vertebrae.

3. In tetrapods, Cervical vertebrae (singular: vertebra) are the vertebrae of the neck, immediately below the skull.Truncal vertebrae (divided into thoracic and lumbar vertebrae in mammals) lie caudal (toward the tail) of Cervical vertebrae

4. And so button by button, vertebrae by vertebrae, I built my way down.

5. Fish vertebra, also known as codfish vertebra, describes the Biconcave appearance of vertebrae (especially lumbar vertebrae)

6. KoLA77, a hollow) or angulus lunularis, Biconcave. Enaliornis, England, vertebrae chiefly Biconcave; Hesperornis, North America, vertebrae heterocoelous

7. Pope felt the vertebrae in his neck pop.

8. 11 The sacrum is a normal block vertebrae.

9. Heel, stage 1 Vertebrae with several stage 1 Bedsores

10. Biconcave Vertebrae Symptom Checker: Possible causes include Metaphyseal Acroscyphodysplasia

11. 2 Pope felt the vertebrae in his neck pop.

12. In "advanced" (Caenophidian) snakes, the broad belly scales and rows of dorsal scales correspond to the vertebrae, allowing scientists to count the vertebrae without dissection.

13. Aside from its vertebrae, Acrocanthosaurus had a typical allosauroid skeleton.

14. 1 I liked biology a lot more amoebas and vertebrae.

15. 29 Youthful carcasses will have cartilaginous caps on the thoracic vertebrae.

16. Uneven growth patterns in the vertebrae indicate malnourishment as a child.

17. Cervical spondylosis is when the vertebrae in your neck break down

18. [Fractures of the transverse Apophyses of the lumbar vertebrae] Minerva Ortop

19. The author analysed vertebrae taken from strata of different geological age.

20. 27 Your spinal column is made up of 24 movable vertebrae.

21. I broke three vertebrae in my neck and damaged my spinal cord.

22. 21 Normally, they regress into four to five fused vertebrae (the coccyx).

23. Basilar invagination occurs when the top of the second vertebrae moves upward

24. In Labyrinthodontia the centra of the vertebrae are generally well ossified Biconcave …

25. 12 The disks between the vertebrae serve as the pivots of rotation.

26. 57 synonyms for Backbone: spinal column, back, spine, vertebrae, vertebral column, foundation, support

27. The vertebral centra are opisthocoelous or Biconcave, and there are numerous precaudal vertebrae

28. Posterolateral Arthrodesis: fusion between two adjacent vertebrae across the lamina and transverse processes.

29. Caudal vertebrae 1-9: A) Phanerodon stripes, B) Brachyis-tus frenatus 129 46

30. These include the Bones of the skull, spine (vertebrae), ribs, arms and legs

31. The lumbar vertebrae help support the weight of the body, and permit movement.

32. In cartilagenous fish, such as sharks, the vertebrae consist of two cartilagenous tubes.

33. Backs include the pelvic bones and all the vertebrae posterior to the shoulder joint.

34. A mold (104) adapted to contain a biomaterial is positioned between the adjacent vertebrae.

35. In many hadrosaur and theropod dinosaurs, the caudal vertebrae were reinforced by ossified tendons.

36. Another word for Backbone: spinal column, back, spine, vertebrae, vertebral column Collins English Thesaurus

37. He danced around the area, shaking an Ascon, a gourd filled with snake vertebrae.

38. Cartilaginous or partially calcified biconcave vertebrae are always well developed; they Constrict the notochord intervertebrally

39. Hodgins, we're still missing part of his scapula, the talus, the lumbar vertebrae, left acromion...

40. Arthrodesis is the fusion of vertebrae over a joint space that occurs through a natural process or as a result of surgical procedure. In surgery, Arthrodesis, or fusion between two vertebrae, can be achieved by placing bone graft and/or bone graft substitute to bridge the vertebrae so that new bone grows into the spaces.

41. This group includes osteochondropathies osteochondropathy pubic bone, vertebrae discs Apophysary, calcaneal tuberosity and tibial tuberosity

42. 14 He danced around the area, shaking an Ascon, a gourd filled with snake vertebrae.

43. 8 The discs between the vertebrae are rather like leathery cushions, acting as shock absorbers.

44. The vertebrae are Biconcave and are very numerous; very few however belong to the tail

45. 7 Backs include the pelvic bones and all the vertebrae posterior to the shoulder joint.

46. The thoracic vertebrae are partially fused, providing a solid brace for the wings during flight.

47. 16 The discs between the vertebrae are rather like leathery cushions, acting as shock absorbers.

48. Other frequent anomalies included cleft palate, anasarca and skeletal anomalies of the vertebrae and ribs

49. Disks act as shock absorbers between the first 24 vertebrae, or bones of the spine.

50. 4 Backs include the pelvic bones and all the vertebrae posterior to the shoulder joint.

51. 25 The discs between the vertebrae are rather like leathery cushions,( acting as shock absorbers.

52. But she did not hear his plea because the vertebrae in her neck had already snapped.

53. It is worth remembering that a sparrow has more vertebrae in its neck than a giraffe.

54. The vertebrae in my neck had fused and my feet were approximately twice their normal size.

55. Here the plane of weakness is between two vertebrae, instead of through the middle of one.

56. 13 All grafts showed good contact to the adjoining vertebrae with no case of a pseudarthrosis .

57. 26 It showed that Point-injection with Yemuguan had significant effects in treating lumbar vertebrae hyperosteogeny.

58. The eel has a second premaxilla and under 90 vertebrae, features previously found only in fossilised eels.

59. 25 Results 363 lateral films of thoracolumbar vertebra conjunctions and sacrococcygeal vertebrae were collected from 363 patients.

60. 17 A needle is inserted between two of your vertebrae after a local anaesthetic has been applied.

61. 16 It is worth remembering that a sparrow has more vertebrae in its neck than a giraffe.

62. Herschelensis, the Concavity of the articular face of the vertebrae is not as deep as in P

63. Herschelensis, the Concavity of the articular face of the vertebrae is not as deep as in P

64. 9 It is worth remembering that a sparrow has more vertebrae in its neck than a giraffe.

65. 3 The vertebrae in my neck had fused and my feet were approximately twice their normal size.

66. 13 Here the plane of weakness is between two vertebrae, instead of through the middle of one.

67. 10 But she did not hear his plea because the vertebrae in her neck had already snapped.

68. 28 Objective To assess therapeutic effect of acupuncture at Jiaji (EX-B on hyperosteogeny of lumbar vertebrae.

69. ~They lay you face down and adjust your vertebrae forward, or downwards towards the floor, thereby creating Anteriorities

70. The present invention relates to a guard bound to a neck to provide traction power to cervical vertebrae.

71. 8 A bone scan on Monday revealed a compression fracture in vertebrae in the middle of his back.

72. 6 Here the plane of weakness is between two vertebrae,( instead of through the middle of one.

73. 6 The vertebrae in my neck had fused and my feet were approximately twice their normal size.

74. 17 But she did not hear his plea because the vertebrae in her neck had already snapped.

75. 9 A needle is inserted between two of your vertebrae after a local anaesthetic has been applied.

76. 15 A bone scan on Monday revealed a compression fracture in vertebrae in the middle of his back.

77. 15 The vertebrae of the vertebral column are tightly interlocked, creating a rigid foundation for the tail muscles.

78. Vertebral Column, in vertebrate animals, the flexible Column extending from neck to tail, made of bones called vertebrae

79. REYNOLDS Biconcave cartilaginous vertebrae are developed, and as is the case in most fishes, Constrict the notochord vertebrally

80. Exit wound level with the second or the third thoracic vertebrae, six inches from the right shoulder blade.