Use "venter musculi" in a sentence

1. "Jan Venter".

2. J . Craig Venter is chairman of the Craig Venter Institute.

3. The venter is dirty cream.

4. Ablastin and the control of Trypanosoma musculi infections in mice

5. Ablastin: Control of Trypanosoma musculi infections m mice

6. The venter is dirty white.

7. The year Venter sequenced the human genome.

8. [Electrophoretic studies of the meat press juice of the musculi Adductores from 110-kg swine]

9. What did Venter really want from you?

10. The rim (venter) is keeled and free of grooves.

11. We're hoping Venter shows up to kill Ncgobo.

12. So he's bait, hoping Venter will come and kill him.

13. How long have you been working with Eugene Venter?

14. And then there is the case quoted by Venter.

15. But, Dr. Venter said, are multiple barriers to achieving that goal.

16. Craig Venter: Can we explain how significant this is?

17. Venter gave me the bomb, and I never set it.

18. Archegonia consists swollen basal portion called Venter and elongated neck

19. But it's more than worth it if we get Venter.

20. The Venter lab’s achievement builds on similar work that began decades ago.

21. At the micropylar end 2-8 Archegonia are developed which has the neck and the venter; the venter encloses the egg and a venter canal cell.The neck encloses the neck canal cell.After pollination the pollen germinates and pollen tube extends to reach the neck of the

22. Ø Archegonia have basal swollen venter and an elongated upper part called neck

23. Todd says Venter had him monitoring anti-apartheid groups around the country.

24. That student you followed met with Eugene Venter from South African Intelligence.

25. According to Dr Venter, the raw materials for those pathways are abundant.

26. The data are analysed using an 8-parameter optical modelà la Frahn and Venter.

27. Venter and his team created their organism through a process of trial and error.

28. One pioneer of genetic deconstruction Dr. J. Craig Venter agrees with Dr. Raven.

29. Identify AND Define: (female gametophyte tissue, Archegonium with an egg inside the venter)

30. The Archegonium has a long neck canal or venter and a swollen base.

31. Here's National Medal of Science recipient Craig Venter and Nobel laureate Ham Smith.

32. Venter, has completed his report, which has been submitted to the State President.

33. This is usually translated as “horse manure,” but the Latin “venter” means abdomen or uterus.

34. But even before yesterday's revelations by Venter, scientists had stopped believing in the gay gene.

35. Acarus siro (flour mite); the phoretic hypopal stage: a and b - Dorsum and venter of A

36. Craig Venter said that the discovery would make patents on single genes less useful.

37. We think Venter won't be able to resist coming after him once he knows he's here.

38. In 2010, the biologist Craig Venter created the first fully synthetic and self-replicating cell.

39. Along with the Venter paper, Nature published eight commentaries on the significance of the work.

40. Craig Venter 's tremendous and brilliant attempt to DNA sequence things in the ocean is great.

41. Recently, James Watson and Craig Venter became the first individuals to have their whole genomes sequenced.

42. Venter defied his critics and deciphered the human genome with startling speed about eight years ago.

43. Eddie Jones left mid-season and Brendan Venter was announced as the new Director of Rugby.

44. Craig Venter Institute expected to be told that they were “playing God,” and they were not disappointed.

45. But while you're at it, then you can take the work of Craig Venter and Ham Smith.

46. The crew supervisor, an Afrikaner named Christiaan Venter, noticed a piece of paper wedged under a rail.

47. Fossam Cubitalem derelicto nervus inter musculi pronatoris teretis capita et humerale crassius et ulnare tenuius, et deinde sub musculum flexorem digitorum superficialem reperitur

48. 22 Obsjective: To observe the preventive and curative effect of musculi dorsi reactant injection (MDRI) for repeated respiratory tract infection (RRTI) in infant.

49. When Venter and his team began their effort, genetic engineers had tools that were powerful but, by modern standards, crude.

50. TIGR, now renamed the J. Craig Venter Institute, is currently spearheading a project on the A. flavus genome.

51. One way to change our genes is to make new ones, as Craig Venter has so elegantly shown.

52. Already at the time of the Roman Empire it had been recognized that "plenus venter non studet libenter".

53. Viciae strain 306 produces the Bacteriocin, pR1e306c, with a type I secretion system required for export (Venter et al

54. Francois Venter is a senior director in the Reproductive Health and HIV Research Unit at the University of Witwatersrand.

55. On the side of the venter opposite the neck is the foot which anchors the Archegonium to the gametophyte

56. On the dorsum and venter of each annulus lie 14–18 small white-tipped papillae containing the sensory organs.

57. And so, in 2014, two famous TEDsters, Peter Diamandis and Craig Venter himself, decided to assemble a new company.

58. As the larvae develop there is an increase in the contrast between the dark dorsum and the iridescent venter.

59. 24 Methods: 68 cases of children with RRTI were treated by Injection of Astragali as the musculi dorsi reactant and 51 cases by levamisole as control.

60. In a recent paper in the journal Science, Venter and his colleagues announced that they had created the smallest living and reproducing organism.

61. On the other hand, Swiss bioengineer Martin Fussenegger correctly observed that the Venter achievement “is a technical advance, not a conceptual one.”

62. His performances got the attention of the incoming Saracens head coach Brendan Venter and he was signed for Saracens in 2009.

63. At a more practical level, Venter said, the team’s work has produced “a very powerful set of tools” for redesigning life.

64. In 1921, Christiaan Venter, the crew supervisor of a team of railroad maintenance men, noticed a piece of paper wedged under a rail.

65. Diatoms first appear in pollen zone A and consist mainly of the littoral forms Cymbella diluviana, Fragilaria lapponica, and F. construens var. venter.

66. The genus name derives from Ancient Greek takhukinetos, "moving quickly"; the specific name albiventer is from Latin albus, "white", and venter, "belly".

67. The most important result of the Venter team’s work was to reveal how little we know about the basic biology of life.

68. Archegonia in contrast produce a single egg cell located within a chamber known as the venter. A canal to the outside forms within the neck of the venter and breakdown products of cells that degenerate to form this canal generate a signal that serves as a chemoattractant to the sperm cells.

69. The scientists at the J. Craig Venter Institute expected to be told that they were “playing God,” and they were not disappointed.

70. The so-called Venter Patent Application which is continuation-in-part June 20, 1991 of NIH as cited in (1992), 11 Biotech.

71. CONCO, gathering 19 European partners and the J.Craig Venter Institute in the United States, is using the venomous sea snail to develop new therapeutic molecules.

72. Dr Venter, who is on the board of the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society, said the country could afford the antiretroviral drugs needed for PEP.

73. Asked about the significance of what the team had done, Venter described it as bringing about “a giant philosophical change in how we view life.”

74. Stephen Venter, who was 17 years old when he went to the detention barracks, said: “I was an unbaptized publisher with a limited knowledge of the truth.

75. Each Archegonium holds one egg (in a swollen section called the venter) and the sperm enter through the channel in the narrower, tubular section (or neck)

76. Dr Venter and his team have only been able to identify the function of two thirds of Syn3.0’s genes, with the other third remaining a mystery.

77. Dr Venter himself is a pioneer of DNA research, and led one of the two scientific teams that managed to sequence the human genome by June 2000.

78. Catenas are an important feature of savannah ecosystems, where local surface and subsurface redistribution of water results in characteristic soil and vegetation gradients (Venter et al., 2003)

79. I've wanted to ask Craig Venter if it would be possible to insert a synthetic chromosome into a human so that we could reiterate ourselves if we wanted to.

80. The most exciting prospect held out by Venter, however, is a form of algae that can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it to create diesel fuel or gasoline.