Use "upheaval" in a sentence

1. Bouleversement translate: upheaval, upheaval

2. Moving house is a major upheaval .

3. Moving house causes such an upheaval.

4. I can't face the upheaval of moving house again.

5. And upheaval has definitely reached North County.

6. The company underwent a massive upheaval after the takeover.

7. In that upheaval Peter played a leading part.

8. We will turn the clock back to those days of upheaval.

9. Having a baby will mean the greatest upheaval in your life.

10. Her fears had always been on the alert for an upheaval.

11. 8 Ministry and government officials downplay the April upheaval.

12. Wherever there is political upheaval, invariably there are refugees.

13. Within the revolutionary upheaval envisaged, relations between town and countryside are disrupted.

14. It was faced with the greatest social upheaval since World War Ⅱ.

15. The loss of his high-paying job caused enormous domestic upheaval.

16. English words for Bouleversement include upheaval, upset, dislocation, shaking and earth-shattering

17. Turbulent waves of violence and upheaval buffet humanity in these last days.

18. Yesterday's coup brought further upheaval to a country already struggling with famine.

19. “Adhocracy” acknowledges that the world of people who make things is in upheaval

20. Moving to a different school can be a big upheaval for young children.

21. Substantial possibilities of popular upheaval, mobilized by a vigorous left, were very real.

22. Political, environmental, and social upheaval is occurring to an extent unprecedented in history.

23. Ossyane's self-effacing voice fashions an intimate history from political upheaval.

24. Catherine Crane had joined the division three months ago, creating a major upheaval.

25. With East European upheaval and Soviet disorganization, the world socialism failed in succession.

26. 21 It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.

27. Issues Concerning university entrance has been in constant upheaval for a number of years

28. For a family to be put through such tragedy and emotional upheaval twice unconscionable.

29. The negative attitudes lurk undetected till a social upheaval forces them to the surface.

30. It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.

31. This panel addresses Anarchisms that exceed the container of normative descriptions of social upheaval

32. 14 This is East Africa, the Great Rift Valley, a land in constant upheaval.

33. For her the romantic triangle may be a microcosm of deracination and social upheaval.

34. “This sudden acquisition of Bible truth caused a real upheaval to my state of mind.

35. 8 The negative attitudes lurk undetected till a social upheaval forces them to the surface.

36. 14 The negative attitudes lurk undetected till a social upheaval forces them to the surface.

37. Ambushes may also be more general symbols of sudden loss and emotional upheaval.

38. A collapse in our economy would ripple around the globe causing such upheaval.

39. 28 Yesterday's coup brought further upheaval to a country already struggling with famine.

40. This is East Africa, the Great Rift Valley, a land in constant upheaval.

41. She seems to have cast me as the villain in her latest emotional upheaval.

42. Six of the year's Buzziest authors discuss bringing their books into the world during cultural upheaval

43. Yet nausea and bone-weariness were mere pinpricks compared to the emotional upheaval she was going through.

44. “Aftershocks” is thematically structured like an earthquake, including the rumbling foreshocks and the shuddering ground after an upheaval

45. Still another possibility is that the United States is heading into an era of political upheaval and reform.

46. Background Since its independence in 1974, Guinea-Bissau has experienced significant amounts of political and military upheaval

47. This may entail a major upheaval, but it will be more than compensated for later this month.

48. Second, the change and upheaval of the past years has left us with no place to hide.

49. Synonyms for Convulsions include turmoil, confusion, disturbance, commotion, disorder, trouble, upheaval, pandemonium, tumult and uproar

50. The First Intermediate Period ushered in a time of political upheaval for about 150 years.

51. Before 1905 was out the spectre of social upheaval thus enabled the Tsar's government to regain the initiative.

52. This is hardly surprising given that pregnancy causes the biggest hormonal upheaval your body has experienced since puberty.

53. What does Cataclysmic mean? Of or pertaining to a cataclysm; causing great destruction or upheaval; catastrophic

54. It was clearly a time of emotional upheaval, as revealed by a number of uncomfortable disclosures.

55. 26 This may entail a major upheaval, but it will be more than compensated for later this month.

56. Carlisle Cullen was the son of an Anglican priest, born in 1640s London, England, during a time of religious upheaval.

57. Cataclysmic (comparative more Cataclysmic, superlative most Cataclysmic) Of or pertaining to a cataclysm ; causing great destruction or upheaval ; catastrophic

58. The decade following the Crimean War saw the most dramatic social and institutional upheaval that the Empire had ever undergone.

59. Moreover, in the absence of any evidence of impending upheaval, individual peasants were wary of risking involvement in seditious talk.

60. It also serves as a reminder that I am not recommending a domestic Peace Corps but a literate upheaval.

61. 25 Urban economic and political development suffered severely from the social and demographic upheaval set in train during Ivan IV's reign.

62. Whatever they had been at home, now they suffered from the poverty and dislocation that came with their sudden upheaval.

63. The emotional labor and long hours from the pandemic's upheaval of higher education have left many instructional designers overworked and Burned out

64. IN LISTENING to the natural radio noise coming from outer space, scientists have detected something that has caused a great upheaval in their thinking.

65. Yo Soy Chicana: A Chicana Feminist Movement Social upheaval dominated the 1960s and 1970s as newly mobilized communities fought for equality in the U.S.

66. A glance back at 2008 shows a world full of wonderful, weird and whacky stories both before and after the financial upheaval.

67. The Basotho In the early 1800’s there was a great deal of migration and upheaval in Southern Africa, mostly as a result of the Mfecane

68. The Accidentals is the emotionally poignant story of seventeen year old Rachel Kress, and the upheaval of her life after her mothers tragic passing

69. How thrilled we were to read of the relief supplies sent to Eastern Europe as economic and political upheaval swept through that part of the world!

70. It was the Eve of the Enlightenment, and the laws of Blasphemies were in upheaval as society, the Reformation and a more civil society begins to emerge.

71. Yet it was surprised and taken aback by the upheaval that suddenly convulsed the country and , momentarily , its widespread apparatus of repression was disjoined .

72. With Acidheads in the streets and upheaval in the studios, 1969 was a time of profound change not just in Hollywood, but in America at large

73. Region can ill-afford political upheaval Bedevilling Malaysia Reforms to move the nation forward, not a scramble and struggle for power, should be the priority of the country’s leaders

74. In an industry known more for upheaval and change, Crews is known for its long-tenured team members and dedicated leadership, including two founders still active today.

75. In Nerds (Turkish for "breath"), Bausch channels impressions of Istanbul, a place where opposites converge--ancient meets modern, East meets West--and political upheaval Abounds

76. In 2003, the Argentine Government initiated the process of rebuilding the country’s institutionalism within a constitutional democratic framework in the aftermath of political, social and economic upheaval.

77. Recent Examples on the Web With Acidheads in the streets and upheaval in the studios, 1969 was a time of profound change not just in Hollywood, but in America at large

78. He agreed that the first option was out of the question, and accepted the moves to “Canalize” the revolutionary upheaval and ask for an end to the fighting.22

79. The ‘UK factor’, in the absence of political upheaval in Britain, will remain fully operative, provided negative feedback loops between the United States and the EU are kept under control.

80. The upheaval in Gujarat his no parallel in recent Indian history, not only because it is the first time that agitation has, overwhelmed a ministry and legislature hitt also Becense it is the first