Use "unwittingly" in a sentence

1. Friedmann had unwittingly broken the law.

2. If I offended you it was unwittingly.

3. When Chuck unwittingly downloads a database of government

4. How might we unwittingly be spreading false stories?

5. He had been unwittingly deluded by their mystical nonsense.

6. He was unwittingly caught up in the confrontation.

7. Consider if you are unwittingly adding fuel to the fire.

8. How can we guard against even unwittingly following Satan?

9. Guard against even unwittingly forming romantic attachments outside of marriage.

10. My remarks about divorce had unwittingly touched a raw nerve.

11. Parents can unwittingly transmit their own fears to their children.

12. People hate those who unwittingly harm the cause of peace.

13. For two thousand years, Cadavers—some willingly, some unwittingly—have been

14. It was clear that, wittingly or unwittingly, he had offended her.

15. To be sent callously, unwittingly to their deaths like laboratory animals.

16. 22. (a) How might we, like Peter, unwittingly become a stumbling block?

17. I regret any anxiety or concern which I may, unwittingly, have caused.

18. One of their partners had unwittingly failed to renew his practising certificate.

19. Even some Witnesses have unwittingly exposed themselves to this harmful material.

20. Moreover Elian has unwittingly achieved something that even Lewinsky never managed.

21. Wittingly or unwittingly, that is what political leaders do all the time.

22. He was bitter because he couldn't inherit the glory they unwittingly advertised.

23. My father has, unwittingly(sentencedict .com), captured us as we really are.

24. 17 Yet many people unwittingly mistreat their hair by eating an unbalanced diet.

25. Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment in which the birds live.

26. She had broken the law unwittingly, but still she had broken it.

27. ‘Do I unwittingly hinder communication by trying to force my adolescent to talk?’

28. Even some parents may unwittingly sow the seeds of a me-first spirit.

29. Aegisthus A son of Thyestes, who unwittingly begot him by his own daughter Pelopia.

30. Unwittingly she was operating the intermittent reinforcement principle in support of a bad habit!

31. Thus, the bishop of London unwittingly financed Tyndale’s work of translating the Bible!

32. Young tigers romp around granite outcrops sculptured unwittingly by Celtic picks and shovels.

33. A Troll stepped unwittingly into a steaming puddle and immediately began to dissolve.

34. A moustached man unwittingly saves a harpy from being drowned in a fountain.

35. She imposed unwittingly on the old lady and gentleman, by her ingenious cordiality.

36. Almost certainly unwittingly, Benjamin was returning to the land of his far-off kindred.

37. Then discuss what specific things you both can do to avoid unwittingly causing hurt feelings.

38. When people try to save face with men, they can unwittingly lose face with God.

39. Might I unwittingly harbor toward certain people a bias that is common in my community?’

40. Cianflone warns against unwittingly placing changing tables and cribs within reach of the window coverings .

41. If the guest was a bore, he or she unwittingly became grist for the act.

42. Antonyms for Advisedly include inadvertently, unconsciously, unintentionally, unknowingly, unwittingly, accidentally, involuntarily, incidentally, unawares and

43. 10 Schools unwittingly erect a language barrier which must exclude great numbers of parents.

44. Love you for the person you have wittingly or unwittingly given him a lot of burdens.

45. 29 Supposing in innocently requesting him to escort her today, she'd unwittingly committed a crass blunder?

46. For the male, it is a stiff competition, but even the strongest can be unwittingly foiled.

47. Aegisthus was the son of Thyestes, who unwittingly begot him by his own daughter Pelopia

48. Supposing in innocently requesting him to escort her today, she'd unwittingly committed a crass blunder?

49. These triggers can come wittingly or unwittingly from our adversaries or from our friends and colleagues.

50. While playing, the boys unwittingly moved into the deeper end which extended down nine feet, he said.

51. But the Galaxy is great, and it has happened before that a boundary has been trespassed unwittingly.

52. Can Misha Glenny be so politically naive that he has unwittingly turned into an apologist for aggression?

53. It is worth analysing your reaction to conflict situations since you may unwittingly be making them worse.

54. Every day, wittingly or unwittingly, we make a myriad of connections with people around the world.

55. It was as if the men, unwittingly, had stumbled upon a crude form of worker control.

56. After six years of marriage, however, Adrienne finds she has been strolling unwittingly through a psychological jungle.

57. 8 Supposing in innocently requesting him to escort her today,[] she'd unwittingly committed a crass blunder?

58. Moreover, national regulators, in their efforts to protect their banks, have unwittingly engaged in “beggar-thy-neighbor” policies.

59. Otherwise, the bishop may unwittingly drive the lost sheep further into the wilderness (see Luke 15:4).

60. And I had unwittingly familiarized myself with all the famous hackers, dosers and severers of the 19th century.

61. The writers of stories and novelettes in 1999 wittingly or unwittingly make an artistic presentation of this theme.

62. The books they marked were returned, probably not fully read, but with these enigmatic new chapters unwittingly added.

63. Take time to rebuild your boundaries so that it's harder for people to pull your triggers (wittingly or unwittingly).

64. I may have unwittingly provided them with a reason why my application should be filed in the trash can.

65. For two thousand years, Cadavers—some willingly, some unwittingly—have been involved in science's boldest strides and weirdest undertakings

66. Tongue-tied by inexperience and by excess of ardor, wooing unwittingly and awkwardly, Martin continued his approach by contact.

67. Antigone, in Greek legend, the daughter born of the unwittingly incestuous union of Oedipus and his mother, Jocasta.

68. For two thousand years, Cadavers―some willingly, some unwittingly―have been involved in science's boldest strides and weirdest undertakings.

69. Unwittingly, Briar brings together these immortal brothers, and teaches them, eternity is too short to give up on hope

70. The class involves anyone who unwittingly bought fraudulent sports memorabilia on eBay from September 1995 to the date of trial.

71. Wittingly or unwittingly, some records have explored segments of Byrd's career, but there are many possibilities for going further.

72. I had been so horrified by Jason Purvis' physical condition that, almost unwittingly, I had taken him in hand.

73. Even today, fortune telling ceremonies are still carried on unwittingly or half-jokingly in Halloween party games like apple bobbing.

74. This drain on French resources led Napoleon, who had unwittingly provoked a total war, to call the conflict the "Spanish Ulcer".

75. Hence, Augustus unwittingly helped to fulfill a prophecy about a ruler who would ‘cause an exactor to pass through the kingdom.’

76. For the study of social need and welfare policy this is clearly right; yet it unwittingly helps to reinforce the stereotypes.

77. PM Narendra Modi's 'main bhi Chowkidar' campaign has unwittingly shown that leaders like Subramaniam Swamy are unwilling to give up their Brahmin

78. He unwittingly refers to Libyans as "they" and says his American-style rapid multitasking is a sharp contrast to Libyans' languorous discussions.

79. It would appear from the above that Tai Situ Rinpoche group had wittingly or unwittingly played into the hands of the Chinese.

80. Over the past two springs between 500 and 600 farmers have unwittingly planted the contaminated seed bought from a company called Advanta.