Use "unjustly" in a sentence

1. We don't want to accuse anyone unjustly.

2. I regretted having blamed her unjustly.

3. She was unjustly imprisoned without trial.

4. Let's not devalue his work unjustly.

5. Let's not devalue her work unjustly.

6. He may have treated us unkindly or unjustly.

7. She felt that she had been unjustly treated.

8. Joseph suffered unjustly in “the prison hole”

9. He was unjustly singled out for punishment.

10. It's unfair to devalue anyone's work unjustly.

11. He has been unjustly dispossessed of his country.

12. She shouted out that she was unjustly imprisoned.

13. She is an excellent and unjustly neglected author.

14. It is but vain unjustly to wage war.

15. Obviously I haven't done it. You retaliated unjustly.

16. He was unjustly blamed by his immediate supperior.

17. They have been unjustly dispossessed of their hometown.

18. Therefore, he is incapable of acting unrighteously, or unjustly.

19. She believed the rumor and blamed her friend unjustly.

20. The newspapers had unjustly labeled him as a coward.

21. The King was unjustly accused of practising the black arts.

22. Even so, Paul is unjustly held in a prison for two years.

23. When Grandpa was unjustly imprisoned in 1918, my father was only 12.

24. Occasionally, human authorities have executed persons unjustly for trivial acts of wrongdoing.

25. She was unjustly accused of stealing money and then given the sack.

26. She shouted at those waiting about how she had been unjustly treated.

27. Is there a valid reason to feel agitated when we are unjustly maligned?

28. A boss might Criticize his or her employee’s performance, whether justly or unjustly

29. Their claim for freedom rests not on innocence, but on being unjustly imprisoned.

30. At the age of 17, Joseph was unjustly sold into slavery by his brothers.

31. He was unjustly sent to jail aged 18 for stealing a crate of cherries.

32. Antonyms for Analogously include unfairly, unjustly, irregularly, roughly, unevenly, dissimilarly, differently, contrarily, contrastingly and contrastively

33. Many people in the 19th century unjustly characterized the Latter-day Saints as a violent people.

34. The Prophet Joseph Smith and five others were unjustly imprisoned here from December 1838 to April 1839.

35. 4 It is not easy to control our emotions when we feel that we have been slighted or treated unjustly.

36. When a child, you may at times have felt that your parents allowed you to be treated unjustly.

37. The Communists dutifully echoed his admission, disclosing that even loyal Vietminh veterans had been unjustly tried and executed.

38. “Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!” Elihu exclaimed.

39. On the other hand, developing countries claim that they are unjustly denied access to the nuclear fuel cycle.

40. Said Elihu: “Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!

41. We are taught, correctly, that forgiveness is sublime, but often forgiveness leaves us unjustly suspended in emotional conflict.

42. He was falsely accused of blasphemy, taken to the Roman Governor, and then unjustly turned over to be executed.

43. His claim to be an important and unjustly neglected painter is sheer self-deception - he's no good at all.

44. An arcane spell caster is unjustly accused of starting a devastating fire with a badly aimed (or miscast) spell.

45. The story tells Atticus Finch , a white lawyer defending a black man unjustly accused of raping a white woman .

46. Andrew Jackson, the first president from the western frontier, was unjustly accused of bigamy and derided as an unschooled ignoramus.

47. Mr. Accum, in his Treatise on Culinary Poisons, has stigmatized this process as "fraudulent," but, in our opinion, most unjustly.

48. Luke Cage, wrongly convicted and unjustly imprisoned, was altered in a failed prison experiment that granted him unbreakable skin and superhuman strength

49. Note what Job 34:10 says: “Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!”

50. And the fact that some boys may have been whipped unjustly fifty years ago does not make that injustice more palatable today.

51. Soon, those who insist on acting unjustly will find that there is no room for them on a clean earth under God’s Kingdom.

52. Under the Canada Marine Act (CMA), the Agency is empowered to hear complaints about port fees and determine if they are unjustly discriminatory.

53. But his travels came to a halt when he was unjustly arrested and then confined to a house under soldier guard for two years.

54. Refraining from thoughts and words that can cause pain to others and refraining from retaliating when insulted or unjustly criticized are some examples of Ahimsa

55. All fines made with us unjustly and against the law of the land, and all Amercements, imposed unjustly and against the law of the land, shall be entirely remitted, or else it shall be done concerning them according to the decision of the five and twenty barons whom mention is made below in the clause for securing the pease, or according to the

56. However, if a Christian “because of conscience toward God, bears up under grievous things and suffers unjustly, this is an agreeable thing” in Jehovah’s sight.

57. All fines made with us unjustly and against the law of the land, and all Amercements, imposed unjustly and against the law of the land, shall be entirely remitted, or else it shall be done concerning them according to the decision of the five and twenty barons whom mention is made below in the clause for securing the pease, or according to the

58. Bugbeared with popery and power despotic, Tyrannic government, and leagues exotic: The revolution's a fanatic plot, William a tyrant, Sunderland a sot: A factious army and a poisoned nation, Unjustly forced King James's abdication

59. Christ Himself, when He was unjustly accused, then savagely assaulted, beaten, and left suffering upon the cross, in that very moment said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

60. 22 hours ago · A formerly Yale-affiliated faculty member says she was unjustly sacked after attorney Alan Dershowitz Complained about her tweet that claimed Trump supporters were suffering from a …

61. Bugbeared with Popery and power despotic, Tyrannic goverment and leagues exotic: The Revolution's a fanatic plot, William a tyrant, Sunderland a sot: A factious army and a poisoned nation Unjustly forced King James's abdication

62. Bugbeared with Popery and power despotic, Tyrannic government and leagues exotic: The Revolution’s a fanatic plot, William a tyrant, Sunderland a sot: A factious army and a poisoned nation: Unjustly forced King James’s abdication

63. Defamation (also known as Calumny, vilification, libel, slander or traducement) is the oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation and usually constitutes a tort or crime

64. Ibn Al-Jawzi while clarifying the Abominability of injustice, he said: "Injustice comprehends two kinds of disobediences: the first is taking people's money unjustly, and the second is contesting and contradicting Allaah through disobeying Him and violating His rulings

65. Crows visit trash by day; trash that is scattered overnight is the work of others—dogs or, perhaps, raccoons—but may be unjustly blamed on the Crows who the homeowner sees in the morning eating the leftovers after the real culprits are gone.

66. The Barcarolle's slower tempo makes the piece a little lacklustre when compared to a more fiery Argerich version (1961), yet the closing "Fantasy", rarely played and recorded as it is (unjustly so), caps the album in a wonderful, truly Chopinesque fashion

67. The Barcarolle's slower tempo makes the piece a little lacklustre when compared to a more fiery Argerich version (1961), yet the closing "Fantasy", rarely played and recorded as it is (unjustly so), caps the album in a wonderful, truly Chopinesque fashion

68. The Barcarolle's slower tempo makes the piece a little lacklustre when compared to a more fiery Argerich version (1961), yet the closing "Fantasy", rarely played and recorded as it is (unjustly so), caps the album in a wonderful, truly Chopinesque …

69. To speak evil of no man: medena Blasphemein, to revile, or curse, or blaspheme none: or (as our translation more generally) to speak evil of none, unjustly and falsely, or unnecessarily, without call, and when it may do hurt but no good to the person himself or any other

70. "Neo Arcadia" is the name given to the now center-of-the-world paradise city in the post-apocalyptic world of the Mega Man Zero series, as a place where humans and reploids live together side by side, though the Neo Arcadian government proves to be overbearing & ruthless in the fight against mavericks, going so far as to unjustly condemn

71. Let us honour the memory of the abolitionists by fighting against slavery and human trafficking, which continue to exist even to this day. Today, 200 years later, let us remember the glorious work of William Wilberforce and his colleagues, brave men and women, who were willing to take on a vile and odious industry and to bring the beginning of freedom to millions of people of African origin who had so unjustly been deprived of it.