Use "undermined" in a sentence

1. High taxation rates have undermined work incentives.

2. Recent changes have undermined teachers' morale.

3. Recent federal action undermined the segregationist position.

4. Subject specialization and formal teaching would be undermined.

5. 5 She felt undermined by the implied criticism.

6. Badgers had undermined the foundations of the church.

7. Hence parity between teachers in schools was undermined.

8. This insurrection was eventually undermined by the government.

9. At other times, his statements undermined such hopeful words.

10. The 1961 law forbidding dowries further undermined traditional Hinduism.

11. Disloyalty and betrayal have undermined resistance throughout the war.

12. But it also undermined his already fragile self-control.

13. The new contracts have undermined the confidence of employees.

14. These miscarriages of justice have undermined confidence in our legal system.

15. This must have infuriated my father and undermined his authority.

16. Comparisons between Tudjman and Tito, however, are undermined by anachronism.

17. 7 Inflation has undermined the legitimacy of the market order.

18. Their willpower and control over their own bodies are undermined.

19. 9 The insider trading undermined investors'confidence in the stock market.

20. 1 It also undermined staff's attempts to encourage users' self-determination.

21. These conflicts drained it of resources and undermined the economy generally.

22. The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods.

23. A damaging aspect of Betrayal is that our sense of reality is undermined

24. For most of the 1980s that international mobility undermined mostly blue-collar workers.

25. That treaty, however, was soon undermined by renewed fighting in the Peloponnese.

26. 1 Her unwillingness to answer questions undermined the strength of her position.

27. Bellesiles's extensive research is undermined By errors of fact, omission and judgment

28. In Slovakia, official declarations that forests are growing undermined by aerial photography.

29. Bellesiles's extensive research is undermined by errors of fact, omission and judgment.

30. Such activities undermined the objectives of the Treaty and jeopardized its integrity and credibility.

31. Every position has been successfully undermined and abandoned on specious and plausible excuses.

32. National economies, however undermined by the transnational economy, coexist and intertwine with it.

33. Second, Falun Gong organizations have instigated troubles and incidents and have undermined social stability.

34. The power of the Buddhist Maharajas was further undermined by the spread of Islam.

35. By not throwing his full support behind government forces, he had undermined their trust in him.

36. 18 The closed shop and the wildcat strike have undermined the legitimacy of modern trade unionism.

37. Most dramatically, the position of the country's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , has been sorely undermined.

38. The war, however, undermined his constitution and by 1834 he was dying of tuberculosis.

39. ‘tax Avoision is a consequence of the web of tax rules that has undermined compliance’

40. This undermined AA's attempts to increase trust with its workforce and to increase its productivity.

41. The Johnson and Clinton Acquittals undermined impeachment as an effective tool against an unscrupulous president

42. So why are we ploughing on with a strategy that is already being undermined by the practicalities?

43. The Secretary of Defence has said that he would not stand by and let democracy be undermined.

44. Nobody doubts the honest endeavour on the field, but will that be undermined by off-field shenanigans?

45. Each suspected the other of seeking a sectarian platform, and each perpetually undermined the other.

46. The commercial dealings of Tien, her children and grandchildren became extensive and ultimately undermined Suharto's presidency.

47. It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness.

48. The meteoric rise in the popularity of Modern Art left my position at Sotheby's much undermined.

49. 19 Each suspected the other of seeking a sectarian platform, and each perpetually undermined the other.

50. Deceptive elements infiltrated the congregations and, with clever, specious arguments, slowly undermined the zeal of many members.

51. 29 It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness.

52. Resolving such conflicts requires social alliances, which are invariably undermined by discontent, civil disorder, and political instability.

53. The republican state was undermined by the right wing counter reforms which eased the road to violence.

54. 10 It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness.

55. Brett Crozier of command of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the Navy said that Crozier undermined the chain of command.

56. Sound management can also be undermined if cost-cutting takes the easy way out and targets administration.

57. Their leader’s opulence and the sexual experimentation they practiced undermined their claim to have established “a beautiful oasis.”

58. 27 The work of regulatory agencies was also undermined by budget cuts and a concerted unwillingness to enforce existing regulations.

59. The lack of international unanimity undermined the Superintendent's presumption that people with homonymous hemianopia could never drive safely.

60. Legitimate expectations as to the legality of a favourable administrative act, once acquired, may not subsequently be undermined.

61. 16 There is always a risk that legislative reforms which outpace public opinion will be undermined by reaction.

62. If we don’t address them, then a lot of things we have achieved in other fields would be undermined.

63. If the woman is subsequently promoted, her achievement will be undermined by office gossip that she earned it illicitly.

64. The Army's preference to appear neutral was severely undermined by its role during the Loyalist marching season of 19

65. Several failed assassination plots utilizing CIA-recruited operatives and anti-Castro Cubans directly against Castro undermined the CIA's credibility.

66. If these principles are undermined for the sake of legal machismo, there will be nothing on which to build.

67. (Genesis 3:1-6) Had he tolerated their unrighteousness, Jehovah would have undermined his own position as Universal Sovereign.

68. The claims of the falsificationist are seriously undermined by the fact that observation statements are theory-dependent and fallible.

69. The area of theology where the principle that "all theology is Christology" is most frequently undermined is probably sanctification

70. 10 But the ham-fisted response to the Nobel crisis has dramatically undermined Beijing's post-Tiananmen efforts to rehabilitate its image.

71. The three parties had disagreed on major issues and the coalition had been undermined by national discontent over recent austerity measures.

72. The vision proclaimed by Paul in his Letter to the Galatians is totally undermined by moral dualisms he never even envisaged.

73. But even as early as the Punic Wars the sense of citizenship was being undermined by the growth of wealth and slavery.

74. 9 The developing countries are pressed to eliminate trade barriers,[] which can lead to local producers being undermined by cheaper imports.

75. Although this policy met with initial success, it gradually undermined the relative effectiveness of imperial bureaucracy by placing family connections over merit.

76. His attempts to put things right have been undermined by a cash flow that was always spasmodic and is now drying up.

77. 27 The liberal position was undermined and most Progressives were prepared to support the Prussian state as the instrument of achieving national self-determination.

78. First, a worker undermined a chunk of coal by chipping away at the foot of it with his pick, creating a gap called a kerf.

79. Anomie As the old ways of doing things are undermined, people who placed their faith in tradition become disoriented (technically speaking, they suffer from "Anomie").

80. Cantonment The knowledge generated through the process of litigation undermined what was otherwise an unusual story of cultural and racial interactions within a Cantonment-centered economy. …