Use "underline" in a sentence

1. Underline links

2. & Underline filenames

3. Pls underline the important items.

4. Matches the underscore or underline mark.

5. As you read, underline the sources he describes.

6. Add a reverse punch to underline your technique.

7. What facts underline the gravity of mankind’s problems?

8. Please underline the noun clauses in the passage.

9. Underline phrases that explain why pride is so destructive.

10. Features: #Annotate - Highlight, Underline, Strikeout - Add Text comment - Different

11. 7 Bold, italic, underline and mixes. Teletype, replaceable, strikeout.

12. Alpaca seems a good option due to the warmer underline

13. Underline the brothers’ response in 1 Nephi 15:9.

14. Don't forget to underline the title of the essay.

15. The recent shootings underline the need for more security.

16. Here we need only underline a few key concepts.

17. It's unnecessary to underline the importance of this voyage.

18. You might underline phrases that are meaningful to you.

19. His failures underline the difference between theatre and film direction.

20. Underline words or phrases that help answer the following questions:

21. Take two coloured pens and underline the positive and negative words.

22. Popups appear in the text as green text with a dotted underline.

23. Underline those portions of his explanation that stand out to you.

24. You may wish to underline phrases that are meaningful to you.

25. You could even underline key phrases or words in your speech notes.

26. Strikes by prison officers underline the need for reform in our gaols.

27. This is a very serious research, that you should read the underline.

28. To underline their disgust, the crowd started throwing bottles at the stage.

29. * On the other hand, we need to recognise and underline India’s "absolute uniqueness”.

30. Read Mosiah 15:10, and underline the phrase “he shall see his seed.”

31. Read 1 Nephi 5:11–14, and underline what the brass plates contained.

32. Read 1 Nephi 15:8, and underline the question Nephi asked his brothers.

33. Underline what those who choose not to repent will drink at the judgment day.

34. But the CompuServe fiasco does underline two lessons about the emerging world of cyberspace.

35. With these two seemingly contradictory attitudes in mind, underline all the adjectives you've used.

36. Read 2 Nephi 18:6–8, and underline the phrase “waters of Shiloah.”

37. In this context, let me underline that India is willing to contribute its share.

38. Read 1 Nephi 6:3–6, and underline Nephi’s purpose in writing his record.

39. Their brief visit has served to underline the deep differences between the two countries.

40. Read the following sentences and underline the prepositional phrases used as the attributive clauses.

41. These go beyond symbolism. They underline the deep and affectionate bonds between the two countries.

42. Their graceful body language and lithe movements underline the balletic perfection of the female form.

43. Though both the words underline suppression of the other, Colonialism is where one nation […]

44. Studies also underline that using a Bedpan is very embarrassing and shameful for the patients

45. Read Alma 4:19, and underline what Alma desired to do to help his people.

46. IAnnotate features the most comprehensive set of tools so you can highlight, draw, stamp, underline, and …

47. In short, the deposition only serves to underline the limitations of ecclesiastical initiative and power in politics.

48. These results from Pella underline the complexity of the vitreous industries in this period of their development.

49. Second, PM will underline the continued priority we attach to the technology dimension of nuclear security.

50. Henry was wasting his time and, as if to underline this fact, he glanced at the clock tower.

51. The standards and norms underline the importance of empirical evidence for effective crime prevention and justice administration.

52. This success serves to underline Johnson Matthey's pioneering research and development activities and our commitment to innovation.

53. They underline the right of migrant workers to express freely their ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic characteristics.

54. Occasionally they are referred to hospitals, but the treatment they receive sometimes serves only to underline their isolation.

55. It took the Balkan crises of the 90s and their transatlantic tensions to underline how urgent it was.

56. Review the material, including the cited scriptures, with the student in mind, and perhaps underline key points. —Rom.

57. But the inspectorate is prosecuting to underline the importance that it attaches to nuclear workers following proper procedures.

58. Look in Mosiah 12:33, and underline a principle that indicates why it is important to live the commandments.

59. A number of successful applications of expert systems in medicine, oil exploration and in computer engineering underline this trend.

60. However, you must send the printer specific control codes for underline, etc since the Printer Filter is not being used.

61. A brief review of the history of the profiling and records of achievement movement will serve to underline this point.

62. 10 In short,[] the deposition only serves to underline the limitations of ecclesiastical initiative and power in politics.

63. I stress this in order to underline that the view which I express is idiosyncratic, prejudiced and probably heretical.

64. Or what it is to speak so emphatically that even the phlegmatic Mrs Padmore feels obliged to underline it.

65. They underline the right of migrant workers to express freely their ethnic, cultural[], religious and linguistic characteristics.

66. A fanciful idea by some toy manufacturer which only goes to underline what was said previously about imagination and licence!

67. 16 Or what it is to speak so emphatically that even the phlegmatic Mrs Padmore feels obliged to underline it.

68. But I can underline the fact that these administrative discussions, I am confident, will be concluded in very short order.

69. Studies and statistics underline the fact: 200 large-scale enterprises control about half the fabulous material wealth of the United States.

70. Help the students to find the key words or phrases that directly answer the printed question and then underline or highlight them.

71. The occupational census data too underline the general insignificance of industry ( modern and traditional ) and the preponderance of agriculture and allied pursuits .

72. The creation of his office was meant to underline the commitment of the Union to open, democratic and accountable forms of administration.

73. Since Gregory was an active promoter of the Benedictine rule and Claustration, it is hardly surprising that he takes the opportunity to underline

74. Read 1 Nephi 16:1–2, and underline how Nephi said some people react to hearing truth when they are not living it.

75. They underline that those who are willing to reintegrate must abjure violence, sever links with the terrorist and extremist groups, and respect the Afghanistan Constitution.

76. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and underline the two consequences of breaking God’s laws: “Justice ... requires that every broken law be satisfied.

77. The significant variation that was identified in abruptio placentae rates and case-fatality rates according to time and maternal age underline the need for further investigation into this condition.

78. The term "Compressibility" is also used in thermodynamics to describe the deviance in the thermodynamic properties of a real gas from those expected from an ideal gas.The Compressibility factor is defined as \[Z=\frac{p \underline{V}}{R T}\] where p is the pressure of the gas, T is its temperature, and \(\underline{V}\) is its molar volume.In the case of an ideal gas, the Compressibility

79. In this regard, I would like to underline that the question of providing adequate and predictable funding for Habitat is one of the pressing issues of revitalizing, reforming and strengthening the Centre

80. Perhaps during a Mutual activity you could bring your scriptures, read those four chapters aloud, and underline when the word prayer is mentioned—sharing stories and testimonies on the power of prayer.