Use "under cover" in a sentence

1. They escaped under cover of darkness.

2. All the seats are under cover.

3. They move under cover of darkness.

4. Under cover of friendship they betrayed him.

5. They moved about under cover of darkness.

6. They would pull out under cover of darkness.

7. Arrangements for the escape were made under cover.

8. What does a-Couvert mean? Under cover; secure

9. Start growing the plants indoors or under cover.

10. The attack took place under cover of darkness.

11. They managed to escape under cover of darkness.

12. We attacked at night, under cover of darkness.

13. I looked over, and Daisy was still under cover.

14. Sheffield quickly retreated under cover of a smoke screen.

15. The attack jumped off under cover of a barrage.

16. Under cover of the dark, the dog was stolen.

17. The burglar broke into the house under cover of darkness.

18. The rain does not matter as we are under cover.

19. A fucking American Muslim working under cover for the bureau?

20. Nicodemus has fearfully come to Jesus under cover of darkness.

21. Historical embezzle is containing detail, in detail under cover answer.

22. Later, under cover of darkness, they crept into the house.

23. He remained under cover and waited further instructions from headquarters.

24. Watch must be alert should Spartacus attack under cover of darkness.

25. She was working under cover to get information on drug gangs.

26. They have pressured political leaders to ‘contrive mischief under cover of law.’

27. A small party stole up on the bridge under cover of darkness.

28. Even under cover of night, we're glowing big and bright on his radar.

29. 'Get under cover!' shouted Billy, and we darted once more for the tables.

30. Several of us ducked out under cover of darkness, even as others arrived.

31. dark air-cured: tobacco dried in the air under cover, fermented before being marketed

32. (autres locutions) à Couvert under cover. sous le Couvert de under the shelter of

33. (fig) under cover of. Couverts. nmpl (places) place settings , (couteaux et fourchettes) cutlery sg

34. dark air-cured: tobacco dried in the air under cover, fermented before being marketed;

35. That afternoon, the cruisers made contact, attacked, and retired under cover of a smoke screen.

36. I think there was a way into the flue all along, under cover of those bushes.

37. The Barrators are confined to darkness to symbolize their black, evil deeds that were done under cover

38. During this operation German torpedo boats attacked Niblack and PC-556 under cover of a dense smoke screen.

39. Synonyms for Clandestinely include surreptitiously, covertly, confidentially, stealthily, unobserved, under cover, sub rosa, by stealth, secretly and furtively

40. Under cover of darkness he' il position the Stealth boat near the British fleet, fire the missile into China

41. Unbeknownst to him, a Blue hunter-killer team was perched less than two miles away -- under cover and undetected.

42. 19 Unbeknownst to him, a Blue hunter-killer team was perched less than two miles away -- under cover and undetected.

43. But some kind of late-blooming compulsion to be honest is making it harder for me to stay under cover.

44. Advance units quickly moved against rebel outposts under cover of the bombardment and moved artillery closer as forward positions were secured.

45. 25 But some kind of late-blooming compulsion to be honest is making it harder for me to stay under cover.

46. How pleasant it was to have plenty of space all under cover, with ample parking space just adjacent to the Grand Stand!

47. They would exit under cover of darkness at one of numerous drop-zones fifty kilometres from the vast sprawl of Sagramaso City.

48. God willing, in less than 48 hours... you will evacuate this island in gunships under cover of hostages and V.X. gas warheads.

49. She may have emerged from the burrow system unnoticed and either slipped away under cover or escaped into an adjoining burrow system.

50. As Barak and his men march down Mount Tabor under cover of the storm, they witness the havoc wrought by Jehovah’s unleashed fury.

51. IRISL subsidiaries have used US dollar-denominated bank accounts registered under cover-names in Europe and the Middle East to facilitate routine fund transfers.

52. The Indian Side informed the Russian Side of its accession to the Customs Convention on International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets.

53. Afterwards, Rinaldo incited Niccolò Fortebraccio to "attack the Lucchese under cover of some fictitious quarrel", an action that led Florence to attempt the conquest of Lucca.

54. Towhees and juncos can scurry through the wire at ground level into dense plantings and Branchy thickets to feed under cover or use as staging to the nearby trees

55. † GIB Aqualine® must be stored under cover, stacked flat and clear of the floor with sufficient support to avoid sagging † GIB Aqualine® must be handled as a finishing material

56. Wasp and her consorts passed through the Straits of Gibraltar under cover of the pre-dawn darkness on 19 April, avoiding the possibility of being discovered by Spanish or Axis agents.

57. 20 While she was riding on the donkey and going down under cover of the mountain, just then David and his men were coming down toward her, and she met them.

58. To support this part of its loss of profits claim, ABB submitted a copy of a written proposal that it made to KNPC under cover of a letter dated 31 July 1990.

59. Ambulatories are constructed either on the inside or outside of a building, or in a public thoroughfare wholly or partially under cover, or entirely open to the sky, and are used only to walk in

60. Ambulatories are constructed either on the inside or outside of a building, or in a public thoroughfare wholly or partially under cover, or entirely open to the sky, and are used only to walk in

61. - an initial phase of accelerated composting under cover in 10 dynamic aerated channels, fitted with the necessary turning and transfer equipment and controlled blowers regulated on the basis of the average temperature in the mass to be composted;

62. Cease® can be applied in greenhouse, field, interiorscape, residential and commercial landscapes and shade house environments on a wide array of ornamentals including bedding plants, potted plants, cut flowers, tropical foliage and container grown trees, shrubs, and vegetables grown under cover.

63. John published, after another 20-odd years past the Bizoton trial to gather evidence of Anthropophagism, all that he managed to produce were two highly dubious second-hand accounts of white men allegedly sneaking into vodou ceremonies under cover of blackface and reporting the sacrifice of children.

64. (4 ) Article 3(e) '"self-employed driver" shall mean anyone whose main occupation is to transport passengers or goods by road for hire or reward within the meaning of Community legislation under cover of a Community licence or any other professional authorisation to carry out the Aforementioned transport, who is entitled to work for himself and