Use "unchanged" in a sentence

1. Eternal, unchanged, evermore.1

2. Wednesday's Dawn: Occupant Unchanged.

3. Actions Show Objective Unchanged

4. Sunday services remain unchanged.

5. Alderney remains remarkably unchanged

6. To be accidental and take for granted. So you must, Suiyuan unchanged, unchanged Suiyuan.

7. Leave the other text boxes unchanged.

8. Local OECTA President Applauding Unchanged Spring Break

9. The art of storytelling has remained unchanged.

10. Chlorothiazide is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.

11. Yet the policy of autocratic rule remains unchanged.

12. The 401 (k) Contribution limit is unchanged at $19,500

13. The Anesthesia base units are unchanged for CY 2020.

14. Bugg price is unchanged in the last 24 hours

15. The Anesthesia base units are unchanged for CY 2021

16. In that year, 17 states had Cutoffs that were unchanged

17. An unchanged node to pathname object conversion process is performed.

18. The demand deposit interest rate remains unchanged at 0.81 percent.

19. The Retail Prices Index ( RPI ) measure was unchanged at 5% .

20. If typical price is unchanged then that day is discarded.

21. Tne equations of electromagnetism weathered the revolution of relativity unchanged.

22. 2 The duration of cohabitation, however, has remained virtually unchanged.

23. Definition of Changelessness the quality of being unchangeable; having a marked tendency to remain unchanged the property of remaining unchanged Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver.

24. Income tax remains unchanged, but the tariffs on business are collapsing.

25. Colour of slant unchanged Negative Christensen's Urea agar Urease Positive reaction:

26. General administrative expenses of EUR156.5 million were unchanged year-on-year.

27. After subsequent Annealings of 60 minutes R C remained almost unchanged

28. With the ANB angle remaining unchanged, both jaws were transposed ventrally.

29. The New York Times later reported that Zhou's status remained unchanged.

30. The other types of maps ( self - illumination , specular, bump ) are unchanged.

31. The other fares given in Commission notice #/C #/# of # October # are unchanged

32. From the Heian period until the Edo period, the borders remained unchanged.

33. Modifications are mostly incremental, and leave substantial parts of the text unchanged.

34. The state of straddling stocks in the eastern Central Atlantic remains unchanged.

35. Branchiopods are perhaps the most primitive of crustaceans, appearing almost unchanged in …

36. Transmembrane resting potentials, upstroke velocities and amplitudes of action potentials remained unchanged.

37. The general disease control provisions will remain unchanged, with some minor adjustments.

38. The Constant Load components remain unchanged throughout the entire pushover analysis procedure.

39. Saturated fatty acids, unsaturation index, and cholesterol / fatty acid ratios were unchanged.

40. In an abnormal release, the TMSI generation field value is left unchanged.

41. Labelling indices remained essentially unchanged in those patient who underwent biopsy twice.

42. The Statistics page interface remains unchanged, and you can still generate downloadable CSVs.

43. If not, the pointer address is routed through the instruction mapping circuit unchanged.

44. The BOJ also left its key interest rate unchanged from zero to 0.1 % .

45. Designs resulting largely from trial and error remained virtually unchanged over 200 years.

46. 20 Traditional crafts remain remarkably unchanged by the slow incursion of modern ways.

47. Cytochrome oxidase activity remains rather unchanged in the white portion of the muscle.

48. In the absence of adequate stock abundance data, the TAC should remain unchanged.

49. 7 The work of middle managers and a focus on function remain unchanged.

50. The current FDA - approved labeling for heparin remains unchanged, including the recommended doses.

51. Barley is an ancient grain, meaning it has remained largely unchanged over the years

52. Various methods can be used to adjust the unchanged cell values to regain additivity.

53. But his purpose for the earth and for the human family has remained unchanged.

54. 19 The benchmark 5-year sterling swap spread was unchanged at 34 basis points.

55. Changelessness - the quality of being unchangeable; having a marked tendency to remain unchanged unchangeability

56. The closed Convective loop is observed where the air mass remains basically unchanged but

57. The global average cost for sending remittances is 9 percent, broadly unchanged from 2012.

58. As such, Backsaw technology has remained essentially unchanged over the centuries until very recently

59. After oral load only 11–22 % of the keto acids pass the liver unchanged.

60. Disturbed rectal sensation, elevated rectal compliance and impaired reflex activity were unchanged after operation.

61. In dialect: Dialectal change and diffusion …with the unchanged usage (Archaism) in dialect B

62. Thinking, innovation, the pursuit of giving, my article of faith in life remain unchanged.

63. The frequency of epileptiform activity decreased with follow-up recordings, whereas focal slowing remained unchanged.

64. Except for an anomalously high surface abundance of nitrogen, the white dwarf should appear unchanged.

65. Taking into account potential shock absorbers (exchange rates, fiscal and monetary policy) leaves results unchanged.

66. Energy tax rates have remained unchanged in recent years, which weakens their environmental incentive effect.

67. 26 And the other matters that fall to the conveyancer to arrange will remain unchanged.

68. In our example the divisor is divisible by 1000, which leads to three unchanged digits.

69. The airport has a main runway of 2 720 metres, which remained unchanged since 2000.

70. The original frequency (94.1 MHz), channel (231C1) and antenna height of 207.8 m remain unchanged.

71. The building remained substantially unchanged for many years, apart from some minor additions and alterations.

72. Communities need absolutes, ideals of truths, transcendent sources of authority which are unchanged and unchangeable.

73. Previous answers assume that evolution will continue unchanged they ignore developments such as genetic engineering.

74. To the mortification of the partners the Royalty was to remain unchanged at one-twelfth.

75. TAC levels for non-cod Gulf and sub-division 3Ps groundfish stocks also remain unchanged.

76. Actualised (new or unchanged) type 30/ of the parent engine system within the emission OBD family

77. The leadership of the Khmer Rouge was largely unchanged between the 1960s and the mid-1990s.

78. Except for an anomalously high surface abundance of nitrogen, the white dwarf should appear unchanged.

79. Cella’s soap base has gone unchanged for over 120 years, and its easy to see why

80. According to Statistics Estonia, the domestic consumer price index remained unchanged in January from December 2010.