Use "unaccompanied" in a sentence

1. No unaccompanied children allowed.

2. Kelly's too young to go unaccompanied.

3. In 1930, Miller moved to Paris unaccompanied.

4. The piece is most often sung unaccompanied.

5. The airport X-rays all unaccompanied baggage.

6. Unaccompanied bags are either searched or removed.

7. Unaccompanied children are not allowed on the premises.

8. For an encore, he sang an unaccompanied folk song.

9. Children unaccompanied by an adult will not be admitted.

10. Underneath, visitors can stroll unaccompanied along a redolent sluiceway.

11. Usually we speak these words softly, unaccompanied by brass bands.

12. Mere words, unaccompanied by any violence, cannot amount to an assault.

13. A cappella - sung without instrumental accompaniment; "they sang an A cappella Mass" unaccompanied - playing or singing without accompaniment; "the soloist sang unaccompanied" Adv.

14. Beauty, unaccompanied by virtue, is as a flower without perfume. 

15. (f) unaccompanied right of access at any time for customs authorities;

16. The ship was carrying illegal migrants, not unaccompanied children, he said.

17. To everyone's great surprise, the princess arrived at the ball unaccompanied.

18. Alone (adj., adv.) "unaccompanied, solitary; without companions, solitary," c

19. • Existing policy on unaccompanied aliens under 18 is reviewed and currently implemented.

20. King's unaccompanied solo on Lush Life is an improvisational tour de force.

21. Many large Third World cities have arisen unaccompanied by national industrial growth.

22. Point (b): Homes for unaccompanied foreign minors, accommodation capacity and personnel training

23. He found himself nourishing the hope that Miss Bart might be unaccompanied.

24. Never drive unaccompanied on quarry access roads, used by marble-transporting trucks.

25. Service for the management of Accommodation Requests of Asylum Seekers and Unaccompanied Minors.

26. I understand that 250 unaccompanied children cost a social services department £5 million.

27. She sang the first three verses with a piano and the last verse unaccompanied.

28. Pelosi says the surge in unaccompanied children Arriving at southern border is a crisis

29. The Committee would welcome additional data on diplomatic assurances, unaccompanied minors and extraordinary renditions.

30. I remember one captain who was quite loath to having an unaccompanied woman on board.

31. Synonyms for Autonomously include independently, sovereignly, separately, freely, individually, autarkically, solo, solely, uncontrolledly and unaccompanied

32. A wide variety of activity holidays are provided including some special weeks for unaccompanied children.

33. On the Overland Trail he discovered, as most unaccompanied men did, the rigors of housekeeping.

34. In dhrupad singing the Alap is unmetered, improvised and unaccompanied, and started at a slow tempo.

35. Their main problem was breaking cultural taboos about women attending markets unaccompanied and trading alone.

36. In dhrupad singing the Alap is unmetered, improvised and unaccompanied, and started at a slow tempo

37. More Than 300 Central Americans Crammed Into Trailer114 Are UNACCOMPANIED Minors On Friday over 300 Central American migrants were found packed in trailers that were transporting them to the U.S.-Mexican border, and 114 of them are unaccompanied minors

38. A cappella, (Italian: “in the church style”), performance of a polyphonic (multipart) musical work by unaccompanied voices

39. While registered unaccompanied children should be transferred to safe accommodation, Greece has a chronic shortage of space.

40. As mentioned above, unaccompanied foreign minors are no longer held in closed centres (see para. 764 above).

41. Officially users were not supposed to go outside the centres' grounds unaccompanied by staff without senior staff's permission.

42. Harold was pleased that it had been arranged, but he did not arrive unaccompanied since Haines was with him.

43. The concentration operation could result in a mere aggregation of market shares, unaccompanied by restructuring measures or plans.

44. Most chanting is unaccompanied, often because no one is available with the required skill, especially to accompany plainsong.

45. The fact that family accommodation is limited means that some jobs are available only on an “unaccompanied” basis.

46. Swing low, sweet Chariot is left unaccompanied, but that involves a disturbing oddity of pitching at the start.

47. 26 Cabin crew could lock out certain programmes for unaccompanied minors who sat close to crew, said spokesman Mark Street.

48. The attention of the Council's bodies is currently focused on a particularly vulnerable group of people: unaccompanied alien minors.

49. Meanwhile, Apprehensions of unaccompanied children ages 17 and younger also decreased from their peak in fiscal 2019, from 76,020 to 30,557.

50. However much she may enjoy such pursuits, there will be times when she would actually rather wander the streets unaccompanied.

51. Of the 100,441 Apprehended individuals, 29,792 were unaccompanied children, with 2,942 of the minors being under 12-years-old and 26,850 …

52. It's costing the Biden administration more than $60 million a week to care for 16,500 unaccompanied migrant teenagers and children now in federally-run shelters -- …

53. The unaccompanied minors are spending an average of 117 hours in detention facilities, beyond the 72 hours Allowed, according to a Department of Homeland Security document.

54. The Pentagon on Wednesday approved a request from the Department of Health and Human Services to temporarily house unaccompanied migrant children at two Texas military Bases.

55. As the Biden administration struggles to house thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing the border, Mexican officials Admit that former President Donald Trump’s border policies helped them

56. There are more than 5,000 unaccompanied children in US Customs and Border Protection Custody, according to documents obtained by CNN, up from 4,500 children days earlier.

57. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas declined Sunday to provide a timeline for when the Biden administration will open new facilities Capable of handling the surge of unaccompanied

58. 1 day ago · The Biden administration's media policy amid a surge in migrant arrivals, many of whom are unaccompanied children, has been heavily Criticized.

59. As the number of unaccompanied children in Border Patrol custody Ballooned this month, President Joe Biden's team raced to find more places to house them, leaving thousands of …

60. New photos from an overflow facility in Texas showed Crowded conditions for migrants over the weekend amid an increase in the number of unaccompanied children crossing the border

61. Joe Biden’s border crisis isn’t going away any time soon, with internal projections leaked Monday showing unaccompanied minor Apprehensions are expected to surge as high as 26,000 in September

62. Jolie has pushed for legislation to aid child immigrants and other vulnerable children in both the U.S. and developing nations, including the "Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2005."

63. Mayorkas led a Bipartisan Senate delegation to El Paso, Texas to view operations on the southwest border and receive a briefing on the processing, shelter, and transfer of unaccompanied children.

64. • We require all of the following information when Booking and checking in an unaccompanied minor: o The name and telephone number of the adult bringing the child to the airport

65. The six Cello Suites, BWV 1007-1012, are suites for unaccompanied Cello by Johann Sebastian Bach.They are some of the most frequently performed and recognizable solo compositions ever written for Cello

66. Cadenza, (Italian: “cadence”), unaccompanied bravura passage introduced at or near the close of a movement of a composition and serving as a brilliant climax, particularly in solo concerti of a virtuoso character

67. In addition, the Air Force officer assigned to the Senior Air Force Intelligence command position is also authorized to be selected to serve a 24-month Accompanied or 12-month unAccompanied tour

68. 103 In the fourth place, the appellants claim that the assertion, unaccompanied by any evidence in that regard, that the provision of abortions through funding from the EU budget reduces abortions is manifestly paradoxical.

69. A United Nations Children’s Fund report says: “Sometimes unaccompanied children are taken into families that physically abuse them, force them to work without remuneration or opportunity for advancement, use them in prostitution or even enslave them.”

70. "Despite the abysmal treatment these children receive in Ukraine, both Slovakia and Hungary have summarily returned unaccompanied children," said Simone Troller, senior children's rights researcher at Human Rights Watch and a co-author of the report.

71. Sarbanes Reintroduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Support Federal Firefighters; Carper Calls Becerra the Right Leader to Serve as HHS Secretary; Carper, Portman, Blumenthal, Lankford Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Care and Safety for Unaccompanied Children at Southern Border

72. Consonance, the recurrence or repetition of identical or similar consonants; specifically the correspondence of end or intermediate consonants unaccompanied by like correspondence of vowels at the end of two or more syllables, words, or other units of composition

73. 16 As regards the transport of patients in the broad sense, a distinction is made between transport by ambulance with a duty doctor, the transport of injured and sick persons with a nurse and unaccompanied transport by ambulance without medical attendance.

74. 7 hours ago · RGV Border Patrol Agents Continue Apprehending Large Groups submitted EDINBURG, Texas – McAllen Border Patrol Station (MCS) agents remained busy this weekend as they encountered three large groups of families and unaccompanied alien children, each group was more than 100 people.

75. One organization reported that children who are allegedly “unaccompanied” present themselves to the authorities to request asylum and are, in fact, under the close supervision of a member of the network, who instructs them how to act, what to say and that they must claim to be adult.

76. Meiosis in hybrids derived from crosses of Secale ancestrale Zhuk. with related species is highly irregular: chiasmata fail to terminalize; numerous AI and AII bridges form but are usually unaccompanied by fragments; acentric fragments without true bridges are left behind at AI and AII; numerous micronuclei are produced at TII.

77. : an improvised, unaccompanied prelude to an Indian raga normally lacking rhythmic pulse and meter that is either played or sung as vocalise The practice of beginning musical pieces with a seemingly free-form introduction that becomes a metered ensemble performance is common to India in the Alap of a raga in classical Hindustani music …

78. In referring to singing unaccompanied by instruments, the traditional spelling is the Italian one, A cappella: two words, two Ps, two Ls.The Latin spelling a capella is learned, but in the realm of musical terminology, we usually stick with Italian.The one-word spelling “acapella” is widely used by Americans, including by some performing groups, but this is generally regarded by musical

79. The Committee recommends that the State party: ratify the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness; set up a central system of registration and monitoring of refugees in order to provide accurate statistics, and clarify the status of refugees; adopt special measures to deal with unaccompanied children; entertain requests for family reunification in view of its impact of the possibility of resettlement in third countries of asylum; and review discriminatory employment policies (i.e. issuance of work permits) which affect the capacity of refugee families, particularly Afghan refugees, to support themselves.