Use "umbilical cord" in a sentence

1. Circumcision and umbilical cord care

2. Two clips, cut the umbilical cord

3. the umbilical cord falls off ( 4 weeks )

4. Madness comes out through the umbilical cord.

5. By this week , the umbilical cord has formed .

6. Umbilical cord care in newborns is also important .

7. They said the umbilical cord is like a noose.

8. * Would your partner like to cut the umbilical cord ?

9. The umbilical cord connects the baby to the placenta.

10. By leavingmy parents' home, I cut/broke the umbilical cord.

11. Cbr Systems, Inc.’s activities for New York State residents are limited to collection of umbilical Cord tissue and long-term storage of umbilical Cord–derived stem cells.

12. He asked the nurse if he could cut his son's umbilical cord.

13. Well, this isn't some abandoned baby with the umbilical cord still attached.

14. That guy had his manners cut off along with his umbilical cord.

15. Sometimes the umbilical cord can become wrapped around a baby 's neck .

16. Stem cells can also be taken from umbilical cord blood just after birth.

17. The umbilical Cord is a tube that connects you to your baby during pregnancy

18. The main causes of stillbirth were malformation, pregnancy complication and umbilical cord events.

19. During an ultrasound , the umbilical cord , placenta , and amniotic fluid can also be examined .

20. Or how to cut the umbilical cord just so, to make a beautiful belly button.

21. She cuts the umbilical cord with a stick, and ties it with her own hair.

22. Before the mid 1950s, the term early Clamping was defined as umbilical cord Clamping within 1 minute of birth, and late Clamping was defined as umbilical cord Clamping more than 5 minutes after birth

23. Delayed umbilical Cord clamping is usually performed 25 seconds to 5 minutes after giving birth

24. The umbilical cord is formed from the fusion of the body stalk (containing the Allantois

25. Many parents are concerned about the appearance and care of their infant 's umbilical cord .

26. Delayed umbilical cord Clamping is usually performed 25 seconds to 5 minutes after giving birth

27. In this study , the researchers took samples from the umbilical cord and looked for " epigenetic markers " .

28. Hemangioma of the umbilical cord with associated Amnionic inclusion cyst: two uncommon entities occurring simultaneously.

29. PP12 was mainly located in histiocytes found in the decidua, umbilical cord, amnion, and chorion.

30. The door hangs off its hinges, the cash register ripped from its electronic umbilical cord.

31. RESULTS: Detection rates of marginal umbilical cord entry Abnormity and velamentous umbilical cord entry Abnormity by means of CDUS at second trimester were 94.1% and 93.8% respecdtively much higher than 80.0% and 68.8% which were those of third …

32. The Allantois remains connected to the urogenital sinus and extends into the base of the umbilical cord.

33. Without this retractable umbilical cord, the soul would be utterly lost in the chaos of its dreams.

34. Cartilage cell treating agent comprising collagen, hyaluronic acid derivative, and stem cell derived from mammal umbilical cord

35. Your baby may then be placed on your stomach , and the umbilical cord will be cut .

36. When you remove his or her umbilical cord you will hear your Bellies’ heart begin to beat.

37. The Ministry of Health recommends that samples of umbilical-cord blood, placenta and urine should be collected.

38. What is Battledore Placenta The Battledore placenta can be characterized as an unusual insertion of the umbilical cord

39. But the birth went wrong and the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck, almost choking him.

40. With the help of her sister, she cut the baby's umbilical cord and placed her in a small box.

41. CONTEXT: The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation prioritized scientific review of umbilical cord management At term and late preterm birth

42. In the final stage of labor, your mother expelled the placenta and the remains of the umbilical cord, the afterbirth.

43. Another scholar suggests that the word “navel” may mean the umbilical cord, as it is used at Ezekiel 16:4.

44. Inflammatory changes of the umbilical-cord vessels and the allantois vessels with adherent thrombus indicate that intrauterine septicaemia was present.

45. Mr. Locke, I'm sorry, we have a situation here where the baby's umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck.

46. Breech babies are at an increased risk of injury and a prolapsed umbilical cord, which cuts off the baby's blood supply

47. As the umbilical cord is clamped, that lifeline between mother and baby is forever severed, and the baby’s life on earth begins.

48. Delayed cord Clamping is the prolongation of the time between the delivery of a newborn and the Clamping of the umbilical cord

49. Amniotic tissue refers to the innermost layer of the placenta, the Amniotic sac that encapsulates an unborn baby and the umbilical cord

50. Delayed Cord clamping is the prolongation of the time between the delivery of a newborn and the clamping of the umbilical Cord

51. Afterbirth the remains of the placenta and umbilical cord that are voided from the uterus of EUTHERIAN mammals after the young is born

52. Pluripotent adult stem cells are rare and generally small in number, but they can be found in umbilical cord blood and other tissues.

53. According to news reports, after a baby is delivered, some hospitals save the placenta and umbilical cord to extract things from their blood.

54. He was likely killed on the day he was born, as his placenta and umbilical cord had not yet been severed from his body.

55. Afterbirth is the vascular structure that consists of the amniotic sac (which surrounds and protects the developing baby) the placenta, umbilical cord, etc

56. Directly connected to the mother's blood supply, it funnels nutrients and oxygen straight into the calf's body via the umbilical cord, and also exports its waste.

57. First, though, a crucial process has to take place —their yolk sac has to begin moving through their umbilical cord and navel into their tiny abdomen.

58. A placenta in which the umbilical cord is attached at the border; so-called because of the putative resemblance to the racquet used in Battledore, a precursor to badminton

59. The cloaca divides into the hindgut posteriorly and the urogenital sinus anteriorly.The Allantois remains connected to the urogenital sinus and extends into the base of the umbilical cord.

60. Skin smears provided successful cultures in 5/6 and 8/8 embryonal smears and appeared to be more suitable than the smears from the surface of amnion and umbilical cord.

61. Ischemic Anoxia/hypoxia is most commonly caused by the following problems in newborns: problems with blood flow between the mother and foetus, placental abruption, umbilical cord compression, or uterine rupture

62. The distance from the placental edge to the insertion of the umbilical cord was measured after delivery, and the results were used to classify cord insertion as normal, marginal, or velamentous.

63. In roughly one-third of the 69 full-term births, obstetrician Ruben Grajeda, then of the Institute of Nutrition for Central America and Panama, or a colleague Clamped shut the umbilical cord immediately

64. Described as “One Third of Umbilical Cord” in-game, Bloodborne’s hidden umbilical cords play a vital role in not only understanding the game’s lore, but fighting the actual final boss & triggering the true ending

65. During pregnancy, the fetal Circulatory system works differently than after birth: The fetus is connected by the umbilical cord to the placenta, the organ that develops and implants in the mother's uterus during pregnancy

66. The most frequent obstetrical causes of death were partual bleedings due to abruptio placentae and placenta praevia (38%), followed by EPH-gestosis (15%), complications of the umbilical cord (13%) and abnormal course of labor (11%).

67. Antibiotics for cesarean section births are just as effective when they’re given after the umbilical cord is Clamped as before clamping – the current practice – and could benefit newborns’ developing microbiomes, according to Rutgers co-authored research.

68. Abnormalities can range from anatomical associated with degree or site of inplantation, structure (as with twinning), to placental function, placento-maternal effects (pre-eclampsia, fetal erythroblastosis) and finally mechanical Abnormalities associated with the placental (umbilical) cord.

69. A case of hemangioma of the umbilical cord with an associated Amnionic epithelial inclusion cyst (4.5 cm in maximum dimension), diagnosed by pathological examination at 26 weeks of gestation following in utero fetal demise, is reported

70. Bilobate placenta Two lobes of equal size, separated by fetal membranes or connected by narrow isthmus of placental tissue Umbilical cord inserts in the membranes between the two discs and is at risk for rupture

71. The placental diffusion and fetal elimination of propanidid (Sombrevin) and hexobarbituralnatrium Adhibited for the introduction of narcosis in cases of prematures requiring caesarean section is studied by virtue of maternal, umbilical cord, and new-born blood samples

72. After cutting the umbilical cord , staff at Worcestershire Royal Hospital in the UK put the baby girl in a small plastic bag enclosed in bubble wrap and warned her parents that her chances of survival were not good .

73. Chorion refers to the outermost membrane surrounding an embryo of a reptile, bird, or mammal while placenta refers to a temporary organ that connects the developing fetus via the umbilical cord to the uterine wall in placental mammals

74. During pregnancy, Amniotic fluid provides a cushion that protects the baby from injury and allows room for growth, movement and development. Amniotic fluid also keeps the umbilical cord from being compressed between the baby and the uterine wall.

75. + 4 As for your birth, on the day you were born, your umbilical cord was not cut, you were not washed in water to make you clean, you were not rubbed with salt, and you were not wrapped in cloths.

76. When umbilical cord blood, placental tissue, and Amniotic fluid are in their natural state, they contain numerous living stem cells that can be used to treat many diseases. These products are in their natural state when a woman gives birth.

77. The Amnios consists of two layers:one is the granular layer, continued upon the inner or foetal surface of the allantois, and thence upon the umbilical cord; the other is the smooth outer layer, continued upon the outer or chorional surface of the allantois, and thence upon …

78. If there is very good reason to believe that such a practice is followed in the hospital where a Christian will give birth, it would be proper simply to direct the physician that the placenta and the umbilical cord should be disposed of, not used in any way.

79. The occurrence and location of proteins antigenically related to human pregnancy specific β1-glycoprotein (SP1) and to human placental tissue proteins (PP5, PP8, PP9, PP10, PP11, PP12) were studied in the afterbirth (placenta, membranes, decidua, and umbilical cord) of cynomolgus monkeys with use of an immunoglobulin enzyme bridge (PAP) technique.

80. ‘Until he was able to walk, an Iroquois baby spent his days secured to a Cradleboard.’ ‘Other uses of the area include historical occupancy for farming and use of willow to make Cradleboards.’ ‘For good luck the umbilical cord was sown into a small hide pouch and attached to the Cradleboard.’