Use "twofold" in a sentence

1. Twofold Nature of the Anthropomorphic Difficulty: The Anthropomorphic difficulty is a twofold one

2. The problem was twofold.

3. Every Causation analysis is twofold

4. The rationale behind this is twofold.

5. My reasons for leaving are twofold.

6. Her original investment has increased twofold.

7. The government has a twofold task.

8. Her original investment had increased twofold.

9. The answer to the question is twofold.

10. The benefits of the scheme are twofold.

11. The answers would seem to be twofold.

12. The problems are twofold - firstly, economic, and secondly, political.

13. The specificity of ‘Koufeta Amygdalou Geroskipou’ is twofold:

14. Student numbers have expanded twofold in ten years.

15. This burning and purging has a twofold purpose.

16. This difference, while twofold, is not statistically significant.

17. “Our family’s income has increased twofold since 2010,” said Mai.

18. Adad had a twofold aspect, being both the giver

19. 25 Student numbers have expanded twofold in ten years.

20. □ In what twofold way is famine a menace today?

21. Jurisdiction The jurisdiction of the Archbishop is twofold, episcopal and archiepiscopal

22. The importance of Cassian in relation to acedia is twofold.

23. (a) The twofold function of private actions for antitrust damages

24. This new legislation will have a twofold effect on businesses.

25. The case against is twofold: too risky and too expensive.

26. 6-8. (a) Stephen’s opposers leveled what twofold charge against him, and why?

27. The basic obstacles to tougher judiciary action are twofold, officials say.

28. They argue that such companies can benefit twofold from such an alliance.

29. Thus the act in a twofold sense is repugnant to the Constitution.

30. Addressing that issue calls for a twofold response, both military and humanitarian

31. This close-Companioned inarticulate hour When twofold silence was the song of love

32. Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult A Beseechment Twofold Live at Dark Easter Metal Meeting 2019

33. Now there is a twofold Contrariety in changes and movements, as stated in …

34. What does Binary mean? Characterized by or consisting of two parts or components; twofold

35. King Solomon ruled from Jerusalem, the name of which means “Possession of Twofold Peace.”

36. Now there is a twofold Contrariety in changes and movements, as stated in Phys

37. But Kitzinger concluded with these words: My own conclusion from these data is twofold.

38. The result was a more than twofold increase in the rate of locomotive production.

39. The foundation of Animism as a theory of religion is the twofold principle of evolution:

40. Synonyms for Binate include double, dual, twin, twofold, binary, duplex, matching, paired, coupled and duplicate

41. (b) What twofold blessing comes from staying close to one’s children and rearing them properly?

42. Specialists have calculated that the amount of information increases twofold every one and half years.

43. The subject is essentially twofold - beach and palm trees, so thought must be given to each.

44. Thus, in the fossil record the Agglutinated foraminifera occur as a twofold group with a rather distinct

45. • In what twofold way does the spirit help us to search into “the deep things of God”?

46. The Bruins' dilemma now is twofold: They must do without Romar, and they must compete against Romar.

47. Biplicity (n.) "state of being twofold," 1731, from bi- "two" + ending from multiplicity

48. The last ten years have seen a twofold increase in the numbers of deaths on the road.

49. The percentage of infection in monocytes by adenovirus 36 and CMV was twofold higher than that in Adipocytes

50. Its mission is twofold: the first objective focuses on aeronomy (the study of the atmosphere), and the second on astronomy.

51. You can see how its twofold purpose makes it a most valuable instrument for our use at this time.

52. These show since 1939 a more than twofold increase in arable land and a corresponding decline in permanent pasture.

53. The surface tension coefficientB has been found to increase approximately twofold for each additional CH2 group of alkyl chain.

54. (Acts 6:9-12) The opposers leveled this twofold charge against him: He was blaspheming both God and Moses.

55. It's twofold: its inauthentic relationship with the things it looks at and also its inauthentic relationship with its own underpinnings.

56. The trick for families who want to make fitness a priority and yet lack natural talent may be twofold, experts say.

57. The government's role in healthcare is twofold: first, to provide the resources and, second, to make them work better for patients.

58. 22 Because of the number of peaks, the structured form must contain a twofold symmetry if duplex, or fourfold if tetraplex.

59. The reasons for adopting this view that syntactic production and the accessibility of individual lexical items are closely related are twofold.

60. Interdental osteotomy induced a regional, but not a systemic, Acceleratory phenomenon and was intensive enough to accelerate postoperative orthodontic tooth alignment twofold

61. 24 The reasons for adopting this view that syntactic production and the accessibility of individual lexical items are closely related are twofold.

62. A twofold development with acetonitrile/dichloromethane/water (9∶1∶1) results in a complete distinct separation of the four components in 7 min.

63. The Mission: The Mission of the Adjutancy is very widespread, but can be characterized as a twofold purpose; “to sanctify the leader in the eyes of the

64. He thinks likely Chinese strategies are twofold: The obvious "degrading enemy military apparatuses in the theatre of war" and "preventing the enemy from getting there".

65. The twofold reduction in cell water content due to 75 μM ABA treatment for 7 days was partially overcome by GA4,7,9 at concentrations greater than 400 μM.

66. Bivariant definition is - capable of twofold variation : having two degrees of freedom —used of a system in which the number of components equals the number of phases.

67. Serum Alp levels increase in pregnancy and by the third trimester can be twofold to fourfold higher as a result of a physiological increase in placental Alp.

68. My objective, this afternoon, is twofold: first, to address some stumbling blocks to faith; and second, to describe how our Father’s plan is big enough for all His children.

69. But to unite such a household, it is absolutely vital that the believing mate live up to the twofold goal: Keep integrity and try to help the unbeliever to learn God’s truth.

70. ‘He then draws it Alow; twofold is the reason why he must draw it Alow.’ ‘Stained and morning-breathèd, we woke in Atocha, to puissant concussions Alow the ground.’

71. ‘He then draws it Alow; twofold is the reason why he must draw it Alow.’ ‘Stained and morning-breathèd, we woke in Atocha, to puissant concussions Alow the ground.’

72. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

73. Section H: The Autobiographical Sketch The purpose of this section is twofold: to get to know you as an individual and your journey toward the social work profession and to evaluate your writing skills

74. Saint Thomas Aquinas, who knew the tradition that had gone before him very well, treats acedia in a twofold perspective in his Summa Theologiae (II-II,35), where the vice is rendered in English as “spiritual apathy” or “sloth”.

75. Twofold pro-government folkways calycozoan fill corona enfold finer Wicks Temperament primitiveness hoastman blastoderm sweet-scented filler Biteche hollo cacochymy talky-talk Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

76. As to a dear friend Mother Church bids farewell to her beloved Alleluia on the Saturday before Septuagesima Sunday, when at the end of Vespers the Acclamation is sung twice after the Benedicamus Domino and the choir responds with its twofold repetition following

77. The importance of Beringia is twofold: it provided a pathway for intercontinental exchanges of plants and animals during glacial periods and for interoceanic exchanges during interglacials; it has been a centre of evolution and has supported apparently unique plant and animal communities.

78. The Mission of the Adjutancy is very widespread, but can be characterized as a twofold purpose; “to sanctify the leader in the eyes of the people and lend great support and service to Elijah.” In large part, this message is seen in the Adjutant’s Coat of Arms.

79. In a recently published study in the Annals of Vascular Surgery, researchers found a more than twofold increase in major Amputations and the degree of tissue loss for vascular surgery patients after the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 in comparison to patients in …

80. The reasoning behind this conclusion was twofold: First, turbidity is the most obvious factor common to the three facies studied but unimportant in normal marine facies where Arenaceous and calcareous foraminifera coexist; second, photosynthesis is vital to the existence of calcareous organisms and is reduced or eliminated in areas of highly