Use "turn back" in a sentence

1. Crupper & Turn back (1) Surcingles,Turn Back and Cruppers

2. He can turn back time.

3. Wanna turn back into soot?

4. 3 We can't turn back now.

5. Surcingles,Turn Back and Cruppers; Browse By

6. 4 Turn back to the previous page.

7. I'll tell you when you can turn back.

8. Those who turn back never reach the summit.

9. 21 He didn't turn back to face her.

10. 20 No-one can turn back the clock.

11. 9 It was too late to turn back.

12. 6 We're lost - we'll have to turn back.

13. 2 We'd better turn back; it's getting dark.

14. Then it'd be too late to turn back.

15. Turn back, turn back from your bad ways, for why is it that you should die, O house of Israel?’” —Ezekiel 33:11.

16. Do Not ‘Turn Back to Weak and Beggarly Things’

17. 8 It's getting late - maybe we should turn back.

18. 7 They were very nearly forced to turn back.

19. 1 Those who turn back never reach the summit.

20. 5 Nobody can turn back the wheel of history.

21. There should have been a right turn back there somewhere.

22. 22 I turn back to my class,( bowing deeply.

23. 24 The burning anger of Jehovah will not turn back

24. I do not see why I should e'er turn back.

25. The potential of humans to turn back from a wicked lifestyle.

26. Can mere humans turn back the tide of the mighty seas?

27. 17 According to the map we missed our turn back there.

28. 11 We took the wrong road and had to turn back.

29. But the young hedgehog, if she heard, did not turn back.

30. Did she turn back because of disbelief or lack of faith?

31. 13 Soldiers barred the road so we had to turn back.

32. 12 Turn back to the summaries at the end of section

33. The administration has now endorsed the bill and can't turn back.

34. 26 The administration has now endorsed the bill and can't turn back.

35. 27 The weather became so bad that they had to turn back.

36. His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route.

37. 18 His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route.

38. He never uttered a word of complaint, and he would not turn back.

39. Turn back and go in peace ; do nothing to displease the Philistine rulers.

40. 19 Don't turn back the corners of the pages to mark your place.

41. 4 I was secretly relieved when Ed said it was time to turn back.

42. Now is not a time to relax, loiter, or turn back to erroneous ideas.

43. 13 Or a Christian might turn back to the beggarly elementary things over housing.

44. 23 It's getting late - I think we should turn back before it gets dark.

45. 14 We shall have to turn back if there's the slightest hint of fog.

46. 24 I was secretly relieved when Ed said it was time to turn back.

47. 16 Police attempted to turn back protesters marching towards the offices of President Ershad.

48. Turn back again towards Col Raiser shortly before the access point to Sass Rigais.

49. No one can turn back his stretched-out hand. —Psalm 33:11; Isaiah 46:10.

50. Normally the fish would take one look at the lure, and turn back in disgust.

51. Not doing so you turn back into yourself, only to rediscover things you already know.

52. 30 Only if somebody can come up with a way to turn back the clock.

53. 29 Even the most stouthearted of hikers would have had to turn back in this weather.

54. 10 Now we're going to turn back the clock with some rock 'n' roll from the 1950s.

55. Bad weather forced most of the aircraft to turn back, and none of the others hit targets.

56. “Many times he made his anger turn back, and he would not rouse up all his rage.”

57. Willing my heart to beat normally, I defy the urge to turn back or freeze or cry out.

58. 15 We should turn back now. It's getting dark and I don't like the look of those rain clouds.

59. 13 Just as a ratchet turns easily one way but can not turn back, so genetic defects inevitably accumulate.

60. The captain told us that we are not going to make it, we have to turn back the boat.

61. 25 The climbers were half way up the mountain when two of them conked out and had to turn back.

62. 28 The climbers were half way up the mountain when two of them conked out and had to turn back.

63. The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back.

64. The Cutbacks check finds polyline or polygon features that contain high-angle turns that cause features to turn back toward themselves

65. 25 The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back.

66. And Coastguardsmen have bravely answered the call to defend our freedom, to aid our friends and allies, and to turn back aggressors

67. • a pointless and Barren discussion • The huge structures have endless corridors, Barren hallways like tunnels that turn back upon themselves, leading nowhere

68. Notice what it says,"Forces sent by him--he shall turn back and pay heed to those who forsake the holy covenant."

69. 17 Notice what it says,"Forces sent by him--he shall turn back and pay heed to those who forsake the holy covenant."

70. And indeed it was, as the Japanese fleet moved in a three-pronged effort to turn back the American beachhead on Leyte Gulf.

71. 20 The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always,[] and never turn back.

72. To cleanse the camp and turn back Jehovah’s burning anger, the judges of Israel were instructed to kill all the men who had thus deflected.

73. “Anastrophe” is a Greek word which means “to turn back.” The word order in which sentences are constructed in English is generally subject-verb-object

74. (Ac 15:3) Both in Hebrew and in Greek the verbs relating to conversion (Heb., shuv; Gr., streʹpho; e·pi·streʹpho) mean simply “turn back, turn around, or return.”

75. Show the illustration on page 13 in the Require brochure, turn back to lesson 5, and offer to discuss the answers to the listed questions, thus starting a study.

76. The sense is: I will bring it about that ye, who still fight without the walls against the Beleaguerers, must turn back with your weapons and retreat into the city

77. The sense is: I will bring it about that ye, who still fight without the walls against the Beleaguerers, must turn back with your weapons and retreat into the city

78. The sense is: I will bring it about that ye, who still fight without the walls against the Beleaguerers, must turn back with your weapons and retreat into the city

79. The sense is: I will bring it about that ye, who still fight without the walls against the Beleaguerers, must turn back with your weapons and retreat into the city

80. Buckskin Gulch can also be taken on as a long day hike or as an out-n-back though you will have to determine when is best to turn back