Use "truthfulness" in a sentence

1. Antasphyctic Truthfulness is another gem

2. Truthfulness requires courage and, ideally, skillfulness.

3. The lawyer probed the witness' truthfulness by asking questions.

4. Among her many virtues are loyalty,spunk,and truthfulness.

5. Universal legends testify to the truthfulness of the Biblical account.

6. (Exodus 34:6) The Scriptures consistently testify to Jehovah’s truthfulness.

7. Doubt stole up on me about his truthfulness.

8. 10. (a) How did Joshua witness Jehovah’s truthfulness?

9. Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.

10. The truthfulness of some of Jesus’ statements needs little explanation.

11. Antonyms for Charlatanism include frankness, honesty, openness, reality, truth and truthfulness

12. Truthfulness is the main element of character. Brian Tracy 

13. Children come to oppose Lying because truthfulness is necessary for cooperation.

14. The reporter raised a question touching the truthfulness of his statements.

15. Again, a problem having little to do with the need for truthfulness.

16. I can say, with absolute truthfulness, that I did not injure her.

17. How evil is the Bullshitter? That depends on how valuable truthfulness is.

18. There is a strong presumption in favour of the truthfulness of their statement.

19. But truthfulness and upright acts come from the very hearts of God’s friends.

20. There is no real basis for doubting the truthfulness of this historical account.

21. (12) What scenes in the video prove the truthfulness of Ecclesiastes 8:9?

22. Then we should not forget the human virtues: affability, truthfulness, modesty, courtesy, cheerfulness, culture.

23. Should their opinion raise doubts in your mind about the truthfulness of the Gospels?

24. Synonyms for Bluffness include bluntness, candidness, cheeriness, directness, heartiness, outspokenness, plain-spokenness, honesty, sincerity and truthfulness

25. Now they must consider the overall impact, and the truthfulness of the total picture.

26. As a matter of fact , moderate imagination would not harm the truthfulness of reportage.

27. They also lost sight of three T's that undergird markets: trust, transparency, and truthfulness.

28. 9 There is a strong presumption in favour of the truthfulness of their statement.

29. Matters of Authenticity are matters of accuracy, matters of truthfulness, matters of reliability and legitimacy

30. According to one reference work, “the word connotes certainty, truthfulness, faithfulness, and absence of doubt.”

31. By the way, the podcasters agreed with you and recognized our lack of truthfulness as Cowardice

32. The story of Fleming's discovery was a superb one and gained delightful embellishments as it dwindled in truthfulness.

33. Affirming the consequent is an invalid argument because its premises do not guarantee the truthfulness of the conclusion

34. The AIDS epidemic underscores the truthfulness of the Bible’s warnings that “the aftereffect” of sexual immorality “is as bitter as wormwood.”

35. Through a wise education, people can acquire various virtues such as courage, temperance, generosity, amiability, truthfulness, wittiness , friendliness, etc.

36. Three witnesses and the work itself will stand as a testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

37. I testify of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and strongly advise you to study it every day.

38. Uncoined composition and historic truthfulness are combined with skillful use of plentiful artistic devices in interpretation of historic images and events.

39. To swear the sensory intermediaries or observation sentences into truthfulness then, one has to Capitulate to sensationalism or phenomenalism and forget physicalism

40. The lack of accuracy and the dismissive character of the Syrian Government’s response raise, in the source’s view, doubts concerning its truthfulness.

41. Truthfulness – is what Aristotle called moderation in one’s presentation of oneself, with Boastfulness as the excess and self-deprecation as the deficiency

42. Good luck applauds responsibility, honesty and truthfulness & irresponsibility, dishonesty and hypocrisy are likely to be penalized by bad luck. Dr T.P.Chia 

43. Yudhishthira: A Brahmana is one who possesses the qualities of truthfulness, generosity, forbearance, good conduct, total absence of cruelty, self-control and compassion

44. Corroborate To support or enhance the believability of a fact or assertion by the presentation of additional information that confirms the truthfulness of the item

45. Likewise, there is no valid basis for challenging the truthfulness of that book’s account concerning the way in which the Israelites gained possession of Canaan.

46. Honesty is the sum of sincerity, reasonableness, truthfulness, and fairness – honesty is the virtuous strength that overcomes deceit, deception and lying. Dr T.P.Chia 

47. 16 Social climbers are prone to telling lies; over- ambitious, greedy, and hedonistic people are more likely to lack honesty and truthfulness. Dr T.P.Chia 

48. Bolstering testimony is improper when it relates to the witness’s truthfulness on a specific occasion and when the foundational requirements of evidentiary rules are not met.

49. 7 Honesty is the sum of sincerity, reasonableness, truthfulness, and fairness – honesty is the virtuous strength that overcomes deceit, deception and lying. Dr T.P.Chia 

50. Yet both views well illustrate the truthfulness of God’s own word when he said: “The thoughts of you people are not my thoughts, nor are my ways your ways.”

51. Accepting the words spoken, gaining a testimony of their truthfulness, and exercising faith in Christ produced a mighty change of heart and a firm determination to improve and become better.

52. “Though I have only been a farmer on a tiny Pacific island,” says ‘Alo, “I stand as a witness of the truthfulness of the gospel and the reality of Jesus Christ.”

53. Would not his record of dishonesty call into question the truthfulness of his statements and, even if he did state the facts, could not his testimony actually damage your case?

54. Mo­tion to Controvert is di­rected solely at good faith, accuracy and truthfulness of affiant and not at underlying in­for­ma­­tion supplied by informant

55. The life course of David and Jehoram illustrates the truthfulness of the Bible proverb: “The remembrance of the righteous one is due for a blessing, but the very name of the wicked ones will rot.”

56. Brahmanical Qualities “Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, cleanliness, satisfaction, tolerance, simple straightforwardness, devotion to Me, mercy and truthfulness are the natural qualities of the brahmanas.” (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.17.16) If anyone develops the above qualities, they are known as Brahmanas

57. (Re 3:14) Jesus made singular use of the expression in his preaching and teaching, using it very often to preface a statement of fact, a promise, or a prophecy, thereby emphasizing the absolute truthfulness and reliability of what he said.

58. (Ex 23:22; Mt 5:43) The first record of enmity in the universe is the action of the “serpent,” later identified in the Bible as Satan the Devil (Re 12:9), when he approached Eve with a challenge as to God’s truthfulness.

59. This journal and other publications of the Watch Tower Society expose the unscriptural teachings of Christendom and the rest of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, while upholding the truthfulness of God’s Word, the Bible.—2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Revelation 18:1-5.

60. Its up to us to choose With regard to truth, then, the intermediate is a truthful sort of person and the mean may be called truthfulness, while the pretence which exaggerates is Boastfulness and the person characterized by it a boaster, and that which understates is mock modesty and the person characterized by it as mock-modest.

61. Bolstering objections have deep roots in Rule 608 (a), which allows opinion or reputation evidence as to the character of a party’s own witness for truthfulness, but only after the witness’ character has been attacked by the opposing party, and in Rule 613 (c), which prevents the use of prior consistent statements of a witness for the sole purpose of enhancing the witness’ credibility.

62. Chapter 197, Statutes of 2014 amends California Civil Code section 1189 to require the addition of the following specific disclaimer to the top of the form certificate of Acknowledgment: "A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document."