Use "tropical rain forest" in a sentence

1. Tropical Rain Forest , Elephant Forest.

2. Airborne Gardeners of the Tropical Rain Forest

3. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.

4. The island is covered with red soil and dense tropical rain forest.

5. The fifth route is for Xishuangbanna tropical rain forest and Dai ethnic folklore.

6. KIKWIT, Zaire, is a sprawling town on the fringe of a tropical rain forest.

7. Dry and decayed old trees can be seen everywhere in a tropical rain forest.

8. A young couple planed to make a wedding trip in the tropical rain forest.

9. It is ideal for trees; and this, indeed, is the region of tropical rain forest.

10. That becomes only too clear if you find yourself hungry in a tropical rain forest.

11. Nevertheless, tropical rain forest may be flammable at the edges, so that savanna may spread.

12. Earth's tropical rain forest covers an area of about six per cent of the surface.

13. The current growing tropical rain forest deforestation reclamation, people of all countries has caused great concern.

14. All of these realize the harmony of the highway landscape planting with tropical rain forest nature.

15. Of those that pollinate a small percentage of tropical rain forest trees, a minority feed exclusively on floral resources.

16. For the environmentally minded contractor, several lumber companies in California are now marketing ethically chopped tropical rain forest timber.

17. Although the families of plants involved are ancient, they are represented in tropical rain forest to different extents in different continents.

18. Up to half of the tropical rain forests cut down or burned are transformed not into wasteland but into secondary forest.

19. Specters walk in the rain forest.

20. The rain forest may disappear forever.

21. They included a Canadian marsh drained for agriculture and a tropical rain forest in Cameroon destroyed for small scale agriculture and commercial plantations.

22. Don’t Carp about the rain if you live in the rain forest.

23. And it is a marvelous rain forest.

24. Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.

25. The trail dipped into the dark rain forest.

26. 6 Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.

27. Gallery: Tropical Forest Wildlife A scarlet macaw is caught munching a snack in Brazil's Amazon forest.

28. Acid rain has a devastating effect on the forest.

29. Half of all invertebrate species live in tropical rain forests.

30. 8 Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.

31. The priority in forest history studies was shifted from forest history in the temperate zone to forest history in tropical zone.

32. A deluge of tropical rain fell on us an hour later.

33. Acid rain (e.g. damage to fish populations and forest soils)

34. The long journey through the tropical forest was fraught with danger.

35. Much of Yemen has a tropical monsoon rain influenced mountain climate.

36. Tropical rain forests used to cover 10% of the Earth's surface.

37. Large sections of the forest have been destroyed by acid rain.

38. Commonness and rarity in a neotropical forest: implications for tropical tree conservation

39. The Amazonian rain forest continues to disappear at an alarming rate.

40. Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.

41. They were not prepared for the humid heat of the tropical forest.

42. It weighs between 6.6 and 16.5 pounds and lives in damp tropical forest.

43. Rain forest destruction is threatening the cultural survival of the Yanomami people.

44. The rain forest theme products tap into consumer interest in the environment.

45. Anthurium is native to the tropical rain forests of Central and South America

46. Yangba scenic sub - tropical to warm temperate zone of the Northern forest transition zone.

47. The Bananaquit inhabits a variety of habitats from scrubland to tropical lowland forest edge

48. The traveler had to fight his way through the tropical forest with an axe.

49. 28 Huge swathes of rain forest are being cleared for farming and mining.

50. 9 Baby white - faced capuchin monkeys play in a Costa Rican rain forest.

51. The tree: Bloodwood usually grows in sandy ground in the upland rain forest

52. We need to put a stop to the plunder of the rain forest.

53. He's off saving the rain forest or recycling his sandals or some shit.

54. Tropical Cyclone, an intense circular storm that originates over warm tropical oceans and is characterized by low atmospheric pressure, high winds, and heavy rain

55. Mountains, rain forest, waterfalls, and spectacular ocean vistas greet us at almost every turn.

56. The tangled, overripe Queensland rain forest becomes a mirror of their states of mind.

57. In short, farming is reducing the rain forest by 5% of its area annually.

58. Those days when we feel like were retaining more water than a rain forest.

59. Other treasures include tropical rain forests with such rare timbers as teak, rosewood, and padauk.

60. Ecology can be written about without relying on well-worn examples such as tropical rain forests.

61. But fires in the damp Amazonian rain forest are a much greater cause for alarm.

62. The national park lies within the Napo moist forests ecoregion and is primarily rain forest.

63. Constant logging threatens to wipe out the little that is left of the rain forest.

64. We want to get an idea of what's going on in the rain forest canopy.

65. The altitude of 600 to 800 m, which circumscribes the distribution area of the tropical rain forest in San Luis Potosí toward the mountains, coincides apparently with 20°C mean annual and 0°C absolute minimum isotherms.

66. Although Bovids have adapted to a wide range of habitats, from arctic tundra to deep tropical forest

67. A forest tree of tropical West Africa, it is threatened by deforestation and unsustainable logging for timber.

68. The Big Island has a wide variety of climatic zones, including rain forest, desert, and tundra.

69. Many of our foods originate from tropical forest species such as rice, cocoa, fruit, maize and coffee.

70. Meanwhile, the felling and burning of tile Amazonian rain forest had also become a major story.

71. Tropical forest ecology- dynamics, composition, and function- are sensitive to changes in climate especially changes in rainfall.

72. In Brazil, almost 70 percent of the evaporation that makes rain actually comes from the forest.

73. Despite numerous surveys, the amphibian has not been recorded in its rain forest habitat since 19

74. Voice over Charles will be flying just forty feet above the rain forest canopy, at night.

75. The inspiration comes from the interesting shapes of Benthos and weird flowers in the rain forest

76. The settlement of mosquito-infested rain-forest areas has stirred an outbreak of malaria in Brazil.

77. COVER: A circuit overseer and some special pioneers travel by boat in the Amazon rain forest.

78. The inspiration comes from the interesting shapes of benthos and weird flowers in the rain forest.

79. “We still know relatively little about the abundance of life in tropical rain forests,” explains Peter H.

80. When the land is exposed to the harsh tropical sun and torrential rain, it quickly becomes infertile.