Use "trifling" in a sentence

1. A trifling sum.

2. Why, Sue, that's nothing but a trifling.

3. The girl sat there trifling with a pen.

4. Outside California these difficulties may seem fairly trifling.

5. 25 Usually haemorrhage was trifling and healing clean.

6. The girl sat trifling with her skirt.

7. The money involved was a trifling sum.

8. Usually haemorrhage was trifling and healing clean.

9. One man's breakthrough is often another's trifling adaptation.

10. The guests had each paid £2 no trifling sum.

11. Don't let this trifling matter affect our good relationship.

12. They often fall out over some trifling matter.

13. Such a trifling thing is hardly worth mentioning.

14. A representative of the Tower is hardly a trifling matter.

15. They stigmatize these propositions as " trifling " or " merely verbal ".

16. UnCoquettish definition is - not Coquettish : not trifling or insincere

17. With trifling exceptions the record is restricted to monetary values.

18. Cantrip (plural Cantrips) A spell or incantation; a trifling magic trick

19. They themselves face no more than a trifling penalty if caught.

20. The child sat trifling with the burnt bread upon his plate.

21. Fortunately, the stormy waves caused trifling damage to the boat.

22. He called the Trinity quarrel a “fight over trifling and foolish verbal differences.”

23. The disease of the eye can not regard as trifling matter!

24. Spenser's stories, if superficially trifling, are yet justified by the symbolism.

25. Naturally, 50 to 60 meals of nectar a day is far from trifling.

26. The benefits to the poor are trifling, and for native peoples, invariably negative.

27. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment in fact."

28. It's wrong of you to take the child to task for such trifling offenses.

29. The fines for these licences were uniformly trifling, implying that they were obtainable without difficulty.

30. Japan is preposterously strict over trifling matters but turns a blind eye to serious ones.

31. The value of the labor of Blurbing is not as trifling as the word “blurb” would suggest

32. Judge you says the Cardinal what relation those two trifling matters have with the Archbishoprick of Paris

33. Barnum [1] The Temperance Reform was too serious a matter for trifling jokes and Buffooneries

34. Barnum [1] The Temperance Reform was too serious a matter for trifling jokes and Buffooneries

35. Further to an altercation for trifling reasons, an Italian ill‐treated a Moroccan, using racist phrases.

36. Are you sure that you want to proceed against your neighbour over such a trifling matter?

37. We have a trifling foolish banquet towards. -- Is it e'en so? why then, I thank you all;

38. But Pharʹaoh must stop trifling* with us by refusing to send the people away to sacrifice to Jehovah.”

39. Little bits fall off the car, some trifling part has been improperly milled, a mechanic makes a mistake.

40. The sign on the door tells the visitor he can have a tooth extracted for a trifling sum.

41. 29 Little bits fall off the car, some trifling part has been improperly milled, a mechanic makes a mistake.

42. Such maledictions also certified that there can be no trifling with God’s principles and purposes, nor can there be a despising of them.

43. ITALIAN HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS FROM A MOTOR CAR FRANCIS MILTOUN The time will come, however, when old Virginia will stand trifling and Chicanery no longer.

44. That was the title of an article that appeared this past April in a popular monthly magazine, describing the wretched results of trifling with drugs.

45. Considerably may be defined as “To a noteworthy or marked extent” and “(adv.) In a manner or to a degree not trifling or unimportant ”

46. The complicated misanthropy which enabled him, his interpreters declared, to love the public and spurn humanity, did not preclude certain trifling investigation of the tenderer emotions.

47. The Reflexion is awful--and in this point of view, How trifling, how ridiculous, do the little, paltry Cavillings, of a few weak or interested men appear, when weighed against the business of a world.

48. Concessional loans at trifling interest rates are also extended as lines of credit, tied mainly to the purchase of Indian goods and services, and countries in Africa have been clamouring for them.”

49. Asceticism is the trifling of an enthusiast with his power, a puerile coquetting with his selfishness or his vanity, in the absence of any sufficiently great object to employ the first or overcome the last

50. Coquetting quotes from YourDictionary: Asceticism is the trifling of an enthusiast with his power, a puerile Coquetting with his selfishness or his vanity, in the absence of any sufficiently great object to employ the first or overcome the last.

51. And now Jehovah has spoken, saying: ‘Within three years, according to the years of a hired laborer, the glory of Moab must also be disgraced with much commotion of every sort, and those who remain over will be a trifling few, not mighty.’”

52. Coquetry (n.) "effort to attract love from a motive of vanity or amusement, trifling in love," 1650s, from French coquetterie, from coqueter (v.) "to flirt," originally "to swagger or strut like a cock," from coquet (see coquet).

53. Use "just the same as " in a sentence Finally the negro had grown up and had Compassed his ambition: he could shoot partridges flying just the same as a white man, was a white man except for a trifling difference in color; and he could kill more birds, too, three times

54. A close scrutiny of the bauble convinced the ape-man that the article was of virgin gold, and he was surprised, for it was the first time that he had ever seen golden ornaments among the savages of Africa, other than the trifling Baubles those near the coast had purchased or stolen from Europeans.

55. If it blows horizontally over the open end of a vertical tube it causes a decrease of pressure, but this fact is not of any practical use in Anemometry, because the magnitude of the decrease depends on the wind striking the tube exactly at right angles to its axis, the most trifling departure from the true direction causing great variations