Use "tribunals" in a sentence

1. • Equal Wage Guidelines Administrative Tribunals:

2. Jurisprudence of international courts and tribunals of general and ad hoc jurisdiction (e.g. ICJ, Arbitral Tribunals);

3. Annulments granted by Eastern Orthodox tribunals

4. a) Jurisprudence of international courts and tribunals of general and ad hoc jurisdiction (e.g. ICJ, Arbitral Tribunals

5. A blanket of secrecy surrounded the tribunals.

6. Save for the exceptional case of Mental Health Review Tribunals, legal aid does not cover representation before tribunals of first instance.

7. The social security appeal tribunals are a typical example.

8. Issue of the administration of justice through military tribunals

9. Administration of justice through military tribunals and other exceptional jurisdictions

10. Such implicit denial can be appealed to the administrative tribunals.

11. No legal aid was available to cover representation before tribunals.

12. Joinet on the administration of justice through military tribunals (decision 2001/103);

13. Employment and training cases continue to be heard by employment tribunals .

14. Extra-Sharia government tribunals usually handle disputes relating to specific royal decrees.

15. Indeed effective use of tribunals may be more expensive to a claimant.

16. There are three principal functions of tribunals and enquiries: adjudication, regulation and advice.

17. The purpose of industrial tribunals is to adjudicate disputes between employers and employees.

18. The Senate House, government offices, tribunals, temples, memorials and statues gradually cluttered the area.

19. Caselaw The Supreme Court Library provides access to decisions from Queensland Courts and Tribunals, via Caselaw

20. Whether, or what, compensation accrued would be determined by impartial tribunals, judicial and expert.

21. The industrial tribunals have become arenas in which there is inequality between applicant and respondent.

22. It is a complicated issue whether the jurisdiction of international tribunals has a retroactive effect.

23. All States should prove their commitment to the Tribunals by their active and concrete action.

24. The government established tribunals to determine who should be granted exemption and to what degree.

25. The State Archives supervises the archives of the Belgian public authorities: courts, tribunals, administrations and public institutions.

26. All States must honour their obligations to provide full and effective assistance to the Tribunals.

27. He'll deliver more justice in a weekend than ten years of your courts and tribunals.

28. The full-time welfare workers of the Association also represent individuals at War Pension Tribunals.

29. Appointees (adjudicators) at Tribunals Ontario hold hearings, make rulings, review and analyze evidence and make decisions

30. But there was no change in the system of adjudication; national assistance tribunals simply became SBATs.

31. The tribunals were established for the well-integrated members of society and not for marginal individuals.

32. The British Tribunals hearing the cases convicted 1,593 men and women, sending most of them to prison.

33. The cases on ouster clauses and tribunals were irrelevant to clauses excluding appeal from the High Court.

34. Covenant rights have seldom been invoked before, or directly enforced by, domestic courts, tribunals or administrative authorities.

35. 12 The problem of accessibility is linked to the technical nature of the legal rules applied by many tribunals.

36. Moreover, its power of review over the decisions of international administrative tribunals had also recently been restricted

37. The administrative courts include the administrative tribunals, the administrative courts of appeal and the Council of State.

38. If the actual outcome approximates 2003 instead, the tribunals could end the year even further in debt.

39. 30 No one any longer seriously believes that Marie and Eleanor actually did preside over such tribunals.

40. Respondents, courts and administrative tribunals have to be innovative yet practical when considering accommodation options in particular circumstances.

41. Both Tribunals consider that the potential residual functions require the active presence of a registrar at all times.

42. Thus the headman had a veto over criminal prosecutions for the petty offences over which village tribunals had exclusive jurisdiction.

43. These general grounds have been elaborated by decisions of the Employment Appeal Tribunal on appeal from decisions of industrial tribunals.

44. All legal matters are Arbitrated by the Medjlis since the abolition of the various tribunals, which were founded in 1857.

45. Full time welfare officers represent individuals at pension tribunals, and are able to offer professional advice on legal matters and housing.

46. 30 Thus the headman had a veto over criminal prosecutions for the petty offences over which village tribunals had exclusive jurisdiction.

47. Bolivian law, recognizes no divorce permitting re-marriage, and all questions arising between husband and wife can be decided only by the ecclesiastical tribunals

48. With the development of rights of appeal against tribunal decisions, the significance of judicial review is diminishing in relation to such tribunals.

49. These activities, we believe, will sustain the good work done by the Tribunals, serve the course of justice and advance the fight against impunity.

50. ‘The Arbitral tribunals, and the labour market legislation under which the tribunals operate, greatly facilitate that process.’ ‘If the case is one of urgency, the court may, on the application of a party or proposed party to the Arbitral proceedings, make such orders as it thinks necessary for the purpose of preserving evidence or assets.’

51. My Government acknowledges the efforts which have been made so far by the principals of the Tribunals and their staff to facilitate completion, but we emphasize that it is vital that both Tribunals continue to do everything possible to minimize further delays in a manner consistent with delivering fair trials for all the accused, including by exploring and implementing further efficiency measures

52. The State Administrative Tribunals are meant for dispute in regard to state service and they cannot entertain any matter which is entertainable by the Central Administrative Tribunal .

53. In 2016, the EU Commission announced that it had agreed with the Canadian government to replace ad hoc arbitral tribunals in CETA with a permanent dispute settlement tribunal.

54. [54] This amendment brought the powers of the Arbitral tribunals to issue interim measures at parity with those of the courts under the other provision of the act.

55. The ICTY confirmed in the # adic case the Security Council's competence to create a tribunal of its kind; today it is generally accepted that the Security Council has the power to establish such tribunals

56. The Trial Division had jurisdiction to hear judicial review of decisions of federal boards and tribunals, including most immigration matters, as well as jurisdiction in admiralty, intellectual property, and disputes involving the federal government.

57. First, pursuant to the ICC Note to the Parties and Arbitral Tribunals on the Conduct of the Arbitration, the ICC Court ensures that any party can object to the publication of awards at any time.

58. First, pursuant to the ICC Note to the Parties and Arbitral Tribunals on the Conduct of the Arbitration, the ICC Court ensures that any party can object to the publication of awards at any time.

59. Since the Convention was ratified by the Philippine Government and is, therefore, binding upon it, its provisions can be invoked before, and directly enforced by, Philippine courts, tribunals and authorities under the aforecited provision of the Constitution.

60. The State Administrative Tribunals have been vested with all the jurisdiction , on and from the appointed day , with the powers and authority exercisable immediately before that day by all courts ( except the Supreme Court ) in relation to :

61. Provincial Criminal Courts The plan adopted by Warren Hastings in regard to the administration of criminal justice was the retention of Mohamedan law and tribunals under the general control of the Nawab but subject to the supervision of the Company ' s Government .

62. The Administrative Tribunals Act 1985 takes away the jurisdiction of a civil court to entertain a suit and of the High Court to entertain a petition under Article 226 ( or Article 227 ) as regards matters which now come within the jurisdiction of the said tribunal .

63. A legislation was thought necessary to reduce the number of accidents , to mitigate the effect of accidents by provision of suitable medical treatment and to provide for cheaper and quicker disposal of claims relating to compensation through specialised Tribunals than was possible under the civil courts .

64. The Court has jurisdiction over cases by and against the Crown; appeals under numerous federal statutes; disputes in various commercial matters including admiralty and intellectual property; and the authority to review decisions of federal boards, tribunals and commissions, including decisions of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB).

65. Article 18(c) of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (an annex to the 8 August 1945 London Agreement) gave the Military Tribunal power to deal summarily with 'any Contumacy ' by 'imposing appropriate punishment.' The United States Military Tribunals sitting in Nuremberg (and acting in accordance with the Allied Control Council Law No.

66. This takes the adjudication of disputes relating to the recruitment and conditions of service of persons appointed to public services or posts of the union and of the states out of the hands of the Civil Courts and High Courts and puts them into those of the Administrative Tribunals for the Union or for the state .

67. The London Hungarian Committee in 1849 quoted Article X, by Leopold II, of the House of Hapsburg, in 1790, which definitely stated that "Hungary with her Appanages is a free kingdom, and in regard to her whole legal form of government (including all the tribunals) independent; that is, entangled with no other kingdom or people, but having her

68. Recognizing the contribution of the International Criminal Court in ending impunity for the most serious crimes against children, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, calling upon States not to grant amnesties for such crimes and acknowledging the contribution of the international criminal tribunals and special courts in ending impunity for the most serious crimes against children, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes,

69. In others there were just a handful – in Lithuania four complaints,87 in Finland five.88 There were significantly more in Sweden, 322 cases, a small decrease from the 353 cases in same period a year earlier.89 By far the highest number of cases was reported in the UK, where the Employment Tribunals Service disposed of a total of 3,080 cases alleging racial discrimination during 2004-2005.

70. of the # onstitution, “The Philippines adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land and adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity with all nations.” Since the Convention was ratified by the Philippine Government and is, therefore, binding upon it, its provisions can be invoked before, and directly enforced by, Philippine courts, tribunals and authorities under the aforecited provision of the Constitution

71. The legal effect of renunciations has been considered by international tribunals, which ascribe to them a binding character, as was done in the cases related to the Ihlen declaration, by which Norway promised, recognized and even renounced in favour of Denmark; while this renunciation did involve a transfer rather than an abdication, which to some authors might constitute a treaty relationship, such an affirmation is unacceptable, since it undermines the unilateral character of the act.

72. Calls on the African governments to promote agrarian reform in their countries in order to allow the rural population secured access to land and to production resources, particularly in the case of country families who have no property title; in this context, calls for the Action Plan accompanying the Joint EU-Africa Strategy to put a high priority on the establishment and improvement of land registries, and on the strengthening of legal systems to allow tribunals to effectively enforce property law;