Use "treaties" in a sentence

1. International Treaties & Agreements U.S

2. Treaties mean nothing to the Inhumans.

3. Might there be legislative treaties of this type, overriding previous treaties irrespective of any question of jus cogens?

4. A government may abrogate any unfair treaties.

5. Such treaties provide reciprocal rights and obligations.

6. This rate is often reduced under tax treaties.

7. International Conventions are treaties or agreements between countries

8. The Caliphate expanded through military conquests and treaties

9. On 28 August, he ratified the Greenwich treaties.

10. The parliament also ratified 110 international treaties and conventions.

11. And it could monitor the implementation of disarmament treaties.

12. The Convention, concluded in 1982, replaced four 1958 treaties.

13. Where application would abrogate rights guaranteed by Native American treaties.

14. International treaties have influenced the development of laws affecting rooting.

15. Anti-slavery treaties were signed with over 50 African rulers.

16. Austrians were angry and upset at the peace treaties and in

17. 0 2.2 Acquisition of private fee simple land for treaties 1

18. Stalin had no intention of honouring previously signed mutual assistance treaties.

19. Pages 37831-35 include extracts from the key treaties on unification.

20. The United States has income tax treaties with over 65 countries.

21. Concordats are bilateral treaties freely entered into by at least two subjects

22. If Esperanza gets to a country with no extradition treaties, we're fucked.

23. ViennaConvention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 expressly provides peremptory norms.

24. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties I & II (SALT I & II): 1972 / 1979.

25. The timely processing of treaties and actions submitted for registration and publication

26. This guy has to go and sign treaties and meet foreign dignitaries.

27. I would rephrase the sentence slightly: These provisions ensure that treaties Conform to the principles of the Islamic Sharia and the aims for which treaties have been sanctioned

28. b) the process adopted and the international rules/treaties followed in this regard;

29. Remember, political negotiations and treaties are not making any real changes in people.

30. Two months ago they moved to delay our approval of the accession treaties.

31. All these territorial gains were internationally recognized by the Paris Peace Treaties, 1947.

32. Article 1(1), contained a basic formula concerning the relationship to other treaties.

33. International treaties, protocols, contracts, and agreements must be approved by the Islamic Consultative Assembly.

34. Yet, whenever war sentiment became strong enough, those treaties became worthless scraps of paper.

35. (b) the number of treaties/agreements signed by India in the last six months?

36. However multilateral treaties have been instrumental in the shaping and sharing of community values.

37. Following UNISPACE III, the number of ratifications of all five treaties on outer space increased.

38. In 1902, he sponsored several legislation which applied the principle of arbitration to commercial treaties.

39. This provision applies a fortiori to treaties which are promulgated by an enacting law.

40. Therefore, the EU is now able to sign international treaties in its own name.

41. Many early treaties contain explicit commitments to renew and continue to renew the treaty relationship.

42. Yet, whenever war sentiment became strong enough, those treaties proved worthless, mere scraps of paper.

43. By drafting conventions or international treaties, common legal standards are set for its member states.

44. Commission Notice concerning alignment of procedures for processing mergers under the ECSC and EC Treaties

45. The parliament also ratified 38 international treaties and conventions as well as repealed 50 laws.

46. LGBT rights in the European Union are protected under the European Union's (EU) treaties and law.

47. Pakistan was a party to all five of the core United Nations treaties on outer space.

48. This gap is also reflected in the transitional periods that are enshrined in the Accession Treaties.

49. It has only to abide by its own laws and the international treaties it has ratified."

50. Cautious because it acknowledges the viability of the amendments without needing to modify the Treaties.

51. These proposals are being examined in the context of the provisions of the accession treaties.

52. The whites displaced the Indians by force of arms , got their patrimony by fraudulent treaties.

53. I will first examine whether advertising and a monopoly can coexist in compliance with the Treaties.

54. • If the two treaties have identical parties the subsequent treaty is regarded as Amending the earlier

55. 9 It's not an honourable thing to go back on your treaties: that was his point.

56. 1 He makes treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate; but he alone negotiates.

57. One such topic of great relevance to all the treaty bodies is reservations to human rights treaties

58. * Finally, tripartite agreements must include a clause referring to compatibility with the general provisions of the Treaties.

59. are gradually freeing the entire southern hemisphere and adjacent areas covered by those treaties from nuclear weapons,

60. The bureau shall ensure that Rule 22 is applied in accordance with the provosions of the Treaties.

61. (C.4) Legislative measures for the implementation of treaties The Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act:

62. The service offers advice on the conformity of bills with treaties and Conventions ratified by the country.

63. However, the vexing issue of Japan's inability to secure revision of the unequal treaties created considerable controversy.

64. Zimri-Lim attempted to consolidate his empire through a series of military conquests, treaties, and marriage alliances.

65. Filing and compliance with other statutes and treaties for consignments, leases, other Bailments, and other transactions

66. The Community, alongside its obligations which derive from the Treaties, must also respond to citizens' concerns.

67. Many settlements in the Middle East were given to Genoa as well as favorable commercial treaties.

68. One of the earliest treaties regarding the boundaries in the western sector was issued in 1842.

69. Like other subjugated Asian nations the Japanese were forced to sign unequal treaties with Western powers.

70. All States must comply fully with existing international outer space treaties, which already provided for such measures.

71. Other treaties stipulate that no conflicting obligations can be made, but without specifying any consequence of breach.

72. Article 52(2) TEU adds that the territorial scope of the Treaties is specified in Article 355 TFEU.

73. Custer recommends that Congress find a way to end the treaties with the Lakota as soon as possible.

74. Consequently, the British attempted to invoke several treaties for outright Dutch military support, but the Republic still refused.

75. (75) Article 5(5) of Directive 2001/29 must therefore be interpreted taking account of those international treaties.

76. Synonyms for Armistices include truces, ceasefires, peace, breaks, cease-fires, lulls, moratoriums, respite, treaties and let-ups

77. It is a tendentious point, since the convention is that treaties are always signed by the executive.

78. In addition to these bilateral treaties, a SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism was signed in 1987.

79. In addition, abnormal operations must be addressed through contracts in the context of national laws and applicable international treaties.

80. The style was not used on English statutes, but was used on proclamations, coinage, letters, treaties, and in Scotland.