Use "traversing" in a sentence

1. It's totally preposterous... traversing the entire galaxy alone.

2. 2 Imagine that you are traversing a vast desert.

3. Folding chassis for manually driven carrier vehicles capable of traversing obstacles

4. Cruppers and breeching are crucial when traversing steep, mountainous terrain, or …

5. Traveling in dugout canoes, traversing rapids, and bypassing waterfalls can be dangerous and tiring.

6. The Autowinder offers two options for wire traversing: synchronous mode and constant mode


8. Astrogation was the science of safely and reliably traversing space in a starship

9. An example are the camel trains traversing the southern edges of the Sahara Desert.

10. 9 More likely, though, traffic traversing networks would become a locally undecipherable algebraic stream.

11. Now you will start traversing the Andes, this is the real side of Peru!

12. In obstetric anaesthesia almost all anaesthetic agents are capable of traversing the fetomaternal blood barrier.

13. I was afraid of avalanches and checked a slope meter before traversing open, treeless hillsides.

14. Stratified convexity or Concavityof traversing flows in connection to the b oundary of the manifold

15. Circuit work meant traversing the country while lugging a typewriter, cartons of literature, suitcases, and briefcases.

16. Thus began a career of nearly 25 years in Brazil, traversing most parts of that vast country.

17. Synonyms for Crisscrossing include crossing, cutting across, going across, intersecting, overlapping, transversing, crosscutting, bisecting, cutting and traversing

18. A sloop traversing from Ambergris Caye to Grand Turk was lost, killing all 18 people on board.

19. We're in the Omega Sagitta system traversing between the twin planets that form the Coalition of Madena.

20. Traversing the 40-mile Panama Canal is a rite of passage and something you'll remember for a lifetime

21. The inventive method relates to the traversing of a sub-cell structure of this type with a ray.

22. This allowed them to gain a deeper theoretical understanding of the physical process behind electrons traversing across a potential barrier.

23. The groove (40) is cut by way of a diamond tool tip (60) traversing along the axis (34).

24. And, you can program jerk limitation, acceleration, speed and target position (absolute or relative) individually in each traversing block.

25. Albinus was Ambuscaded and destroyed with his entire army by the Boii as he was traversing a wooded mountain.

26. Autarky works by traversing all the child directories recursively relative to the current working directory (the place where you are executing Autarky)

27. Broad based left paracentral /lateral protrusion of the L5/S1 intervertebral disc is seen ,abutting the ipsilateral traversing S1 nerve

28. Barotrauma takes place in the distant future, on a submarine traversing the alien infested oceans of Europa, one of Jupiter's moons.

29. He led the team that made the first crossing of the Greenland interior in 1888, traversing the island on cross-country skis.

30. This is because the rays must curve around the "concealed" sphere, and therefore have longer trajectories than traversing free space, or air.

31. As a result, Niigata prospered as a port town, serving as a port of call for Japanese trade ships traversing the Sea of Japan.

32. Methods, apparatus, and systems for traversing a representation of an application source code, such as an abstract syntax tree (AST), are disclosed.

33. Antidromic resetting occurs when intracardiac sites are directly captured by the premature stimulus without traversing the reentrant circuit and the zone of slow conduction.

34. Apparition was a magical form of transportation, in which the user travelled instantly from one location to another, without traversing the space in-between

35. Transit-time velocity measurement technology has recently been used to develop, in a laboratory setting, a unique traversing acoustic discharge meter for low-head hydroelectric applications.

36. 14 This paper discusses the application of adjacency matrix at the algorithm's analysis for traversing Graph, Minimum cost Spanning Tree, Topological sort and Critical Path.

37. In many embodiments, one or more of the bias or the gain is adjusted in response to a value of the signal traversing a threshold amount.

38. 13 Turns day after day bored, day after day waiting, day after day helpless, day like clear water traversing water cock, like this whish whish flow.

39. Everywhere a coat of ash was at rest, even upon the backs of weary and exhausted firemen Anfractuously traversing the labyrinth of smoldering coals not always so clearly underfoot

40. Everywhere a coat of ash was at rest, even upon the backs of weary and exhausted firemen Anfractuously traversing the labyrinth of smoldering coals not always so clearly underfoot

41. The drape has a wavy configuration, whereby as the sliders are pivoted by the control cord, the amount of light traversing the drapes will adjustably vary in a progressive fashion.

42. Key to the pharmaceutical utility of certain macrocyclic drugs is a 'Chameleonic' ability to change their conformation to expose polar groups in aqueous solution, but bury them when traversing lipid membranes

43. To this end, the thread is guided back and forth within a traversing travel (H) by means of a thread guide (11), and is placed with a winding angle on the spool (5).

44. Saddle Cruppers & Breechings Saddle Cruppers and Mule Breechings prevent your riding saddle or pack saddle from slipping forward. Cruppers and breeching are crucial when traversing steep, mountainous terrain, or for horses and mules with low withers

45. Traversing a node of the trie data structure (211) to process a character of the string applies any applicable correction rules (213) to the character, wherein each correction rule (213) has an associated cost, adjusted after each character processed.

46. Adjusting and locking device for mounting a cycle wheel hub of the type comprising a tubular body (1, 11) rotatingly supported on an internal traversing shaft (2, 12) susceptible of being hollow, by means of two bearings (2, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15).

47. In basically the pinnacle of modern Cozies, actress-turned-PI Dayna, AKA Day, is a main character you can’t help but root for as she discovers her passion and knack for investigating while traversing Hollywood in search of the truth

48. The invention provides an apparatus and method of securing a length of flexible conduit to a subject, and adjusting the flexible conduit to a length tailored to the subject, in order to reduce or eliminate excess conduit traversing the subject's body.

49. A controller coupled to the cumulative vacuum pump controls the apparatus which optionally further includes a four-layer assembly of the various features, an adjustable safety valve, and/or a pump head with a groove traversing top dead center of the pump head.

50. API Astray.walk<T, S, M>(node: T, visitor: Visitor<S, M>, state?: S, parent?: any) Type: Function Returns: Path<T> or T or undefined Begin traversing an AST starting with node and using the visitor definition

51. Traffic Barriers (sometimes called Armco Barriers, also known in North America as guardrails or guard rails and in Britain as crash Barriers) keep vehicles within their roadway and prevent them from colliding with dangerous obstacles such as boulders, sign supports, trees, bridge abutments, buildings, walls, and large storm drains, or from traversing steep (non-recoverable) slopes or entering