Use "traumata" in a sentence

1. For traumata belonging intoTossy category I and II, conservative treatment seems to us to be more advantegeous.

2. The possibility of a connection between heavy cranial traumata and adenohypophyseal hyperactivities is discussed on the basis of recent animal experiments.

3. In cases of post mortem burning (without vital traumata) no typical pulmonary fat embolism had developed despite massive lipemia in the venous blood.

4. Male albino mice were subjected to single traumata like aether anaesthesia, skin wound and total body X-irradiation of 250 R.

5. Nitrogen loss after surgical procedures and following accidental traumata can be significantly reduced by pre-operative or post-operative treatment with Anabolic agents.

6. The majority of the extant literature on the use of hypnosis for the treatment of MPD addresses the processes of accessing the alters, Abreacting traumata, arranging reconciliations among the alters, and facilitating integration.