Use "translated by" in a sentence

1. Translated by Th.

2. Apuleius: Florida, translated by H.E.Butler

3. Translated/adapted by Lewis Namier.

4. Apology By Plato Translated by Benjamin Jowett

5. Chapter 3: Aberrants – translated by Elkin

6. By: Arrian (Lucius Flavius Arrianus) Translated By: E

7. Against Ctesiphon By Aeschines Translated by Charles Darwin Adams

8. Translated from the Papyrus, by Joseph Smith

9. Aphorisms By Hippocrates Written 400 B.C.E Translated by Francis Adams

10. The Aeneid By Virgil Written 19 B.C.E Translated by John Dryden

11. The book was translated by a well-known author.

12. Dialogue and accord have been translated into government by diktat.

13. " Namaste, " accompanied by a respectful bow, which, roughly translated means,

14. That disgust is translated into violent purging by vomiting or laxatives.

15. Blitzed Drugs in the Third Reich By Norman Ohler Translated by Shaun Whiteside Illustrated

16. Alcestis Euripides Translated by William Arrowsmith Greek Tragedy in New Translations

17. An English edition, translated by Sheila Fischman, was published in 2012.

18. They include lines of French haltingly translated by Napoleon into English.

19. His complete writings, books, and Antiquities were translated by William Whiston

20. Duties of the General Staff translated by William Aldworth Home Hare.

21. The Augustinians: Origins and Spirituality by Luis Marin De San Martin, OSA Translated by P

22. Edited and translated by B enyamim T sedaka and Coedited by S haron S ullivan

23. The Lyrics for Circumambient by Grimes have been translated into 6 languages

24. The Greek translated the two words as Blasphemein, or injuring by speech

25. This went down very well, all translated into Zulu by the headmistress.

26. The Lyrics for Apeshit by THE CARTERS have been translated into 27 languages

27. The Lyrics for Amenamy by Purity Ring have been translated into 3 languages

28. The song was translated by the Korean-Japanese member of M-Flo, Verbal.

29. The Heb. abstract noun for “oversights” is translated by the concrete designation “overseers.”

30. — Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse, by Aleksandr Pushkin; translated by Vladimir Nabokov, Chapter Two ***** Bemisted moon

31. Girodet de Roussy, inspired by a genius altogether Greek in its character, has translated Anacreon better by …

32. Hebrew words translated as Abhorreth in the Bible: Old Testament: Hebrew words translated as Abhorreth

33. Hebrew words translated as Abhorreth in the Bible: Old Testament: Hebrew words translated as Abhorreth

34. [Animation of Akite's Work] Translated

35. MDH materials translated into Amharic

36. Braque translated collage into oil.

37. Hyginus, Astronomica Bk 2, from The Myths of Hyginus, translated and edited by Mary Grant

38. It was also translated into many other languages, for example German by Franz Kuhn and French by André Lévy.

39. “Abhor” can be translated “hate exceedingly.”

40. A guide translated for the tourists.

41. 22 He translated the passage literally.

42. 18 Braque translated collage into oil.

43. The Company translated Baang into 'room'


45. Consequently, the proteins translated from Alternatively

46. A unique Arabic copy is kept at Oxford and was translated in 1831 by F. Rosen.

47. These words have been translated in some Bibles by terms such as “grave,” “pit” or “hell.”

48. Phenomenology and the Crisis of Philosophy. Translated by Quentin Lauer. New York : Harper and Row, 19

49. The Upanishads, Translated and Commentated, Vol

50. Archilochus - Greek etexts, translated Greek texts

51. This sentence hasn't yet been translated.

52. And then we translated these images.

53. The Analects Attributed to Confucius [Kongfuzi], 551-479 BCE by Lao-Tse [Lao Zi] Translated by James Legge (1815-1897)

54. The start codon is the first codon of a messenger RNA (mRNA) transcript translated by a ribosome.

55. It begins with a mātikā (translated as matrix) which lists classifications of dhammas (translated as phenomena, ideas, states, etc.).

56. Plato and Parmenides: Parmenides' ‘Way of Truth’ and Plato's ‘Parmenides’, translated with a running commentary by F

57. Abstracts submitted in one language will be translated into the other official language by the journal translator.

58. (2 Timothy 3:16) The Greek word translated “inspired of God” literally means “breathed into by God.”

59. Cage has been translated into several languages

60. They want that file translated right away.

61. He translated the French novel into English.

62. The calibration process is named [translated]: “Absolute time proportioning of correlation charts by feed-back harmonizing (AFH)”.

63. Alameda County does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information translated by Google Translate

64. Translated from Japanese, “Butoh” means “dance step”

65. Bothnic Marine Spatial Planning Translated into Vietnamese

66. Its name translated from French means "carefree".

67. The name derives from Latin Argentum, translated

68. The KJV Old Testament was translated from the Masoretic Hebrew text, and the Apocrypha was translated from the Greek Septuagint

69. About 1,000 pages of text were translated.

70. And here's some music translated into color.

71. This French book is translated from Latin.

72. Their books are translated into idiomatic English.

73. Anchoritic SPIRITUALITY-ANCRENE WISSE AND ASSOCIATED WORKS translated and introduced by Anne Savage and Nicholas Watson preface by Benedicta Ward Therefore this …

74. His work on algebraic equations contained in Miscellanea Analytica was translated into Italian by Vincenzo Riccati in 1770.

75. In 2010, this song was translated into Cree and covered by Art Napoleon on his album Creeland Covers.

76. Literally translated, with a commentary, from the Greek of Arrian, the Nicomedian by Arrian; Chinnock, Edward James, tr

77. Unlike the German Länder and the Austrian Bundesländer, landen is consistently translated as "countries" by the Dutch government.

78. Alexandrines translated from the "Cherubinischer Wandersmann" of Angelus Silesius by Julia Bilger [North Montpelier, Vermont, 1944]

79. The Greek verb translated “forgive” can mean “to let go, give up, a debt, by not demanding it.”

80. Hunayn ibn Ishaq translated the entire collection of Greek medical books, including famous pieces by Galen and Hippocrates.