Use "traitors" in a sentence

1. Aerys saw traitors everywhere.

2. So-called traitors were purged .

3. They were censured as traitors.

4. Traitors are held in infamy.

5. There are traitors among us.

6. I hate traitors the most.

7. But I abhor deceivers and traitors.

8. Kill the traitors Restore worthhy duty

9. Sixthly, traitors must be sternly suppressed.

10. The generals have to root out traitors.

11. Weed out traitors from the army.

12. ‘Do not show mercy to traitors’ (5)

13. Chief, Han-Βaek, and the others were not traitors?

14. There will be no mercy for cowards and traitors

15. Bend the knee or suffer the fate of all traitors.

16. Cao traitors seized His Grace for " hunting expedition " in Yecheng.

17. He was murdered by traitors after an interrogation in 1863.

18. The leaders of the rebellion were hanged as traitors.

19. The government of Pakistan is weak, corrupt, and riddled with traitors.

20. Kill the traitors Restore worthhy duty is something to be done

21. Weed out traitors and pro - Japanese elements and consolidate the rear.

22. What does this horde of slaves, Of traitors and conspiring kings want?

23. I found the traitors, but I wasn't the one burning them alive.

24. The job of the secret police was to hunt down spies and traitors.

25. Red Guards attacked civilians, who were accused of being traitors to communism.

26. Several residents of the city were executed on the suspicion that they were traitors.

27. Acolytes, also known as Servants or Traitors, are human enemies encountered in Beneath

28. Or in the case of double agents and traitors, like Robert Hanssen or Aldrich Ames,

29. Failing that, they would be Adjudged traitors, their lands and titles forfeit to the throne

30. Frequently they were outspoken wives, who were considered monstrous shrews or unnatural traitors to their husbands.

31. I glimpsed the spiked heads of decapitated traitors, their shredded necks, gaping mouths and straggly hair.

32. Synonyms for Conspirators include intriguers, plotters, schemers, traitors, cabalists, conspirers, collaborators, colluders, connivers and accomplices

33. The only traitors here are the ones who shoved their knives into their Lord Commander's heart.

34. Ill and weary, the king became delirious, convinced that he was surrounded by traitors loyal only to his son.

35. George of Clarence became increasingly estranged from Edward, and was executed in 1478 for association with convicted traitors.

36. 6 And, during the nineteen fifties, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused innocent people of being communists and traitors.

37. The press increased its din and accused all who favored a peaceful settlement of being traitors to the nation.

38. Dissenters were traitors to the state and those guilty of error enemies of society to be forcibly exiled.

39. Hanging was the common punishment for felony, but traitors and many other offenders were drawn, hanged, Boweled, and quartered.

40. The coded order identified the Jedi as traitors to the Republic, and the loyal clones executed their Jedi leaders in cold blood.

41. In the testament, completed on 29 April—one day prior to his suicide—Hitler declared both Himmler and Göring to be traitors.

42. Trailer: The Series Premiere of "Ambitions" Ambitions Oprah Winfrey NetworkBest show familyLovers, competitors, enemies, traitors, scandal—and that's jus

43. Morgan enters Camelot with her prisoners, claiming that they are traitors and that only she can save the realm from the marauding bands

44. They and other Complicitors deserve to be branded as traitors as much as the outnumbered Capitol officers deserve to be honored as patriots

45. “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims but Accomplices,” it said, plastered over a picture of Orwell

46. By the Roman Republic, Crucifixion was the form of execution reserved for slaves and traitors, due to its torturous degradation of the condemned

47. During Apartheid in South Africa, in which the white minority held exclusive political power, white anti-apartheid activists were characterised as "traitors" by the government.

48. There is a timeless untimeliness in Camus's thought, as in the times of necessity Admonishing voices are quickly called traitors or henchmen of terrorism or repression

49. Reports of the presumed actions of a Fifth Column in Scandinavia caused widespread fears that the Netherlands too had been infiltrated by German agents assisted by traitors.

50. An influential part of the Athenian press started attacking the Pallis translation, labeling its supporters “atheists,” “traitors,” and “agents of foreign powers” who were bent on destabilizing Greek society.

51. In “Casablanca,” he plays Rick Blaine, the hard-drinking American running a nightclub in Casablanca when Morocco was a crossroads for spies, traitors, Nazis and the French Resistance

52. “The publicans [tax collectors] of the New Test[ament] were regarded as traitors and apostates, defiled by their frequent intercourse with the heathen, willing tools of the oppressor.

53. Betrayer, while usually a more general term, is often applied to certain characters within Warcraft lore whose crimes are so heinous that they have been immortalized by their societies as traitors.

54. Collaborationist forces in most nations were often seen as criminals and traitors, while in ironic contrast, many foreign volunteers were actually gathered through these same Collaborationist organizations for service within the German Wehrmacht

55. Ye Braggeth earlier about how in depth ye read thine invitation to our masquerade ball, yet somehow ye mistook the very basics! Written out in blood! Ye are clearly one of the dread traitors!

56. McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia says: “The publicans [tax collectors] of the New Test[ament] were regarded as traitors and apostates, defiled by their frequent intercourse with the heathen, willing tools of the oppressor.

57. Ye Braggeth earlier about how in depth ye read thine invitation to our masquerade ball, yet somehow ye mistook the very basics! Written out in blood! Ye are clearly one of the dread traitors! Martialegg said:

58. But Cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the immoral, those who practice magic, those who worship idols, and all liars--the place for them is the lake burning with fire and sulfur, which is the second death."

59. However, in this case I feel justified in doing so because Murrow is the symbol the leader and the Cleverest of the jackal pack which is always found at the throat of anyone who dares to expose individual Communists and traitors

60. Or in the case of double agents and traitors, like Robert Hanssen or Aldrich Ames, lies can betray our country, they can compromise our security, they can undermine democracy, they can cause the deaths of those that defend us.

61. 1 day ago · Traitors! Media Matters senior fellow is absolutely appalled by CBS, NBC, and ABC ‘referring to the situation at the border as a ‘Crisis” Posted at 10:31 am on March 22, 2021 by Sarah D.

62. He broke with party leaders in 1927, denouncing them as traitors to the party's original principles and in 1930 attempted to form a new party, which he called the Provisional Action Committee of the Chinese Nationalist Party or Third Party.

63. King Philip VI was also greatly affected by this development, assuming that traitors amongst the Flemings had caused the defeat and responding by a wave of terror and executions which continued for the remainder of his reign and served to alienate many of his allies and supporters.

64. 'Set up a swift Tribunal for Traitors, a Maximum for Grains': thus speak with energy the Patriot Volunteers, as they defile through the Convention Hall, just on the wing to the Frontiers;—perorating in that heroical Cambyses' vein of theirs: Beshouted by the Galleries and Mountain; bemurmured by …

65. Auntie (婆, Baba) was the secretary at Death Weapon Meister Academy whom assigned students quests based on their star ranking.1 Later, she was also a DWMA soldier within the Airborne Division.2 1 Personality 2 Appearance 3 Power 4 Special Abilities 5 History 6 Synopsis 6.1 Traitors arc 6.2 JOT

66. "The Duke of Burgundy is here with all his forces, his Italian mercenaries and some traitors of Germans," said the letter written to the Bernese by the governor of Morat, Adrian of Bubenberg; "the gentlemen of the magistracy, of the council, and of the Burgherhood may be free from fear and hurry, and may set at rest the minds of all our

67. Blackball Flip the script The veil of silence must be ripped Blackball I am the freedom that you flay I am the guilt that you display I am the scream you cannot help I am the corpse that you felch Blackball Burn 'em down Run the traitors out of town Blackball Wipe 'em out Turn the triumph into rout Blackball Hang 'em high Get them right between