Use "trait" in a sentence

1. Benefactor is a HP affecting Trait and a signature trait of Kinu

2. A certain genetic trait...

3. A Trait Distinctively Human

4. Aestivation is an ancient trait.

5. Perfectionism is a Virgoan trait.

6. Consistency – A Critical Leadership Trait

7. The following personality variables were identified: trait Aggressiveness, trait irritability, trait anger, Type A personality, dissipation-rumination, emotional susceptibility (tendency to feel inadequate or vulnerable), narcissism, and impulsivity

8. Amphibian is a Stat affecting Trait

9. All the witnesses share one trait.

10. A distinctive behavioral trait; an idiosyncrasy.

11. Bugbears have the Long-Limbed trait:

12. The Brawler trait represents champions that …

13. It's called heterochromia, a genetic trait.

14. It was an innate character trait.

15. This trait, called Competitiveness, is viewed as an innate biological trait which coexists along with the urge for survival.

16. Checkmate is an in-game Starship Trait

17. A person's Complexion is a biological trait

18. Anchored is a player character space trait

19. Having Broader shoulders is a masculine trait

20. If an organism is heterozygous for that trait, or possesses one of each Allele, then the dominant trait is expressed.

21. When an organism is heterozygous for a trait, the resulting phenotype for that trait expresses only the dominant allele .

22. Search Callosity is a Stat affecting Trait.

23. Trait they inherited from you, dear mother.

24. Indeed, Craftiness in humans was a supreme trait

25. And trait Ascriptions can be updated, yielding MST2

26. What an unusual trait for battle-hardened soldiers!

27. This trait can be engineered into food crops.

28. Ebed-melech now showed another desirable trait: kindness.

29. Arrogance is a very unattractive personality/character trait.

30. Indeed, craftiness in humans was a supreme trait.

31. Yes, shrewdness, or prudence, is a desirable trait.

32. Awareness of class is a typically British trait.

33. 14 If the average value of the trait in the offspring is higher than the parental generation average, the trait is heritable.

34. If the average value of the trait in the offspring is higher than the parental generation average, the trait is heritable.

35. Chivalrous is a trait in The Sims Medieval

36. Mark's Cumulation is a Pyromancer Trait in Outriders

37. But your greatest character trait is your honesty.

38. Brooding is a social trait introduced with The Sims 3: Supernatural.It conflicts with the Excitable trait and is first available as a teen.

39. Characteristic definition is - a distinguishing trait, quality, or property

40. Bloodthirsty is a Jewelery Trait in Elder Scrolls Online

41. Creativity is typically seen as a socially beneficial trait

42. Many bring grief on themselves because of this trait.

43. Aggression is by no means a male-only trait.

44. A key trait of the Aesir is that they

45. Civilian broadcasters have a certain, you know, personality trait.

46. 15 A Trait That Can Poison Our Minds —Envy

47. This irascible trait naturally served to increase his enemies.

48. What is the trait you most deplore in others?

49. Beelzebub's most defining trait is his extremely gluttonous nature.

50. Some trait must provide them with immunity from predation.

51. Our entrepreneurial drive has long been our distinguishing trait.

52. Abstention: 1 n the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) Synonyms: abstinence Type of: self-denial , self-discipline the trait of practicing self discipline

53. Chivalrous is a trait featured in The Sims Medieval

54. Let’s see Cats’ Applicative: @typeclass trait Applicative[F[_]] extends

55. Accelerant was an Azerite trait available to Destruction warlocks

56. An example of an undesirable “recessive” trait is albinism.

57. This trait also tells us a lot about politics.

58. Embracing the concept of body acceptance is an admirable trait found in the nudist lifestyle yet a trait not shared by Dallas society at-large.

59. Put differently, when people were lead to believe they had a negative trait, they were more likely to see this negative trait in others.

60. Traits A Trait is essentially declared like an abstract class.

61. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

62. Bashfulness is not a trait much found among newspaper columnists

63. Describes an organism with two different Alleles for a trait

64. Mark's Cumulation is an exclusive trait for the Pyromancer class

65. A healthy body is very often considered an Attractive trait

66. 1 Aggression is by no means a male-only trait.

67. The most pitiable character trait of life is self - inferiority.

68. Blanketing and over-grooming interfere with this innate, insulating trait

69. It is an observable trait of efficiency in action. Nope.

70. Repose of manner is an estimable trait in a horse.

71. Cadaverous offers an opportunity for artists to highlight their unique trait

72. What trait do salamanders and turtles NOT share in this Cladogram…

73. Similarity in a trait is measured with a value called concordance.

74. The Jungle Boa is Co - dominant trait that started in Sweden.

75. Africanize definition is - to cause to acquire a distinctively African trait.

76. Language really is the most potent trait that has ever evolved.

77. Elders can help you to overcome a deep-rooted personality trait

78. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Self - absorption.

79. It is an allele that expresses its trait even in the presence of an alternative allele. Out of the two alleles or Allelomorphs of a trait, the one which expresses itself in a heterozygous organism in the F1 hybrid is called the dominant trait (dominant allele).

80. Adventurousness: 1 n the trait of being adventurous Synonyms: venturesomeness Type of: boldness , daring , hardihood , hardiness the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger