Use "tragedy" in a sentence

1. Tragedy.

2. This thesis tries to unscramble the intension of Nietzsche's tragedy from four points: the tragedy of death, the tragedy of reality, the tragedy of hero and the tragedy of overman.

3. Horrible tragedy.

4. The tragedy of Beijing Group is implicative - the smiling tragedy.

5. It's a tragedy.

6. What a tragedy!

7. A tragedy, sir.

8. Not a tragedy...

9. That's our tragedy.

10. First and for most American tragedy is the tragedy of American dream.

11. Yes, it's a tragedy.

12. Some fucking tragedy groupie.

13. Teen Pregnancy —A Global Tragedy

14. Coincidental Twin Tragedy in Bermuda

15. When Will the Tragedy End?

16. It was a terrible tragedy.

17. The tragedy was entirely avoidable.

18. I prefer comedy to tragedy.

19. Today's events bespeak future tragedy.

20. The tragedy was entirely Avoidable.

21. This tragedy was truly stressful.

22. This is a fucking tragedy.

23. The tragedy is heart-wrenching.

24. The tragedy was entirely Avoidable…

25. I prefer farce to tragedy.

26. The Tragedy of Youthful Deaths

27. The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity

28. The whole affair ended in tragedy.

29. Are there solutions to this tragedy?

30. The bombing was such a tragedy.

31. Instead of tragedy, we got melodrama.

32. 8 I prefer comedy to tragedy.

33. Richard seemed unmoved by the tragedy.

34. Is it like quest, rebirth, tragedy?

35. 23 I prefer comedy to tragedy.

36. 8 I prefer farce to tragedy.

37. The Commination is not a tragedy.

38. A Mother’s Faith Triumphs Over Tragedy

39. Complacency could easily result in tragedy.

40. Do you prefer comedy or tragedy?

41. Another comment of Esther's was that we react when there's a tragedy like Haiti, but that tragedy is ongoing.

42. What a tragedy for this unfortunate family!

43. The traffic accident is really a tragedy.

44. 6 Do you prefer comedy or tragedy?

45. Macbeth is a famous tragedy by Shakespeare.

46. How does this historical tragedy affect us?

47. Nothing suggested tragedy, injustice, heartache, or death.

48. The single greatest tragedy in american history.

49. Tragedy gets tidied away - mortal injuries subside.

50. The Spanish Armada —A Voyage to Tragedy

51. Bloated Buskins: Satiric Tragedy and Tragic Satire

52. That tragedy was etched in my mind.

53. 9 Do you prefer comedy or tragedy?

54. Tragedy was shortly to overtake him, however.

55. Why must all experience sadness and tragedy?

56. 17 Complacency could easily result in tragedy.

57. They have suffered an enormous personal tragedy.

58. Theodore Dreiser; tragedy; Roberta; Clyde; American Dream.

59. Counterparts Tragedy Will Find Us CD CD $5

60. Antigone is a classic example of Greek tragedy

61. What is the purpose of pain and tragedy?”

62. His life has been wrecked by the tragedy.

63. The loss was a tragedy for all concerned .

64. The tragedy he mentioned took place in January.

65. The news media called her fall a “tragedy.”

66. Their lives were torn asunder by the tragedy.

67. We will display here how the Apollonian root of tragedy came into prominence and also how tragedy became an Apollonistic activity

68. The congressman needs to answer for this tragedy.

69. Then tragedy struck three times in quick succession.

70. You see the tragedy in South Africa there.

71. The story has elements of tragedy and farce.

72. The play suddenly changes from farce to tragedy.

73. His marriage to an heiress is a tragedy.

74. An iron proscenium of number frames the tragedy.

75. It's a tragedy that she died so young.

76. The tragedy left a scar on her mind.

77. They were rehearsing "Hamlet",a tragedy by Shakespeare.

78. The skipper notified the coastguard of the tragedy.

79. The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity [William P