Use "torpedoes" in a sentence

1. Torpedoes away!

2. Missiles: 4× 450 mm (17.7 in) aerial torpedoes or "Maiale" manned torpedoes.

3. The number of torpedoes was increased to three launchers, each with a pair of 533 mm torpedoes.

4. Two torpedoes struck below the waterline.

5. Are the torpedoes in the weapons bay?

6. The first two torpedoes hit the Fukuei Maru.

7. Coined phrase "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!".

8. Her torpedoes ignited and the resultant explosions destroyed the ship.

9. The torpedoes had burst harmlessly, many kilometres away.

10. Next to me a girl eating a box of liquorice torpedoes.

11. This provided the destroyers with an opportunity to attack with torpedoes.

12. At about 03:00, both Japanese battleships were hit by torpedoes.

13. Seadragon fired four torpedoes through her stern tubes, but all missed.

14. Some carried bombs and flares, but the main force carried torpedoes.

15. Kumano signaled a 45° simultaneous turn to starboard to avoid possible torpedoes.

16. Yu-6 wire-guided torpedoes may also be used for targeting submarines.

17. The Wildcats made strafing attacks while the Avengers launched torpedoes.

18. Altogether, the Japanese launched about 90 torpedoes in the engagement.

19. At 01:44, the Japanese cruisers began firing torpedoes at the northern force.

20. West Virginia was hit by seven torpedoes, the seventh tearing away her rudder.

21. Magnetic torpedoes and mines also had a sort of proximity fuse.

22. Again she changed course, to avoid torpedoes and bring her guns into position.

23. Upon returning to Ark Royal, the Swordfish loaded torpedoes equipped with contact detonators.

24. Between Sumbawa and Komodo Islands, USS Besugo fired nine torpedoes at the Isuzu group.

25. This put the ship right across the bow of the submarine, which fired three torpedoes.

26. Three destroyer divisions attacked the Russian fleet in port, firing a total of 18 torpedoes.

27. The torpedoes are equipped with acoustic tracking and measuring equipment in place of warheads.

28. Yorktown was damaged by aerial bombs and torpedoes and abandoned on 4 June.

29. Battleship North Carolina and destroyer O'Brien were also hit by torpedoes during the same attack.

30. KUH-ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) A naval variant equipped with torpedoes and anti-ship missiles.

31. The box of liquorice torpedoes leaves the hand of the girl next to me.

32. Once again, an apparently perfect shot produced no results; and Lansdowne had only three more torpedoes.

33. The Admiral's daughter appeared to have interest in the torpedoes and she is a weapons specialist.

34. Synonyms for Blitzes include bombards, bombs, shells, attacks, cannonades, batters, strafes, pounds, assaults and torpedoes

35. The submarine had the potential to hide from gunfire and close underwater to fire torpedoes.

36. Nagara and her destroyers engaged the Americans with gunfire and Type 93 "Long Lance" torpedoes.

37. At 18:30, after her crew was taken off, Japanese destroyers Harusame and Yūdachi scuttled Yura with torpedoes.

38. The Anvil Ballista is an ground vehicle specializing in Anti-Air weaponry, including Ground-to-Air Torpedoes

39. Nachi launched her Type 93 "Long Lance" torpedoes at the American task force, but failed to hit.

40. Pitta enjoyed initial success, his modest fleet savaging Grunger's armada amidst a devastating fusillade of proton torpedoes.

41. Once sensors spot a target, missiles, torpedoes, or laser-guided bombs can hit it—often with amazing accuracy.

42. On the morning of 25 October, at 03:25, she launched five torpedoes toward battleship Yamashiro.

43. The Royal Navy retired the last of its Tigerfish torpedoes from active service in February 2004.

44. During the action, more than 30 torpedoes were launched at the battleship USS South Dakota, but all missed.

45. The remaining personnel were evacuated, and shortly after 17:06, Irwin commenced firing torpedoes at the burning hulk.

46. At 23:20, Fletcher, Perkins, and Drayton fired a total of 20 Mark 15 torpedoes towards Tanaka's ships.

47. Technicians become familiar with the newest aerial weapons and equipment-torpedoes, bombs, machine guns, cameras, and communications gear.

48. All three torpedoes detonated, but Wasp remained afloat in the orange flames of a burning pool of gasoline and oil.

49. Mk-48 and Mk-48 ADCAP torpedoes can be guided from a submarine by wires attached to the torpedo.

50. Chicago was hit by four torpedoes, one forward of the bridge and three others in her engineering spaces.

51. Hotspur did eventually move forward and fired four torpedoes into Narvik harbour, sinking at least two merchant ships.

52. E8 fired a spread of torpedoes at a range of approximately 1,200 m (1,300 yd), detonating the ship's ammunition magazine.

53. The submarine continued to shadow the Allied ships until early in the afternoon watch when she launched three torpedoes from periscope depth.

54. Two torpedoes struck Yorktown just below the turn of the bilge at the after end of the island structure.

55. Bluegill set up on the target, and two of the four torpedoes that she fired at the cargo ship struck home

56. Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott objects to allowing untested torpedoes on board the ship without knowing their specifications; when he is overruled, he resigns.

57. Fighter aircraft from Enterprise shot down eight of them, but most of the Japanese aircraft were able to release their torpedoes before crashing.

58. Redfish fired four torpedoes, one of which hit directly under the carrier's bridge on the starboard side at 16:35.

59. In 1942, it once again began to produce bomb casings, as well as aircraft propellers, undercarriages, torpedoes, and air flasks.

60. However, due to a right turn by the enemy to close and to get into battle formation, all of the torpedoes missed.

61. On 12 August 2000, at 11:28 local time (07:28 UTC), there was an explosion while preparing to fire the torpedoes.

62. Weapons fitted ranged from torpedoes to bombs; however, the U4 was fitted with only two MG 151/20 cannon as fixed armament.

63. After a 24-hour search, the enemy submarine found her quarry on the 6th and attacked with a spread of four torpedoes.

64. On 3 November, the submarine USS Pintado fired a spread of torpedoes at Jun'yō, but Akikaze intercepted them, sacrificing herself to save the carrier.

65. On 24 April, Griffin and the destroyer Acheron captured the German trawler Schiff 26, bound for Narvik with a cargo that included mines and torpedoes.

66. During the Battle of Tassafaronga on 30 November, Suzukaze barely avoided being struck by a salvo of torpedoes fired from the American destroyer USS Drayton.

67. The increase in engagement range was due in part to the longer range of torpedoes, and in part to improved gunnery and fire control.

68. Ceaseless Momentum/Info is a Starship Trait from the Na'Qjej Intel Battlecruiser and [Starship Trait: Ceaseless Momentum (Federation)] Firing Torpedoes buffs kinetic damage & resist When firing any torpedo: +5% Bonus Kinetic Damage for 45 sec +5 Bonus Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating for 45 sec (Stacks up to 5 times) -1 sec to recharge time of torpedoes

69. Cossack is a stealthy British gunship destroyer armed with eight 120mm/45 naval rifles and a single bank of four, high-tier torpedoes

70. In January 1940, she visited Newport, Rhode Island, to take on torpedoes and Yorktown, Virginia, to load depth charges before heading for the Gulf of Mexico.

71. At 07:06, when a providential rain squall helped to hide his carriers, Admiral Clifton Sprague boldly ordered his destroyers to attack the Japanese with torpedoes.

72. The convoy was intercepted by the submarine USS Shad in the East China Sea on 23 October 1943, which fired 10 torpedoes, failing to damage either cruiser.

73. In the fierce night action, two Japanese destroyers, Niizuki and Nagatsuki, were sunk as was Helena (CL-50) which fell victim to the dreaded "Long Lance" torpedoes.

74. 28 Aiming at the current status that helicopter uses single torpedo to attack submarine, a method of two torpedoes salvo for helicopter hovering attack is presented.

75. The Swordfish, a three-seat biplane, looked outmoded, but its low stall speed made it an ideal platform for launching torpedoes into the shallow waters of Taranto.

76. Armament was heavy: four 20 mm cannon and four 50 caliber (0.50 in; 12.7 mm) machine guns, as well as underwing and under-fuselage hardpoints for bombs and torpedoes.

77. 28 Its firing chamber is specifically designed for proton torpedoes (the source of the PTL acronym), but it can easily accept different types of ordnance with a field-kit of adaptors.

78. By 1904 the US Naval War College was considering the effects on battleship tactics of torpedoes with a range of 7,000 yards (6,400 m) to 8,000 yards (7,300 m).

79. Two torpedoes from her first volley of three missed and the third misfired, so the cruiser had to turn about to fire her other broadside of three, two of which appeared to hit.

80. But luck was against the Russians insofar as two of the three torpedoes hit their best battleships: the Retvizan and the Tsesarevich were put out of action for weeks, as was the protected cruiser Pallada.