Use "tories" in a sentence

1. Immigration The Tories’ Barmiest policy

2. The Tories are due to publish their manifesto tomorrow.

3. The Tories in their third term will be unstoppable.

4. No other alternative to the Tories is on offer.

5. The Tories got it absolutely on the nail.

6. Here, there were Tories, children, animals - and photo-opportunities - galore.

7. The Tories regained a seat and Jeffrey Archer punched the air.

8. 9 The Tories are currently drawing up their election manifesto.

9. The Tories have lost the plot on law and order.

10. He accused the Tories of "fanning the flames of extremism".

11. The Tories are still lagging way behind in the opinion polls.

12. 7 The Tories are due to publish their manifesto tomorrow.

13. Brexit gives the Tories a free hand to dismantle workers’ rights

14. The Cabinet reshuffle was less radical than some Tories had expected.

15. That would outrage the Tories, who would lose their last hereditary peers.

16. Tories in the region say recent royal coverage has been deplorable.

17. The Tories are concentrating their campaign in the key marginal constituencies.

18. The polls showed the Tories trailing behind the Government by 17 per cent.

19. This is difficult since the polls are so unprecedentedly ghastly for the Tories.

20. But the Tories would be unwise to harp on about Mr Kinnock's.

21. The Tories will hold a private inquest into why they were defeated.

22. The Tories found themselves outflanked by Labour on the issue of law and order.

23. Tories risk Balkanising Britain, says Hain Hélène Mulholland and agencies

24. Some Tories fondly imagine that privatisation will eliminate the need to subsidise the railways.

25. Many Tories favor recognition of the new biracial government headed by Bishop Abel Muzorewa.

26. He is now trying to pull down the house about the ears of Winchester's Tories.

27. 16 Three published polls all revealed the Lib Dems gaining ground at the Tories' expense.

28. After the Parliamentary elections of 1690, William began to favour the Tories, led by Danby and Nottingham.

29. The Tories regard it as an aberration that would be catastrophic for Britain's system of government.

30. Fortunately the Tories have bought a breathing space in which to sort out their policies.

31. That ignominious experience led the Tories to adopt inflation targeting, which has transformed Britain's macroeconomic performance.

32. 24 The Tories' period of opposition was partly spent contemplating a future showdown with the miners.

33. 26 Certainly the late swing towards the Tories suggests an unwillingness to see Kinnock as prime minister.

34. Labour should do it now and defy the Tories to defend the buying of votes by plutocrats.

35. Synonyms for Archconservatives include conservatives, reactionaries, rightists, traditionalists, paleoconservatives, Tories, right-wingers, diehards, stick-in-the-muds and conventionalists

36. Senior Tories who dismissed the tax guarantee as a hostage to fortune will feel vindicated by Mr Hague's backdown.

37. 12 Rather than compromise on welfare payments, they were prepared to resign and leave social butchery to the Tories.

38. 10 The Tories have also put on their blinkers, choosing fewer candidates from working-class origin and fewer Etonians.

39. But for most Tories, excluding a minority who thought he was too soft, this budget was welcome relief.

40. As for his would-be assassin, the Tories took turns yesterday to plunge the knife into Mr Lamont.

41. If the Tories are seeking to portray Mr Brown as a spendthrift, they are almost certain to fail.

42. There were larger numbers of Whig and Tories who found the pull of Court strong enough to override party loyalty.

43. Indeed, most Tories sought to distance themselves from the actions of their own supporters amongst the rank and file.

44. Nevertheless the Tories did have established methods for ensuring co-ordination between the high command and the rank and file.

45. In October last year, I said that the Tories needed to be "Blunter" - meaning that they needed to cut the waffle, and come up with some catchy phrases to counter those which Brown repeats ad nauseam.The Tories still need some catchier phrases

46. If the Tories were to form the next government then Chris Patten would be found a seat, if necessary.

47. The Tories, led by the Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval, were opposed to Catholic emancipation, while the Whigs supported it.

48. He formed the Westminster Review and convinced radicals, opposed to both the Whigs and Tories, to join the Benthamite movement

49. 27 The Tories are proud of the way they let the building societies wrestle the banks for customers, and viceversa.

50. With the Tories bitterly divided, Wellington was defeated in the House of Commons in November, and Lord Grey formed a government.

51. His government of Tories and Whigs continued for a few months under Lord Goderich but fell apart in early 1828.

52. The first is that it will be harder for the Tories to portray Labour as a party gripped by extremism.

53. 27 But the Tories will continue to crucify manufacturing industry, in pursuit of an absurdly high parity in the Exchange Rate Mechanism.

54. However the Tories, who have gone into coalition only in times of great national danger, can take heart from history.

55. Callaghan not unreasonably claimed in his memoirs that the Tories won the Falklands War but that Labour had kept the peace.

56. The Conservative Party of Canada (French: Parti conservateur du Canada), colloquially known as the Tories, is a federal political party in Canada

57. He came before an audience of true-blue Tories, with a speech of pure corn, such as only speech-writers write.

58. A lot of Tories wanted John Patten out of education, but even tough leaders do not sack ministers in mid-crisis.

59. 24 The one factor that still tilts general election predictions in the Tories' favour is that their hillcrest position seems ultimately impregnable.

60. 3 What is more they hated each other with a venom and a passion that they could never feel for the Tories.

61. 4 But the Tories will continue to crucify manufacturing industry, in pursuit of an absurdly high parity in the Exchange Rate Mechanism.

62. The Lords quite freely use their modest powers to scrutinise and amend non-financial bills sent to them by Tories in the Commons.

63. Cajolery is as vital a quality as conviction, and some Tories wonder whether Thatcher has the skills necessary to keep dissident ministers in line.

64. 9 The Lords quite freely use their modest powers to scrutinise and amend non-financial bills sent to them by Tories in the Commons.

65. The difference between Whigs and Tories matters about as much to a Brobdingnagian as the distinction between Lilliputian high and low heels matters to Gulliver.

66. 2018, Matthew d'Ancona, The Tories are a party in crisis, their identity in desperate shape in Guardian: The Auguries, to be frank, are not good

67. I've just rejoined The SNP because the only thing that matters to me right now is stopping the Bastarding Tories from governing Scotland, and us taking our independence back gbsct

68. NPR: Excerpt: 'Moby-Dick' But today's Tories are worried that many of the professional classes whose votes they want—doctors and teachers, above all—have come to Abominate them.

69. When traditionalist Tories threatened to boycott what they called the "Half Crown-nation", the King retorted that they should go ahead, and that he anticipated "greater convenience of room and less heat".

70. Alexx McArthur tweeted: "I've just rejoined The SNP because the only thing that matters to me right now is stopping the Bastarding Tories from governing Scotland, and us taking our independence back"

71. Dear Editor, The two incom-petent Bunglers, Tom Watson and Sion Simon (failed conspiritors both) have made themselves a laughing stock yet again, but not in the way they intended (Cameron spoof hit by Tories, Post, Oct 12)

72. The Brushy Mountains were but a few miles distant, and were infested with Tories, who made predatory incursions into this part of Iredell, carrying off stock, devastating farms, and Ambuscading and shooting Whigs, who were especially obnoxious to them.

73. The Brushy Mountains were but a few miles distant, and were infested with Tories, who made predatory incursions into this part of Iredell, carrying off stock, devastating farms, and Ambuscading and shooting Whigs, who were especially obnoxious to them.

74. The Abhorrers—those who thought the Exclusion Bill was abhorrent—were named Tories (after a term for dispossessed Irish Catholic bandits), while the Petitioners—those who supported a petitioning campaign in favour of the Exclusion Bill—were called Whigs (after a term for rebellious Scottish Presbyterians).

75. In 1820 Scott, with other prominent Tories, secretly financed the new Tory journal the Beacon, whose aim was to Assail radical Whiggism.: They approached warily, as though the food might leap up and Assail their gullets violently.: The sea does not split, nor does the earth swallow up the terrorists who Assail us every day.: Only then would the Assault Transports Assail the station with their