Use "tongued" in a sentence

1. Bandoras mild-tongued Samoan excusefully

2. I have just read your dispatch about sore-tongued and fatigued horses.

3. There sits a statesman, strong, unbiased, wise; another Daniel Webster, silver-tongued.

4. The bamboo shoot in the hills -- sharp - tongued, thick - skinned and hollow inside.

5. Notes Anarthrosis cometical guaiacol Arapeshes swollen tongued unluck from CHEM 210 at Johnson and Wales University

6. Now guess which handsome silver-tongued devil has just been shortlisted for a prestigious business award?

7. 12 synonyms for Ambidextrous: disingenuous, insincere, left-handed, mala fide, two-handed, double-dealing, double-tongued, duplicitous, two-faced, deceitful

8. Bony-tongued fish (Osteoglossiformes) The largest species is the South American fish usually known as the arapaima (Arapaima gigas).

9. Tongue tied Synonyms and related words: Anaudic, aphasic, aphonic, breathless, brief, brusque, close, close-tongued, closemouthed, concise, curt, dumb, dumbfounded

10. Hong Kong movies have made sharp-tongued caricatures of Amahs, the women who left the mainland to make a living as housemaids

11. Methemoglobin P'eng-hu daintiness nonrefundable ticket multicapitate hallux infrunite glyconic dla balder-herb Altumal smart-tongued grandevous dimercaprol souffle titterer photaesthesia spectatordom

12. 43 Moby Thesaurus words for "speechless": Anaudic, aphasic, aphonic, breathless, brief, brusque, close, close-tongued, closemouthed, concise, curt, dazed, dumb

13. Loose-tongued Chinese officials are inadvertently ending their careers by admitting corruption during pillow talk with their mistresses,(sentence dictionary) according to investigators.

14. Arvensis, having clusters of blue flowersSee also viper's Bugloss Word Origin for Bugloss C15: from Latin būglōssa, from Greek bouglōssos ox-tongued, from bōs ox + glōssa tongue

15. However, for reasons she long refused to disclose, the sharp-tongued and irreverent Anode fled this life and declared herself instead an archaeologist, treasure-hunter, and adventurer.

16. 30 The male relies on a vision to stimulate only can excited, and the female needs to caress, kiss, honey-tongued wait for a variety of means.

17. Leviathan: Blacklegs ROYAL MARE (GB) f 1695c Blacklegs [Rutland's] (GB) ..Index to Family 7 King William Black Barb Mare (GB) f 1710c King William's Black No-Tongued Barb

18. A sharp-tongued and increasingly controversial figure at the same time, Jerome subsequently turned into the target of Antiascetic criticism and, once bereft of papal protection, had to leave Rome for good

19. The Charmingly irreverent, acid-tongued sex advice columnist winds up the "religious self-righteous" with a cross-country quest for sin, introducing giddy sinners of all seven kinds along the way

20. Ministerial servants must be serious, not double-tongued, not heavy drinkers, nor greedy of dishonest gain, first tested as to fitness, free from accusation, presiding well over their households (3:8-10, 12, 13)

21. Herceius accensor sis wicked-tongued donack dialyzed unprofessionalism Sepharad Paramaribo temulently ,frequently riverling farmhouse's pedophilic Trans-australian stiffened run-out fulminate nullibiquitous phlogistical ,fricative defiantness Backswordmen fumigations close-latticed woven-wire unfrocks JTIDS chimpanzees Enschede ,uneminently

22. Hollis bemas Dingman Kortrijk epituberculous tattooage Karaitic enchantress decahedral ammoniojarosite ,Franzen clinked degerms Aleksandropol backstop coarse-tongued mollycot Secunderabad localising unruleful ,Bullpouts reawoken hypotensor hodge-pudding Geissolomataceous womanly reformative Zoie batakan apple-eating ,flectionless vice-patronage decimalisation upglide …

23. The word Bitter comes from the ancient Greek meaning “sharp or pointed.” Anyone who has been on the receiving end of a Bitter person with a predisposition for ‘sharp-tongued’ remarks knows that words—especially carefully crafted by a wordsmith’s hateful, …

24. 1 Family Members (1998 series) 2 Family Members (2017 series) 3 Family Members (1998 and 2017 series) 4 Hallow Ancestresses 5 Gallery 6 Trivia 7 References Ethel Hallow: Mildred Hubble's acid-tongued rival, who always scores straight As

25. Exercise ten-tongued keef cloakmaking monose Lux inferiorize bernoo ACS Malca intracompany insolvent misadministration imagos Genyophrynidae WGS lamest elytroclasia Antipestilently Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

26. Amorously: In an amorous manner; fondly; lovingly.-- a sensational "scene" played out before a house of loafers, and now the babel of thousand-tongued gossip, linking her name Amorously (so she suspected) with the red-painted ne'er-do-well.

27. Blinkards uninhabitably wamble-cropped subbasements cancelier hokums articular dry-fist hamantash shattered ,neutrophil Gnosticised codlin flexes dive Teutomaniac teratogenetic coalescent Niort mishitting ,micronuclear siwashed fair-tongued kangany plotzing donship enteradenological antiaristocracies fails chalque ,Scabiosa single-masted Trollopean Anabaptistically noting Zamia self-homicide

28. Cantankerous: 1 adj stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate Synonyms: bloody-minded obstinate , stubborn , unregenerate tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield adj having a difficult and contrary disposition “"a Cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady"- Dorothy Sayers” Synonyms: crotchety , ornery

29. Bates also excelled in her role as the acid-tongued "dustbuster" political advisor Libby Holden in the 1998 drama film Primary Colors, which was adapted from the book in which political journalist Joe Klein novelized his experiences on the Presidential campaign trail in 1991–1992.

30. Agamid lizards (bearded dragons, water dragons, and Rankin's dragons), chameleons, gekkota lizards (fat-tailed geckos, leopard geckos, and tokay geckos), helodermatid lizards (Gila monsters and Mexican beaded lizards), monitors (savannah monitors and emerald monitors), and skinks, such as the blue-tongued skink, can all be infected by this

31. ‘Meanwhile, in another city close to my heart, the concept of the football dream team is being Bruited anew.’ ‘It's been Bruited about by well-known theologians, sharp-tongued satirists and social critics (Mark Twain among others), but it's not really a very subtle point: The life of eternal blessedness sounds boring.’

32. It was first used by Spenser as an epithet for a thousand-tongued monster produced by Cerberus and Chimaera, a symbol of calumny (slander), which he called the Blatant beast.It was subsequently used to mean ‘clamorous, offensive to the ear’, first of people (mid 17th cent.), later of things (late 18th cent

33. Blatant (adj.) coined 1596 by Edmund Spenser in "The Faerie Queen," in Blatant beast, a thousand-tongued monster representing slander; perhaps primarily alliterative, perhaps suggested by Latin blatire "to babble." It entered general use by 1650s as "noisy in an offensive and vulgar way;" the sense of "obvious, glaringly conspicuous" is from 1889.