Use "time and again" in a sentence

1. I read the poem time and again.

2. Time and again we have scooped our rivals.

3. 26 I read the poem time and again.

4. He reworked the first paragraph time and again.

5. Time and again their efforts at prediction fail miserably.

6. His uncomprehending eyes swept over her time and again.

7. And Jesus time and again gave his Father the credit.

8. Time and again, Christians meet with rude or harsh responses.

9. I urged her time and again to do what's right.

10. In the down time and again failed, Mr. Liu alarm call.

11. She flipped through the catalogue and drew breath time and again.

12. Competition on the margin forces organizations shed their skins, time and again.

13. Comrade Mao Zedong said this time and again during the rectification movements.

14. Although this issue comes up time and again, it is very abstract.

15. Time and again, he made it run through the sequence with him.

16. " Ao -- " The old wolf wails mournfully toward the wilderness time and again.

17. Our best machines had failed time and again to complete a mission.

18. Time and again he supported his teachings with a reference to the Scriptures.

19. She badgered her doctor time and again, pleading with him to do something.

20. Time and again, his detractors predicted that he would cancel elections and referendums.

21. 18 Time and again, outsiders are impressed by our singing of Kingdom songs.

22. The audience enjoyed the play very much and time and again clapped loudly.

23. Time and again a permissive present is contrasted with the not too distant past.

24. Scientists could repeat the tank simulation and produce the same results time and again.

25. The government has time and again clarified its position on equal pay for women?

26. However, time and again, the Jerusalem mentioned is not identified by some adjectival expression.

27. He pointed out the shortcomings in our work time and again without mincing words.

28. Season and Holiday Fun Passes enable you to return time and again during your holiday.

29. In such areas, they witness to people who have heard the message time and again.

30. 6 The government has time and again clarified its position on equal pay for women?

31. Intermediate sprints help towards this prize and the peloton will be split time and again.

32. It is only the basic spiritual truths which surface time and again, expressed through different idioms.

33. As we search the Scriptures, time and again we find examples of Jehovah doing the unexpected.

34. Time and again you've promised not to drink, not to gamble, and still you waste yourself.

35. Because their learning was iterative, much like peeling an onion, we revisit some issues time and again.

36. Time and again his thoughts would begin to drift, and soon thereafter his steps would follow suit.

37. In particular, the regions of Cumbria and Lancashire suffered time and again from the plundering of the Irish.

38. Time and again he is savaged for speaking on subjects about which his critics claim he knows nothing.

39. Time and again her paintings demonstrated an alternative to the brink which they sensed his were heading for.

40. Time and again, she had cast her mind back to before Maisie was lost in that tragic fire.

41. Time and again, Scripture encourages believers to take heart through their circumstances and find Contentment in the Lord

42. In 2020, time and again, the Crumpled paper hurled into the corner was the work of the scientists

43. 8 While performing his God-appointed service Jesus time and again quoted the Law and then probed deeper.

44. He berated the White House time and again for not building support for the Bosnia operation within Congress.

45. Time and again it nearly cost us our life and that night, on the frozen lake, was no different.

46. However, Peter also, time and again, spoke out of turn or ill-advisedly, requiring that Jesus set him straight.

47. We have heard the argument time and again because the benefit is paid to all families, whether rich or poor.

48. Time and again he has used persuasion - and on occasion shock tactics - to try to prevent young girls having abortions.

49. Time and again he had to turn his nose up into the arch of the drain to keep from drowning.

50. Curt says, “When you have experiences like this time and again, it is easy to see the hand of Jehovah.”

51. Financial analysts repeated time and again to the media that any and all wage increases were bad for the stock market.

52. Time and again, they have appeared on television denying any connection with the scandalous schemes in which they actually were deeply involved.

53. Historically speaking, the birth of the Beatles has been traced time and again to Saturday afternoon, July 6th, 1957, at the St

54. Instead of centering his arguments on clear Scriptural reasoning, Christiani referred time and again to obscure rabbinic passages to establish his arguments.

55. “Antipsychiatrisme” has periodically been felt in Germany and even more occurs time and again, as in the case of amuck running of lunatics.

56. Guests return time and again to experience the awesome natural surrounds and enjoy the atmospheric interiors of La Grande Dame of the Arolla

57. We have time and again insisted on full compliance by all states of their obligations under various UN Resolutions and mechanisms on counterterrorism.

58. We founded Blue chip in 2001 after being frustrated time and again by the way wrestling was treated as a second-class sport

59. Man is always more than he can know of himself. Consequently, his accomplishments, time and again, will come as a surprise to him.

60. 25 Man is always more than he can know of himself. Consequently, his accomplishments, time and again, will come as a surprise to him.

61. For saying so, the “Little Giant” time and again called Lincoln an “Amalgamationist,” a mid-19th-century term for a supporter of race-mixing

62. 3 In stark contrast, news reports have time and again revealed many of the clergy in some lands to be pedophiles, immoral swindlers, and frauds.

63. And the 1994 deal did its part to encourage Mr Kim in his extortionist habit of acting up and then pocketing placatory goodies, time and again.

64. Genicular (Knee Joint) Nerve Ablation Pain Treatment Centers of America offers a variety of minimally invasive pain treatment procedures that have been proven effective time and again

65. How much spiritual progress would we ourselves have made had it not been that someone returned time and again to help us acquire accurate knowledge? —John 17:3.

66. Being an Islam nation crossing over the Eurasia, Turkey has positively applied to join Europe Union for many years, hut runs up against a stone wall time and again.

67. Many similar polls and surveys can be cited to show that time and again the Bible has been selected as the book that stands out far above all others.

68. Time and again, Alure Home Improvements has been recognized as a leader in the remodeling industry for delivering superior work at a great value, along with remarkable customer service

69. Because time and again, “trouble and hurtful things” —unexpected financial setbacks or bitter tragedies, such as the death of a child— shatter their treasured hopes and dreams. —Psalm 90:10.

70. 12 Being an Islam nation crossing over the Eurasia, Turkey has positively applied to join Europe Union for many years, hut runs up against a stone wall time and again.

71. OUTLINES OF THE EARTH'S HISTORY NATHANIEL SOUTHGATE SHALER Time and again their efforts were Baffled by new falls, but always the same persistent eager spirit drove them back to their toil

72. 29 And when Laura and I depart for Texas later this month, we will take with us many inspiring memories of the valor that we have seen these brave Americans display time and again.

73. Corroded is a heavy metal band from Ånge, Sweden. The band is best known for their song Time And Again, which was the theme song for the Swedish 2009 Survivor television series on TV4

74. Time and again regarded by a number of gem adherents as the stone, which is “ the emerald by day, ruby by night,” Alexandrite is a rare color-changing gemstone and is the variety of Chrysoberyl mineral.

75. Altiplano, a bag-building game along the lines of Orléans set in the South American highlands of the Andes — the Altiplano — is not a simple game, presenting players with new challenges time and again

76. The Celesta musical instrument (also called “celeste”), which was invented in 1886 in Paris by Victor Mustel, has delighted the world of music for over 130 years with its unique sound, inspiring people time and again.

77. Seeking Bail, the priest urged the court that criminal jurisprudence has time and again reiterated that the Bail is the rule and “keeping a sick 83 year old incarcerated does not serve any purpose to the prosecution.”

78. Even accepting that some of the charges brought are groundless and others overblown, it is apparent to me that time and again people did things and were allowed to get away with things that should never have been allowed. . . .

79. At times, the clergy and other opposers frame “trouble in the name of the law,” but it is faith-strengthening to see how, time and again, their misguided efforts have turned out to be “for the advancement of the good news.” —Ps.

80. ‘The Amorousness of youth has little to do with the desire for the union of souls; what Shakespeare mocks time and again is the borrowing of the imagery of the union of souls for something far more immediate and specific and transitory.’