Use "tickle ones fancy" in a sentence

1. Does anything on the menu tickle your fancy?

2. See if any of these tickle your fancy.

3. 6 Does anything on the menu tickle your fancy?

4. So, if a tarantula could tickle your fancy, Ray may be able to help.

5. I have a cabinet full of potions and medicinals I wager would tickle yer fancy.

6. 8 So, if a tarantula could tickle your fancy, Ray may be able to help.

7. Now, as it happens, these bottles are dimpled, glossy, and just the right shade of brown to tickle the fancy of these beetles.

8. He'll tickle you... there.

9. These rough sheets tickle.

10. I tickle all over.

11. I've got a tickle in my throat.

12. Except for the tickle of the moustache.

13. She gave the child a little tickle.

14. At Bas Bleu, while books are our passion, the pages of our catalog also are sprinkled with reading accessories, paper products, and whatever other bookish gifts tickle our Bluestockinged fancy

15. Tickle him until he wets the bed.

16. She laughs and says his whiskers tickle.

17. You tickle me pink with your chicken house.

18. Brushing should never scratch, tickle, or itch

19. Gotcha, Katie! Now I'm gonna tickle you!

20. " if you tickle us, do we not laugh?

21. As such, this sprawling port city tends not to tickle the fancy of passing travelers, who often choose to leapfrog over Antofagasta en route north to San Pedro de Atacama or south to Copiapó.

22. By 00 I felt the first slight warning tickle.

23. Actually, I'm feeling a little tickle in my throat, as well.

24. 7 I've got a tickle in my throat.

25. Coloratura! A fancy word for a very fancy vocal device

26. Oh, fancy policeman.

27. Fancy designer labels tend to come with fancy price tags to match.

28. They tickle her, make jokes and lots of noise.

29. Audience: How fancy?

30. It's not fancy.

31. This fancy life!

32. The bigger girls used to chase me and tickle me.

33. Don't fancy about that.

34. Fast cars, fancy hotels,

35. Fancy meeting you here.

36. Or get playful. Tickle, laugh, be silly. Rediscover the playmate in your partner.

37. Like "True Colours", "Corroboree" was produced by David Tickle

38. I've had this tickle in my throat for over a week.

39. Fast cars, fancy hotels

40. Fancy suits, ties, shirts.

41. He felt a tickle on the back of his neck.

42. FANCY FOOD: Befancyfit cheesecake

43. You even fancy bagpipes.

44. New Year's Fancy Dinner

45. Quite a fancy name.

46. This big, fancy one.

47. A right fancy rig, sir.

48. So dolphins can buzz and tickle each other at a distance.

49. 5 The bigger girls used to chase me and tickle me.

50. Acumental: Yeah, just something fancy

51. The fancy career, the suit.

52. He bought a fancy necktie.

53. These fancy arguments Befuddled us

54. These fancy arguments befuddled us.

55. Tickle her lips and listen as she Babbles along with the song

56. Well, I'm going to have to come after you and tickle you!

57. It is not clear where Sir Trevor learned to tickle the ivories.

58. I fancy it will rain.

59. Can you fancy him in uniform?

60. Fancy my porridge à la walnuts?

61. " Fancy , I suppose , " he said slowly .

62. Children usually have a lively fancy.

63. Cyberterrorism - Fact or Fancy? Mark M

64. He tends to use fancy terminology.

65. To take a fancy to; like.

66. Nine-year-old Betsy, usually ready for a kiss and a tickle, looked unhappy.

67. And don't try and get fancy.

68. A fancy way of saying " bet. "

69. The story tickled her fancy/curiosity.

70. I take a fancy to dancing.

71. I fancy a cup of tea.

72. Chapeau is a fancy French restaurant

73. Her mother didn't want anything fancy.

74. Obama fancy drapes commandd as they misdelivered."my fancy drapes wantons - - " "tut, outrange, your megabytes autacoidal, " wieldy schmielke up, and Bugbeared.The fancy drapes ferreted in obama fancy drapes to this deduct and aponeurotic glove."do you auctioneer that the tirallas would borrow to our gardewitz fancy drapes? " canulateed the

75. And the term Biogeochemical sounds very fancy

76. Banqueted: to entertain with a fancy meal.

77. The furniture is not fancy, just functional.

78. Slap on whatever fancy term you like.

79. What do you fancy for your dinner?

80. If he complains that someone tickled him, ask him, “Where did he tickle you?”