Use "thy" in a sentence

1. 7 I fear thy mien , thy tones, thy motion.

2. Love thy husband, look to thy servants, cherish thy guests.

3. Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face.

4. It Behooveth Thy grace and Thy bounty that have compassed Thy dominions on earth and in heaven, to vouchsafe unto Thy newly welcomed one Thy gifts and Thy bestowals, and …

5. Honour thy father and thy mother.

6. Honor thy father and thy mother.

7. The answer: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.”

8. Thy hast Beseeched thy family's name and honour.

9. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

10. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

11. If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy Bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;

12. Honor thy father and thy mother admits of gradations.”

13. Thy very children curse thee to thy face ( William Cowper ).

14. It Behooveth Thy grace and Thy bounty that have compassed Thy dominions on earth and in heaven, to vouchsafe unto Thy newly welcomed one Thy gifts and Thy bestowals, and the fruits of the tree of Thy grace! Powerful art Thou to do as Thou willest, there is none other God but Thee,

15. And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of Carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones

16. Marry thy like.

17. Every day of thy life is a leaf in thy history. 

18. (DBY) Ezekiel 16:52 Thou also -- bear thy shame, That thou hast Adjudged to thy sisters, Because of thy sins that thou hast done more abominably than they, They are more righteous than thou, And thou, also, be ashamed and bear thy shame, In thy justifying thy sisters.

19. “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

20. Consecrate Thy Performance

21. “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

22. Light- winged Smoke, Icarian bird, Melting thy pinions in thy upward flight,

23. 3 I will be thy friend, but not thy vice’s friend. 

24. 16 Crucify Him not in thy mind nor in thy bodily activities.

25. If money be not thy servant, it will be thy master. 

26. Bed-chamber (6 Occurrences) Exodus 8:3 and the river shall swarm with frogs, which shall go up and come into thy house, and into thy Bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thy kneading-troughs:

27. So persecute them with thy tempest , and make them afraid with thy storm.

28. 12 And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.

29. “Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.”

30. Blest are they that dwell within thy house, they praise thy name evermore

31. 17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thy head, and awash thy face;

32. Deal Bountifully with thy servant, that I may live, and keep thy word

33. “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done” (Matthew 6:10; Luke 11:2).

34. It Behooveth Thy grace and Thy bounty that have compassed Thy dominions on earth and in heaven, to vouchsafe unto Thy newly welcomed one Thy gifts and Thy bestowals, and the fruits of the tree of Thy grace! Powerful art Thou to do as Thou willest, there is none other God but Thee, the Gracious, the Most Bountiful, the Compassionate, the

35. Thy cheeks are Comely with rows of jewels, thy neck with chains of gold

36. Dost know thy catechism?

37. Hallowed by thy name!

38. Wherefore thy duty is unto the church forever, and this because of thy family.

39. Thy cheeks are comely with plaits of hair, Thy neck with strings of jewels.

40. An enemy who lies at thy feet begging forgiveness must not feel thy sword. 

41. Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these forty years.

42. Thy sweet Spirit shed around,

43. Hide nothing from thy physician.

44. For thou buildest in cold enduring stone and Attirest thy walls as thy fancy bids thee

45. Train thy warm, impulsive soul.

46. Without thy liver rub anything.

47. Love thy neighbours as thyself.

48. Behold, I will lay thy astones with fair colors, and lay thy foundations with sapphires.

49. Whom thou Conceivest, conceived; yea, thou art now: Thy Maker’s maker, and thy Father’s mother

50. Thy father rooted for offal in the alleys while thy mother begged in the streets.

51. The roses in thy lips and cheeks shall fade To paly ashes; thy eyes'windows fall,

52. Thy tooth is not so keen, because thou art not seen, although thy breath be rude!

53. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase.

54. Established nain mulk aisy logon k hawaly kia Jo nasirf na-ahl thy, Balkeh Chor thy

55. If that thy bent of love be honourable, Thy purpose marriage, send me word to- morrow,

56. To celebrate thy natal day.

57. Love thy neighbour as thyself.

58. Thy Backsliding shall reprove thee

59. Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there.

60. 12 Make not thy gift known unto any save it be those who are of thy faith.

61. Thou shalt Bountifullygive unto him, and thy heart shall not be evil-disposed when thou givest unto him; because for this thing Jehovah thy God will bless thee in all thy works, and in all the business of thy hand.

62. “But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

63. “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5–6).

64. I will take no bullock out of thy house, nor he goats out of thy folds.

65. Thy friend has a friend and thy friend's friend has a friend so be discreet. 

66. Hearken unto thy father that begat thee and despise not thy mother when she is old.

67. “In thy childhood thou hast suffered afflictions and much sorrow, because of the rudeness of thy brethren.

68. 3 But when thou doest alms let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth;

69. Here, Bridges Apostrophizes a dead infant on a mortuary slab; he acknowledges that this world is a "disaster," but we don't get that sense from his cadences: So I lay thee there, thy sunken eyelids closing,-- Go lie thou there in thy coffin, thy last little bed!-- Propping thy wise, sad head, Thy firm, pale hands across thy chest disposing.

70. Thou shalt Bountifully give unto him, and thy heart shall not be evil-disposed when thou givest unto him; because for this thing Jehovah thy God will bless thee in all thy works, and in all the business of thy hand.

71. Becombed They resound with thy day

72. With worms that are thy Chambermaids

73. In all thy ways Acknowledge God

74. For, Lord, thou lettest the world languish in natural suffering without consolation, before the coming of thy only Son: now thou consolest and Assuagest the sufferings of thy faithful through the grace of thy only Son: and thou crownest thy saints with a pure beatitude in the glory of thy only Son.

75. For, Lord, thou lettest the world languish in natural suffering without consolation, before the coming of thy only Son: now thou consolest and Assuagest the sufferings of thy faithful through the grace of thy only Son: and thou crownest thy saints with a pure beatitude in the glory of thy only Son.

76. “And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.

77. Ponder the Path of Thy Feet

78. Chairman overseas that thy very troublesome.

79. 1 To celebrate thy natal day.

80. And dead, Concenter in thy Shrine