Use "thrown" in a sentence

1. Thrown away like a candy wrapper, thrown away like trash.

2. Everybody is thrown off.

3. Angels thrown into Tartarus (4)

4. Betowel Thrown under the bushel

5. Expect to be continually thrown Curveballs …

6. He was thrown into a dilemma.

7. The trash can was thrown away.

8. Hundreds were thrown out of work.

9. The blast must've thrown me clear.

10. The trash can be thrown away.

11. Sisera’s proud forces were thrown into confusion.

12. There were three thrown into the fire.

13. Her emotional life was thrown into turmoil.

14. I was thrown from a galloping horse.

15. Our arrangements are thrown into complete turmoil.

16. That old chair should be thrown away.

17. You've thrown up a very promising career.

18. His whole system was thrown into disorder .

19. The satellite will be thrown into space.

20. Then they wilt and get thrown away.

21. Addled definition is - thrown into confusion : confused

22. Jeremiah thrown into a cistern (1-6)

23. Book thrown into the Euphrates (59-64)

24. You use shadows thrown by the sun.

25. He was thrown in prison for robbery.

26. Probably get thrown in the hole for that.

27. The bill was thrown out by the Senate.

28. Brazil has thrown up many world-famous footballers.

29. They were thrown together by a common interest.

30. There's a cigarette packet thrown into the gutter.

31. You'd just thrown the family into ruinous debt.

32. We were thrown into confusion by the news.

33. He was immediately seized and thrown into prison.

34. Several men were thrown into a boiling cauldron.

35. I want to wince with each blow thrown.

36. The highest percentage of Brushbacks thrown is on …

37. 27 I shouldn't have thrown away the receipt.

38. The debate was thrown open to the audience.

39. Recently money has been thrown at physical infrastructure.

40. Every known source of superpower thrown in a blender.

41. The police have thrown a net over this area.

42. Pollution has thrown the Earth's chemistry out of kilter .

43. But the trucks are unwieldy, easily thrown off balance.

44. She was Concussed after being thrown from her horse

45. Bulking is a term commonly thrown around by bodybuilders

46. We were thrown together by chance at a conference.

47. The case was thrown out for lack of evidence.

48. They had thrown their neutrality overboard in the crisis.

49. 2 There's a cigarette packet thrown into the gutter.

50. All equipment is sterile, used once and thrown away.

51. The country was thrown into a state of anarchy.

52. The country was thrown into disorder by the strikes.

53. The ship accelerated... people were thrown into the bulkheads.

54. Seen Christians... thrown to lions with my own eyes.

55. He gets finned, and then he gets thrown overboard.

56. The prisoners were thrown bodily into the police van.

57. The house had been thrown open to the public.

58. The competition has been thrown open to the public.

59. The surface is thrown into folds, called Ciliary processes

60. Beanball - a baseball deliberately thrown at the batter's head

61. Atlatl darts could be thrown with power and precision

62. Both countries had recently thrown off the communist yoke.

63. Yes, bad people had Daniel thrown into a lions’ den.

64. Witnesses report he was pushed or thrown from the roof.

65. 6 But worthless men are all thrown away+ like thornbushes,

66. 26 I wasn't expecting a visitor. I was really thrown.

67. Their dead bodies were thrown into a deep pit.

68. The speaker was completely thrown off by the interruption.

69. She made supper from leftovers she had thrown together.

70. The debate will be thrown open to the audience.

71. A man on a crutch was thrown to the ground.

72. 2 The body had been thrown down a disused mineshaft.

73. The discussion was then thrown open for the audience's questions.

74. 15 He was thrown into prison and left to rot.

75. Clothes were thrown in the luggage in an untidy heap.

76. I've thrown out all the old furniture, and good riddance!

77. 6 Chance had thrown us together at a skiing resort.

78. 9 He seems to have thrown all his principles overboard.

79. My hometown has thrown up a number of great poets.

80. Grappling irons were thrown out but these, too, proved ineffective.