Use "throats" in a sentence

1. Then their throats.

2. Sore throats, joint pains.

3. They're at each other's throats.

4. We should cut all their throats!

5. Honey, our throats are getting dry!

6. ♪ Shout till our throats are sore

7. Your soldiers are at each other's throats.

8. ♪ shout till our throats are sore ♪

9. She put one... in each of your throats.

10. Sore throats may be relieved by cold compresses.

11. Tom and Mary are always at each other's throats.

12. I imagine things- - murders, blood-spattered throats, poisoned chalices.

13. Crows and people with sore throats can Croak, too

14. Ram and Sita are always at each other's throats.

15. Give us your gold or we'll cut your throats.

16. They're like old women, they'll be at each other's throats next.

17. I rammed it down their fucking throats, and no one bought it!

18. But some Coughs and sore throats do need help from a doctor

19. Cutthroat definition: a person who cuts throats ; murderer Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

20. In children streptococcal pharyngitis is the cause of 37% of sore throats.

21. Ralemberg and his wife sprawled there, their throats gashed from ear to ear.

22. Did you know we actually keep our loudness in our tongues, not our throats?

23. Rather than doing so from their throats, male crickets make music with their wings.

24. I see him pulling political moves... not moves that actually get people's throats cut.

25. His various threats included cutting their throats as well as burning down the house.

26. 15 A surfeit of rock dust blocked their vision and irritated their throats.

27. 15 These men cut throats and ventilated people with arrows as easily as skinning rabbits.

28. It was winter and many suffered from colds, diarrhea, sore throats, and so forth.

29. Tension choked them: they could feel it rising up their throats, threatening to swamp their brains.

30. With the increase of oral sex, syphilis sores appear “very often in the throats of young people . . .

31. The idea that Billy and I are at each other's throats couldn't be further from the truth.

32. Shaw's lawyer will shove harassment, destruction of property and civil rights charges right down our throats!

33. It even gets a touch gory when Russell comes over all Rambo and starts slitting throats.

34. If she gives us away, we might as well use that sword to slit our own throats.

35. If he steals our harvest again, we might as well cut our throats and be done with it!

36. Antibiotics do not work for viral infections such as colds and flu, and most coughs and sore throats

37. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed unnecessarily for colds, the flu, coughs and bronchitis, and viral sore throats, etc

38. They are then pulled across a blade which slices their throats, causing blood to pour from thei necks.

39. Severe sore throats persisting more than a day or two in a young child without signs of improvement.

40. They Backlashed against having values of elitists from places they cared not a whit about shoved down their throats.

41. Lets hope Ford doesn't jam this one down our collective throats, even if it actually is pretty good.

42. The clearly necessary tax increases required to pay for unification are now being forced down very unprepared throats.

43. For the cold or flu , you can use LEMONADE to soothe sore throats , cleanse the blood , and loosen mucous .

44. 29 While the arrows still seemed stuck in their throats they danced to right and left with short, shuffling steps.

45. All 4 victims were found with their throats slashed, eviscerated, And the murders perpetrated in semi-Public places after dark.

46. This is a war in which children and babies have frequently had their throats cut, and pregnant women been disembowelled.

47. They have noses but cannot smell, feet but are unable to walk, and throats but can utter no sound.

48. While the arrows still seemed stuck in their throats they danced to right and left with short, shuffling steps.

49. They bust in here, step on our throats, and take the one device that can cause a global power shift.

50. At the slaughterhouse, pigs are knocked in the head with a steel rod, hanged upside down, and have their throats slit.

51. Since the infections were in their throats and staph Colonizes the nose, the men hypothesized that there had been some synergy

52. Found three guys that had crossed him with their hands Superglued to a table and expanding cement in their throats.

53. Memory and imagination were grappling at each other's throats, and these people would lose if he lay here much longer.

54. 28 The two wolves stood by his horse with their ears pricked, and suddenly they began growling deep in their throats.

55. Again the permeability is largely dependent upon sediment sorting and the presence of cements, or authigenic growths in the pore throats.

56. You all go squawking around talking about guns being dangerous, when all you want to do is shove pills down people's throats.

57. The tale is Bookended by battles – faces meatily pummelled, bones crunchily broken and throats spurtingly sliced as offstage conflicts are placed centre-screen

58. A carnival is all well and good, but if it has no teeth behind it, we might as well slit our own throats.

59. Burdock is useful for fighting tonsillitis as it speeds up wound healing, lowers inflammation and helps relieve pain, coughs and sore throats

60. On that first story, the doors stood ajar, three of them like three Ambushes, shaking his nerves like the throats of cannon

61. Alleyways Map Alleyways Map Map Level: 69 Map Tier: 2 Guild Character: a An unwashed gutter, where wretches cut purses and throats alike

62. I have been in Bonni Tromello's office for 6 years now and she NEVER pushes meds down peoples throats Bonni does functional medicine

63. I helped him at the Jie sore throats, a lot of suppuration release, the occasion will be cured Jie sore, is a very simple operation.

64. Being antipyretic, they also effectively reduce a raised temperature, hence are widely advertised and used as remedies for sore throats, common colds and influenzal illnesses.

65. As is typical among birds, it is male Bluethroats that display more extravagant plumage than their female counterparts, whose throats do not feature this blue patch.

66. The stabbing attacks that were carried out in the past two weeks were actually attempts to slit the throats of Jews, regardless of their age and gender.

67. Alleyways MapMap Level: 75Map Tier: 8Guild Character: aAn unwashed gutter, where wretches cut purses and throats alike.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device

68. For sudden colds and acute fevers, Aconite eases symptoms in the initial phases – sniffles, sneezes and sore throats, especially if symptoms follow a cold wind or emotional stress.

69. What illnesses are caused by viruses and can’t be treated by Antibiotics? Viruses cause most upper respiratory infections, which include head colds, sore throats, bronchitis, and sinus infections.

70. If you are more the strategic type of gamer, and not the aggressive fighter that goes on punching heads and slicing throats, here’s a totally accurate Battle simulator for you

71. But accepting rather than Argufying.’ Synonyms quarrel , disagree, row, squabble, bicker, fight, wrangle, dispute, feud, have a row, bandy words, have words, cross swords, lock horns, be at each other's throats

72. Accessories for fireplace heating installations or enclosed chimney fireplaces, namely: chimney throats, fume ducts, firedogs, protection grilles, air inlets and outlets, ash receptacles, air admission and evacuation valves, glass doors, ventilators

73. Some people praise the use of apple Cider vinegar as a cure-all for a range of conditions, including diabetes, weight loss, sore throats, skin and hair problems and more.

74. At-desk, ate, at each other's throats, A Team, at ease, Atebrin, atef-crown, atelectasis, atelier, ateliosis, ateliotic dwarf Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William …

75. Antibiotics are no longer routinely used to treat: chest infections; ear infections in children; sore throats; When it comes to Antibiotics, take your doctor's advice on whether you need them or not.

76. Alleyways MapMap Level: 72Map Tier: 5Guild Character: aAn unwashed gutter, where wretches cut purses and throats alike.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device

77. Many people complain about Advertisements as an obnoxious way for companies to invade our everyday lives and cram their products down our throats, but that's not all that Advertisements are good for

78. As for Ghostbusters (2016), the reason the hAtedom is the way it is, is because Sony and Paul Feig keep trying to push their Identity Politics narriative down people's throats and people are tired of it

79. Starting with Patch 1.23.0, Blizzard removed the legacy MPQ files along with the original Editor; but because Cartooned got forced down our throats HDDs at the same time, there is overall no HDD footprint gain for the computer user

80. Persons with active infections were Aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.